
Leon Greyrat: The Second Son - Mushoku Tensei OC

One day in the six-faced world, a newborn child, completely conscious of his surroundings, is taken in by a certain party of adventurers… the Fangs of the Black Wolf. But not two years later, the party splits, and our main character, Leon, is greeted with the pleasant surprise of a younger brother, in the form of Rudeus Greyrat. As Leon discovers more of the world and increases his strength to stave off any danger he could encounter, he comes to realize that in this world, and in his life, there is one thing he holds dear above all… family. Arcs are released in batches. Relationships (Spoilers): OC x Sylphiette, Roxy, Eris, ? Rudeus x Sara, ?, ?

OmegaLul1234 · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 20 - A Letter

— Leon Greyrat —

It was now spring, and with that, Eris and Rudy had grown a year older.

Even though nine wasn't a celebrated birthday, Eris seemed awfully happy about her new age, likely due to having finally caught up with me.

She was competitive like that, and I had come to find it quite endearing.

As for my magic abilities, while they hadn't grown too much, I was now able to cast Intermediate-rank barrier magic without an incantation… though it took a bit of focus and time, mostly due to needing to memorize the magic circle before performing it. 

Hopefully, the time and focus needed would be reduced with practice, much like all the other magic I've trained in.

During this time, my swordsmanship had also advanced. 

Not only had I gotten a better grasp of the Longsword of Light, but I also was able to use magic with my movements seamlessly. 

Or, at least, that was the case with the techniques I had practised so far.

As I had discovered, the key to controlling the pure power that was the Longsword of Light turned out to be enhancing your mind and senses in order to perceive the world and react while going at such insane speeds.

It still required work, of course, but Ghislaine said I was progressing nicely with the ultimate technique of the Sword God.

Hmm… as an ultimate technique, it was already perfect, but I felt like if I could do what Paul does, where he moulds his Sword God attacks with the smoothness of the Water God, it could be even better.

But to do that, I would need to know a Water God technique at the Saint rank in order to keep up… so that was still a while away.

After all, unlike with Ghislaine, I had no connections with a Water King, nor a Water Saint, for that matter.

Hearing a knock at my door, I dissipated the fireball I was playing with before answering, "What is it?"

Opening the door, Ghislaine then tossed me an envelope. "You have a letter."

A letter? But my family had already sent theirs for this month…

Did something go wrong?

Looking at the letter, I noticed that the handwriting wasn't one I recognized.

Or rather, I recognized it, but it had been two years since I'd seen it, so I was simply surprised.

'To Leon and Rudeus Greyrat of Buena Village'

Roxy… it's been quite a while.

"It's addressed to my home in Buena, right? Why wasn't it sent there?" I asked.

Ghislaine shrugged. "Who knows? But it was addressed to you, right? Whoever received it probably knew you were staying here rather than at home."


Letters were often taken by merchants on their travels for a small fee, and the one that often travelled between Roa and Buena Village knew that I was here from the constant communication between my family and me, so they must have decided to just give it to me before Rudy.

Opening the letter, it then revealed two folded pages, likely one meant for each of us. 

Taking out the first one, I then read through its contents, all written in the Demon God tongue.

Okay… it's been a little bit since I had practised, but at least she seemed to have chosen words in my vocabulary. 

Was this some sort of lesson? 

That does sound like something she would do.

Dear Leon. How have you been?

It's hard to believe that two years have passed since we parted, but since I've somewhat settled down, I decided to finally write to you.

Currently, I am staying in the royal capital of the Kingdom of Shirone, acting as the tutor for a young prince. It seems that with all my exploring and adventuring, I had made something of a name for myself.

Teaching him brings back memories of the time with you and the Greyrat house, particularly, of Rudeus, as the young prince seems prone to stealing my underwear and peeping when I'm changing. But he's quick-witted, and a budding young magician in his own right, though not as talented as you and your brother.

I'm a bit worried he'll assault me before I finish teaching him, but worry not, for I will still wait to see if those charming words you spoke during our departure remain true once you become an adult. Honestly… I do not know what you and other people find appealing about a body like mine.

Anyway, while my new student is troublesome, the Royal Library has many helpful books in my pursuit of magic, and due to that, I have finally gotten a hang of King-rank water spells.

I have also made some advances in chantless casting, and as of now, I can cast Beginner-rank water spells with no incantation. It was difficult without your help, but with my training, I've come to appreciate just how skilled Rudeus and you are.

But that is enough about me. 

I wonder how you have grown in this time? Perhaps you are already an Advanced-rank swordsman by now? Although your father has his faults, he is surely one of the most reliable swordsmen in terms of skills I have met. And with magic, I wouldn't be surprised if you and Rudeus are casting Emperor-tier spells by now.

I would say that if you hit a dead end in your magic abilities to go to the Ranoa University of Magic, but I know you were averse to the idea before we parted. And now that I have some experience in chantless magic, I know that your path of growth is different from the traditional sense.

Anyway, I hope life has treated you well, and if you had any trouble reading this letter, or my notes on the spells, take this as a lesson in the Demon God tongue from your teacher. And… if you still have feelings for me, I will visit Buena Village in six- no, five years to see. Though in that time, perhaps you will have grown to love that girl, Sylphy, instead.

Until we meet again - Roxy

P.S. I may have left this country by the time your reply reaches it, so do not feel obligated to respond. And if you do, do not put any information in it that you would not want to be read by others. I unfortunately do not have the luxury of privacy in the case of international communication.

So… Roxy was now a King-rank water magician, huh?

My mind hadn't changed about her, and as I've grown over the years, my feelings were only cemented further.

I loved her.

I wanted to be with her.

But five years…

I'd wait until then, I guess, to show her my seriousness.

Folding her letter into my pocket, I then checked the other one that was addressed to Rudeus.

A quick glance showed me that the contents were similar to mine, but instead of talking about feelings, it was more about his advancements in magic, and a reminder to go to Ranoa if he felt stuck.

Well… I know he was seven now, but it still felt a little young to go so far away.

Perhaps I should visit home then, as I wanted to make a proposition to Mama and Father anyway.

Taking out a paper and a quill, I then wrote a letter in response, keeping her warning in mind.

It was mostly about how the past two years had been. 

About me going to Roa, becoming a guard and a tutor for Eris, how Paul cheated and got two daughters and a new wife, and also about how I became a Sword Saint.

That last one was sure to be a surprise.

I then wrote some embarrassing words about how I still loved her, and about her charms, as well as that she was welcome to return to me and my family if she had any problems with the Kingdom or her travels.

After all, she would have the protection of a devoted Sword Saint, and one that knew chantless magic as well.

Closing the envelope, I then wrote down Roxy's name and the royal palace of Shirone as the address before asking a maid to send it along with a silver coin for the fee.

Now… I think it would be best to deliver this other letter to Rudy myself, and since tomorrow was the weekend, the timing was perfect.

Though I'd still have to ask Philip for an extra day off. 

But since I've become a Sword Saint, I was now a bit underpaid, even with the extra three silver a month I made thanks to Eris' complaining, so he would surely accept my temporary leave.

I'd also be able to see how my cute sisters have grown as well.

Hmm… I was planning on getting Rudy that book on the local fauna, but if my plan came to fruition, then soon, he wouldn't need it anyway.

— Information on the Six-Faced World —

Ancient Dragon War

Around 10,000-20,000 years ago, in the dragon world, an evil and powerful Dragon God was born. With his power, he destroyed the barriers separating the seven worlds, and with his followers, known as the Five Dragon Commanders, he began invading and destroying said worlds.

When there was only one other world left, the Five Dragon Commanders turned on the mad Dragon God. With the Dragon Emperor as the leader, along with the four Dragon Kings, they fought the Dragon God to the death.

It ended in a draw, and the dragon world crumbled in the aftermath, leaving only the human world, which is the world that is known as it is today.

— Leon Greyrat —

Walking through the village, as I made my way toward my house, I noticed two figures in the distance at the top of the hill I used to use for training.

Jogging up to the two, I watched with a smile as Rudy and Sylphy practised their magic, with Rudy creating one of his figures as he leaned against the tree, and Sylphy dancing along with a floating stream of water.

"Hey! You two!" I said with a wave.

They both looked my way with confusion, but upon seeing my face, their eyes lit up in happiness.

"Leon! You're back!" Sylphy said, running toward me.

"Yes I- Omph!"

Catching her as she jumped into my arms, I gave her a light squeeze before placing her back on the ground.

"Welcome home, Brother. But I thought you said you'd visit in the summer? Why are you so early?" Rudy asked.

"Well… it seems you got a letter, so I decided to deliver it personally," I said with a smirk.

He tilted his head in confusion. "From who?"

"Roxy," I answered.

His eyes sparkled.

"But let's head inside first. I want to see my baby sisters!" I exclaimed.

With Sylphy hesitantly grabbing my hand, she then led me toward the house, with Rudy keeping pace behind us.

From the way he was smiling… I guess he missed Roxy too, huh?

Well, considering her panties had been an object of his worship until they were taken by Mama, I should have expected this.

Walking through the front door, I saw that the entire family was gathered in the living room, with Paul sitting on the couch with Lilia and Mama on his left, their respective daughters held in their arms. 

My smile widened upon seeing the stuffed animals that I got them were being held by their tiny hands.


"Mama! Lilia! I'm back!" I said, walking toward them.

They both turned to me with a start before simultaneously growing warm smiles.

"Leon! Welcome back, sweetie! Come give Mama a hug," Mama said, opening her free arm.

Happily granting her request, I wrapped my arms gently across her and Lilia while looking down at the two babies with interest.

"Gaguu!" Aisha cried, pointing her hand toward me.

Just like her mother, she had beautiful reddish-brown hair, although it seemed that she had inherited Paul's green eyes.

A shame.

The one held in Mama's arms looked at me silently with wide eyes before pulling her bunny closer, covering her face slightly.

Norn, like her mother, had bright blonde hair, but just like her sister, she had inherited Paul's eyes.

And the two of them were absolutely adorable.

Letting Aisha grab hold of my finger, I then looked over to Paul, who was looking at me with a mix of pride and shame.

"Hey, kid. So… you really became a Sword Saint, huh?" he said.

"Yep," I answered. "But I still have a way to go."

"Mmm… It's good not to be arrogant," he said before gesturing toward my hip. "Is that your new sword?"

"Yeah. Sorry for breaking yours. Finally had to live up to my title of guard, I guess," I said with a shrug.

"Hmm… good job protecting the little lady," he said dismissively.

Lilia sent the man a glare before looking back at me. "We're very proud of you, Leon. And so is your father. He's just a little embarrassed you've already surpassed him before reaching your second birthday."

"Oh, I know!" I answered smugly.

"Tsk. I-I'm gonna go patrol," Paul said, getting up. "But Leon… why did you visit now and not the summer?"

"I came to deliver a letter to Rudy. Speaking of, here you go," I said, throwing the envelope over to my brother.

He snatched it in the air before running over to the table and opening it up.

"Anyway… I also want to talk to you guys before I go. Do you mind if I stay the night?" I asked.

"Of course not! Now spend some time with your sisters! They really love the presents you got them," Mama said, tapping the seat beside her.

As soon as I sat down, both of my mothers passed their babies over, making me hold one in each arm.

Looking down at Aisha, she looked at me with interest before she started pulling on my scarf.


Turning my head over to Norn, I watched as she stared into my eyes with wonder for a few moments before suddenly hiding behind her stuffy once again.

Very cute.

"Oh? Norn isn't making a fuss," Mama said happily. "She still cries whenever your father picks her up, but with you, she just looks shy. How cute!"

I agree.

With Sylphy sliding down next to me, I kept hold of my sisters as I started talking about how I had been, going over some of the things I talked about in letters as well.

After all, speaking in person had a different feeling to it.

Glancing over at Rudy, he seemed to have finished reading his letter, but instead of looking giddy or excited, he simply looked determined.

Hmm… just like I thought.

He wanted to improve.

Well, I was certainly happy about that, but I didn't want him travelling to Ranoa on his own. 

At least not yet.

Luckily, I had already brought this up with Philip, and we had even decided to weave the possibility into a trap for the still-unknown enemy.

Sorry, little brother, but since I'm strong, you can just leave everything to me.

"What's wrong, Rudy?" I asked.

"Nothing, just… it's nothing. I'm going to my room," he said, getting up.

"Hm? Is something wrong?" Mama asked.

"No." he shook his head. "I just… need some time to think, is all. And write Master Roxy a letter."

With him heading upstairs, I then spent some nice family time, including changing a dirty diaper and calming down a crying Norn with some artistic displays of water magic.

Eventually, Paul returned, taking a seat between his wives as Rudy came back down from his room.

"Father," my brother said. "Can I make a selfish request?"

"Hell no!"

Both Mama and Lilia twisted his ears.

"Just tell your father what you want, Rudy. He'll make it happen," Mama said.

"It's the least he could do to finally show some paternal dignity," Lilia added.

I was very glad to see that Lilia had seemingly taken my words to heart, and had begun to act more as a wife than a maid, even after recovering from pregnancy.

Though that might be more of Mama forcing her to act as such rather than my words or her personal feelings… well, I was glad regardless.

"Jeez! I was just kidding! For the most part… if he's asking permission, then it's obviously something crazy," he said.

Adjusting my hold of Aisha, I looked over to Rudy. "Just say it, Rudy. I think I know what you're going to ask for anyway."

Nodding at me, he continued, "I've recently hit a dead end with my magical studies, so I'm hoping I could go to the Ranoa University of Magic."

The room turned silent as the three parents made a complicated expression, and looking at Sylphy at my side, she seemed quite sad.

"Don't worry," I said, squeezing her arm. "I won't let you be alone."

"Oh? T-Thanks…" she blushed before looking sadly at my brother. "But Rudy…"

Yeah. Well, let's hear Paul's answer.

"No. I can't allow that," he said seriously.

A firm refusal.

Despite this, Lilia and Mama both keep silent. 

After all, they likely agreed with the man.

Rudy clenched his fist. "Can I ask why not?"

"I've got two reasons," Paul said, raising a finger. "First, you're still in the middle of your sword training. If you stop now, you'll end up a permanent amateur. Even if you prefer magic, as your sword instructor, I can't allow that." 

He then raised a second finger. "Second, you're only seven years old. You're a smart kid, but you're still inexperienced. It would be irresponsible to let you go so far away right now. Thanks to your brother, money isn't an issue, but it will still take some time before I can cut you loose like that."

A rational, logical denial.

Well done, Paul, it seems that you've grown a bit after having dealt with me.

"I understand… I'll continue training with you in the sword, but… when do you think it could happen?" Rudy asked.

"Hmm…" Paul hummed, putting his hand to his chin. "Let's say… fifteen? No, how about twelve? Yeah, twelve sounds good."

"Okay. But why twelve?" Rudy asked.

"Because that's the age I left home!" Paul said with a smirk.

"I see… but haven't you said I was smarter than you were?" Rudy asked.

"Yep, but you aren't an Advanced-rank swordsman, are you?" Paul laughed.

Rudy then sat down with a slight pout. "Lilia, is dinner ready yet?"

Lilia then got up and looked into the pot that is boiling over the fire.

"Almost, Rudeus. Speaking of, are you joining us tonight, Sylphy?"

My friend jolted before looking up at me.

"Umm… no, I don't want to interrupt Leon and his family-"

"Quit that, Sylphy," I said, cutting her off. "Haven't I told you this before? You're basically family to me."

Her eyes widened before she quickly turned her head away. "O-Okay! I'll stay then!"

Looking up at my family, I noticed that Lilia, Mama, and Rudy are all giving me strange, strained smiles as Paul simply laughed to himself. 

"Ha! Wonder where he gets that from?"

'Gets what from?' was what I wanted to ask, but before I could, Mama pulled on his ear once again, ending any further conversation.

— Leon Greyrat —

"Goodnight Rudy! Sleep well," I said with a wave.

"Goodnight, brother. Are you not going to bed yet?" Rudy asked.

"No. I just have some questions I want to ask Mama and Father in private," I shrugged.

Rudy gave me a knowing grin. "I see. So it's finally time then… well, don't stay up too late."

"Sure…" I said, a bit confused. 

What was he talking about?

"Anyway, do you want to join me on my morning exercise tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, for sure. It'd be cool to train with a genuine Sword Saint," he smiled.

"Heh. Don't tell Father that," I said. "Anyway, sleep well."

With Rudy heading up the stairs, I waited a few minutes until I sensed him falling asleep before sitting down at the table, where Lilia, Mama, and Father were already seated.

"So… son. Why did you want to talk to us without Rudy here? I know that's not your usual style," Paul said.

"It's because it's about Rudy," I answered. "I don't know if you noticed, but I could tell from his eyes that Rudy isn't going to accept your five-year wait."

Paul sighed. "Yep. Figured. And knowing him, he'd definitely be able to weasel his way out of leaving early."

"Yes, and considering he could probably get a scholarship being a Saint-rank water magician, he wouldn't even need your guys' support," I said. "But he should stay in one place close, even if it's not home. He needs some stability in his life."

Mama nodded at this. "I don't want my baby leaving for so far away. He's only seven. No matter how much of a genius he is, he's still a child."

"And because of this," I said. "He should also learn a bit more about the world in this time. Something he can't do in a rural village like this."

All three pairs of eyes turned to look at me before Paul spoke up. "What are you getting at, Leon?"

"Well… I've been missing home recently, especially with my sisters getting bigger, but I can't exactly leave Eris alone during that time, nor can I take her here like I did before-"

"Get to the point, Leon," Paul said.

So impatient…

"I think Rudy should go to Roa," I said. "More specifically, he should take over my position as Eris' tutor."

Paul raised his eyebrow. "Really? I thought you were quite fond of the little Missy. Did something change?"

"Nothing like that," I shook my head. "It's not like I would completely abandon her. While I'd be spending more time here, I would still act as her tutor and guard for most of the time. Plus, I think it'd be good for her to spend time with more people than just me, even if I would prefer it be Sylphy."

But then again, with me not occupied with Eris, I could take Sylphy to Roa whenever I wanted…

"I see… and what about your pay?" Paul asked.

"It would stay the same, since while I wouldn't be as active, it still hasn't been adjusted for me becoming a Sword Saint. And as for Rudy, he would get about five silver coins per month," I explained.

"Five silver coins, eh? That's not bad… but how will you convince him? You're pretty clever yourself, Leon, but that kid is an expert at winning any conversation," Paul said.

"Husband. Why are you pushing that onto your nine-year-old son?" Lilia said.

"It's his idea!" Paul said.

"Paul…" Mama said with disappointment.

"Well… I don't really know how to convince him, other than telling him about the library there. Do you have any ideas, Father?" I asked.

"Hmm…" Paul then placed his hand on his chin.

Oh? Maybe he learned how to deal with Rudy during my absence?

"I can always beat him up?"

That earned him two smacks from his wives.

"Ouch! Hey! It would also be a way to show him how scary the world is! He's only sparred, right? Without any real-world experience, he'd be screwed if he went about it like it was training!" Paul said.

Begrudgingly, I had to agree with the man.

If I had hesitated for a moment during my fight with those kidnappers, I would have died, and I would have definitely hesitated without my fight against monsters and training with Big Sis when she acted serious acting as my first experience with genuine bloodlust.

"Anyway, I'm fine with the idea," Paul said.

"Okay… what about you, Mama? Lilia?" I asked.

"I will trust everyone's decisions in regard to Rudeus," Lilia said.

"I… don't want another one of my babies leaving home…" Mama said sadly. "But it's better than Rudy running off to Ranoa, so… I agree."

She still looked a little sad though…

"Don't worry, Mama," I said, squeezing her hand. "I'll be here more often, so I can help with my sisters and make sure you're not lonely."

That brought a small smile to her face. "Thanks, Leon."

"Anyway, did Philip already agree to this? And what about old man Sauros?" Paul asked.

"Oh, don't worry, Father," I said. "You can leave all that to me."

Be grateful, Rudy, your big brother here is gonna get you a job.

While a large part of my reason for having Rudy come to Roa was to draw out the enemy, I truly did think it would be good for him.

— Rudeus Greyrat —

It had been around two weeks since my brother's short visit and the consequent arrival of Roxy's letter.

Roxy had become a King rank magician and had even learned how to use magic without an incantation.

Leon was also growing, becoming the youngest Sword Saint that has ever been known at the age of nine.

And as for me?

Well, my abilities… they've stagnated.

As much as I liked this peaceful village and this family of mine, I didn't want to waste away this second chance at life either. 

Plus, I also wanted to finally get my hands on a fresh pool of young girls.

In short, I wanted to go to Ranoa.

The only issue, was that Paul made things pretty clear that I'd have to wait five years.

But with enough convincing, I bet I could whittle it down to two… maybe. 

I'd have to test the waters, though.

"Hey, Rudy," Paul suddenly said, his face stern.

"What is it, Father?" I asked.

We were just finishing up our morning training, and with my body sore and sweaty, I was ready to give myself a nice relaxing bath as a reward for my hard work.

"How would you feel if I told you I got you a job?" he asked.

A job?

A job… it would be my first ever, in both lives.

I wasn't averse to the idea, especially seeing how well Leon's has worked out for him, but… I still had my commitment to Ranoa to think about.

"I wouldn't mind. It depends on how long I would be expected to work, though," I said.

"It depends, eh? What about five years?" he asked.

My lips curled into a frown. "I don't know about that."

"Figures," he nodded. "I guess Leon was right, huh?"

All of a sudden, Paul's aura changed, and what was previously curiosity and playfulness in his eyes transformed into a look of intimidating murder. 

Even an amateur like me could sense what was coming next.


In one smooth motion, my father leaped forward, his wooden sword held strong in his hands. 

Despite it being a practice sword, I could feel the cold, silent feeling of death rushing toward me, and acting on instinct, I responded with all the power at my disposal. 

Using wind magic to create a pressure blast that blew me back, I dragged my hand across the ground, turning the earth below Paul's feet into a thick, murky quagmire.

Paul's foot sunk into the ground, but that doesn't stop his attack, as with one giant leap, he crosses the distance toward me.


I swing my sword in a blind panic, trying to intercept him. 

It was an ugly, uncontrolled, and careless attack. 

Nothing like the careful, precise strikes I had trained over the years.

My sword wobbled uncomfortably in my hand as my blow was gently turned to the side with the smoothness of the Water God style.

One thing about the Water God style, is that once a blow is deflected, it is often followed up with a counter-attack.

And this time was not any different.

I watched as Paul's blade arced toward me for a moment that felt like an eternity, and with a sharp blow to my neck, I was knocked instantly unconscious.

— Rudeus Greyrat —

As I woke up, I found myself inside a box of some sort. 

No, considering all the swaying and clattering, it was probably some sort of carriage.

Sitting up, a woman came into view, sitting on the opposite side of the carriage with her legs crossed lazily over the other. 

She had brown skin, a muscular body covered in scars, and was dressed in skimpy leather clothes. 

Oh, and she had very nice melons.

The strong features, paired with her eye patch and sheathed sword, gave her a really intimidating vibe.

Wait… those ears… so this was a beastfolk?

With the woman glancing at me with curiosity, I decided to do a preemptive introduction.

"Nice to meet you," I said with a bow. "My name's Rudeus Greyrat."

She raised her eyebrow. "You're oddly polite for Paul's son. I guess Zenith and Leon taught you well."

Huh? I guess she knew both of my parents.

And considering she knew Leon…

"Are you Ghislaine, by any chance?" I asked.

"Indeed. We'll be getting acquainted starting tomorrow, but how did you know my name?" she asked.

"My brother has told me about you. Although he sometimes slipped in 'Big Sis'," I explained.

"Ah," she murmured with a warm smile. "I see. He's also told me quite a bit about you. Anyway, this is for you, from Paul."

She then handed me a letter, which I quickly read through.

To my dear son Rudeus. If you are reading this, it means that I have left this world.


Wait, there's more.

Sorry, just kidding! I always wanted to try that on somebody!

Anyway, I'll keep this explanation short and sweet. You're going to be taking over Leon's job in tutoring the young lady Eris, as well as Ghislaine there, in Roa. In return, you'll receive training from Ghislaine, who is a Sword King, and four silver coins per month.

…What? I'd have to teach… Eris?

Use this chance to get a feel for the real world and practice spending money effectively. Then again, you might not need any practice with how gifted you are. Just don't go buying any women, okay?

Father… that last part was not necessary.

Additionally, by the end of your five-year contract, you'll be given a payment covering the cost of tuition at the Ranoa University of Magic as well as a noble sponsorship that will net you a nice room.

Five years? Shit. They planned this out, didn't they? Paul and Leon, that is.

Take this time to learn about many things about this world and let this new environment develop your talents further. 

Sincerely, your noble, wise, and brilliant father, Paul.

Haa… what the hell?

So they trapped me with a job, huh?

Well… Leon did mention that the library was impressive, and considering I would be guaranteed free tuition without harming my family's finances… yeah, this wasn't bad.

Oh? There was more?

P.S. Feel free to make a move on any ladies that you meet, as long as it's consensual and they're clean. But that ball of muscle's already mine, so hands off!

"Ghislaine, can I send this letter back to my mother?" I asked.


I showed her the letter, more specifically, the last part of it.

Her eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Mmm. I'll be sure to."

And with that, I found myself travelling to the Citadel of Roa, the largest settlement of the Fittoa Region.

I hope this all works out well…