

The novel revolves around a person named Leon who has been persecuted throughout his life, even though he is a member of the richest families. However, he finds himself in an evil organization that aims to create special, supernatural children. What will his life become after he undergoes the dragon experiment? And what will happen to him after he turns into a human monster devoid of purpose, emotions, and will

DaoisthAQvrC · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Hustory progresses towards that tree I hide behind, and I'm starting to feel fear and tension striking all the corners of my heart.

If I try to escape, he'll see me and grab me, and if I stay, either way, I'm in great misfortune.

Hustory stopped and said, "Get out, I promise you you won't get hurt.

I reassured him a little bit and stepped on my afraid and shaking heart and I went out to him and I'm telling him to forgive me and I'm never going to give it back.

He stared at me for a few seconds, making me more nervous, that cold look and that expressionless face that I couldn't know was angry, upset or indifferent.

So he breaks the silence and tells me: "It's good that it's you.

M.L. ' What?

Yeah, it would have been awkward if one of my brothers was you, because it's hard to explain why I was out late at night, but since you don't need me to justify anything.

I was confused, but I sighed with relief when I heard this talk from him.

But I asked him because curiosity was eating me: "How did I know I was watching you? I'm sure I didn't make any sound before that.

Hustory: "Simply because you're not good at hiding, but your night vision is really good, so I put that duck near that tree.

Leon: "What? You... Put it really

Hustory: "Yeah, it looks like that week made you keep the terrain behind that tree without having to look at the Earth.

Actually, after Hustory said those words, like he slapped me in the face, I didn't imagine he was that smart. He's a real genius.

Hesturi progressed towards me and I immediately covered my face with my arm ready to take the blows, but it passed by me... He overtook me without doing anything. Well he's never bullied me before. I seem to think it's so trivial that I don't deserve to be bullied.

I was about to tell him something, but

Before I went on, he interrupted me, saying, "It's okay. I'm not going to tell anybody.

Leon: "Thank you so much I won't forget this... But I've always wanted to ask you sorry for my rudeness, but what will you do after you become like my dad?

Hustory: "I don't know, you idiot. Are children thinking about dying when they're born?

If you think about following me again, you're dead.

And he looked at me in this terrifying way with those red eyes shining under the light of this white moon.

It was a really scary scene.

Especially when he turned to me and I fell because my feet couldn't hold me anymore, but he overtook me again and went deeper in that garden that looked like a vast forest.

I ran quickly towards the house and walked into that basement and threw myself at that bed, and I'm shaking cold and really scared... I'm so afraid.

The details of that face and those terrifying red looks are not the looks of a seven-year-old like me.

That eye has tremendous pressure that made me sweat from the intensity of fear.

Until I felt something licking my hand, I turned my neck so I could see that little cat.

Thanks to this cat, I was able to get through this night peacefully.

I woke up early this morning because this annoying cat sleeps on my face again.

I grabbed that cat and lifted him up for my face, and I'm telling him: "Hey, didn't you find a better place to sleep than my fase?

Cat: "Miao

I started to laugh at myself involuntarily, like I was waiting for the cat to talk.

I came out of the basement and it looks like my brothers haven't woken up yet and for the first time in my life I see my dad going to work in that uniform.

I gathered all my courage and said, "Good morning, Dad.

But yes, as expected, exceed me, ignore me, and like I'm a creature who doesn't see, well.

I'll be honest. I didn't expect anything else. He always ignores me and doesn't give me any attention that he hasn't spoken to before, and not once, which made me very complicated in this respect. I just lowered my head and gazed at the ground with great frustration and disappointment.

I feel like I'm empty inside. No family. No friends. Nothing pleases me. Nothing can make me forget this pain. Everything slowly destroys me.

In the end, I learned that humans are more afraid of psychological harm than physical pain, but I've had them all at once every day since the beginning of my life.

What should I do to change their inferior view of me?

Many times I've come to think that I'm adopted, but I just kicked that idea out of my brain right away because it's not possible and impossible for an extremely wealthy family like this.

So the only disadvantage is my face.

I arranged my stuff and uploaded my worn-out wallet to go to school and I'm walking to the exit with those lumbering steps.

I went out to see as usual, and like every day that luxury car, I always hear my brothers talk about the splendour of that school.

I mean their private school. It is clear from its name that it is not like my public school

Because only children who have parents with good financial income can enter it

Ridiculous, right?

I sighed loudly and Krike completed to school that routine that I used to distance from my home to school is 30 minutes' walk, not close, but I'm used to that real problem is hunger.

When I told you that school was paradise, I didn't mean that the people there were good to me, I meant something else.

Hmm. Do you find out? You're a really smart reader?

The only good thing about that school is food. At least I can eat for free there. That's why I haven't collapsed yet.

While Leon is on his way to school in the meantime being watched by someone from somewhere with their silver eyes and smiling: "That's nice. I think he's the right person.

I got to school and as soon as I walked into the classroom I see all my colleagues looking at me that way, and the girls whispering among themselves and looking at me and laughing that muffled laugh with their hands.

Everyone treats me as a disgusting object. I went and sat in my usual seat.

By the way, I'm sitting alone. That's for sure.

While trying to get to my seat, I could hear the whispers of the girls who were talking about me saying,

He's really the ugliest I've ever seen. Look at him.

Why he comes to school

It's really disgusting.

I ignored those words and immediately after I tired of sitting down so I could feel someone's arm wrapping my neck and he would say, "Hey, stupid pig, there's a new schoolgirl coming today, so I want you to bully anyone here, and then I come and beat you and I defend what you bullied, so I'll be like the hero in front of her.... Do you understand or restate my words?

.... This was the boy who used to bully me

since the beginning of the school year, and he is the cause of most of the problems I face in this school.

B.But I can't.

Hah ?

Do you dare to fear my orders? And once I grabbed the tip of my clothes and dragged me to him when he raised his hand to beat me, the teacher went in: "Calm down, little ones, let each of you sit in his place today, we have a new student who welcomed him.

I miraculously survived, but how did this bully know she was a girl?

The teacher then asked the student standing at the door to enter the classroom.

A beautiful girl walked into the classroom, took the chalk, wrote her name on Black Patience, saying, "My name is Kiara. I was honored to know you all.

I got the attention of all the kids in the classroom I heard so many whispers around me like: "She's beautiful - she looks really nice - she looks nice is she from this area

She was really a beautiful girl with long black hair and also her red eyes remind me of Hastoi... It really looked a lot like me because I remembered what happened yesterday.

The teacher told this new schoolgirl: "Honey, choose a place to sit.

Of course, all places are reserved. The only vacant place is the seat next to me.

I expected a reaction like, "There's no way I could sit next to this baby," but this girl came up to me and sat next to me normally, which made me very ashamed and colored my face red.

My name is Kiara Roslin.

a. " I'm Leon Martinez.

You don't mind sitting next to you, do you?

I told her, and I'm agitated, of course, I never mind.


And here is the end of this chapter. Thank you for reading ❤️✌🏻 And thank you to the one who gave me an energy stone. I appreciate that, my friend. Also, if any of you have any advice or instructions that improve the quality of this novel, I will be happy to read your comment.

Goodbye, see you in the next chapter 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻❤️💗❤️