
LEO: Roar of the raging Lion

Hameira Aquinox, already known as Stella in her past life passed on and resurrected in an obscure world where enchantment, rulers and wars exist. Investing her days calmly on the farmland when knights made their way to her and attempted to capture her. The kingdom Avmalor was known to be quiet and affluent not until the war between people and ethereal creatures happened. Since at that point, one with the control of a celestia are constrained to confront their conclusion. Now what will happen to Hameira as she go on an experience to elude the grasp of the Avmalor individuals? Will she be able to discover her reason? Or just like the others, will she die in vain?

roseindreams · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 002

I can still remember what mother and father used to say. The capital is very crowded, festive and you can see a lot of things. But I don't need those, I want to see them. Just why? I lost my family in my previous life and now... again? Why do I have to suffer like this? Can't I just be happy?

The streets are busy, people and stores are everywhere and from here, I can see the palace. All I know is that it's very big. The whole people in my village can sleep in there. I sighed, I have been wandering for days now. I don't know where to go. I don't know anyone side from my family. I mean, the little ol' me prefers to stay home and do nothing. How I wish mobile phones exist here.

I look at the shops and saw some goodies. I wanted to buy one but I don't really have 5 silvers with me right now. I only have 1 silver and I'm freaking hungry! Even thirsty! Ugh, if only I stayed at our house no? But I'll be caught and die.

I started to walk again, hands on the pocket of my cloak. I tried covering my face with it. Hoping that it'll help me in hiding from the knights while still wandering around.

"Oh dear! Get that thief Valthazar!" My brows knotted when I heard someone screamed from afar. I look back when someone suddenly hit the right side of my shoulder. It hurts!

"Hey!" I called, but the man in black clothes still ran. I don't have a choice but to follow him. I need my apology you know! Mother said to always apologize when you did wrong. And that man clearly did!

My breath started to be heavy, I don't know how long I've ran now. That's when I noticed a guy, he looks like a noble. He is running behind me. I don't know if he's chasing me or the guy. Wait, he isn't part of the knights is he? I'm doomed!

I ran fast, that when I noticed another route but it leads to a river. But I don't care, the apology? That guy can have it. I have to go!

I jumped and immediately felt the cold water in my body. The river was deep, really deep. And I just remembered, I don't know how to swim! I feel my body weakening. My eyes are closing, as if I'm sleepy.

I'm starting to lose my breath. Someone.... Help.

I reached out my hand when someone suddenly grabbed me upwards. Water started to come out of my mouth. I coughed them up as I lie down on the sidewalk, wait, is this called a sidewalk here?

"Hey miss, are you okay?" A manly voice suddenly asked.

"Ugh! We lost that thief you slowpoke of a brother! Argh!" I breathed then opened my eyes. I saw two figures standing beside me.

They have both a blonde hair, blue eyes, and... they look so attractive! The guys have this muscles and the woman has that dreamy curves! And I... look like a piece of whatever a paper it is.

"You..." The woman suddenly said, her eyes were at my wrist. Oh!

I immediately covered it with my cloak. I rummaged into my bag, thankfully, I placed a waterproof magic in it. I grabbed a cloth and tied it on my wrist.

"You're a celestia and a leo..." The woman said, her eyes were still fixated on my covered wrist.

"Uh thank you and uhh... I have to g-"

"No! Valthy, stop her!" I was about to run when a strong arm suddenly wrapped around my waist. No!

"Let's take home the leo" huh? Leo?

They placed me on their carriage, the guy gave me his coat. Hmm, a gentleman. The two sat in front of me and even stare at me like I'm someone majestic. Uhh, well, probably?

"When did you have that mark?" The guys suddenly ask, "oh pardon us. I'm Valthazar Trex Fuuro y Huezca, you can call me Valthazar and that's my twin sister, Veronica Freya Tuero y Huezca. We're the children of Teuro Huezca."

And I just bump myself to the children of a duke.

"And you? The woman with the Leo's mark..." The woman, uhm Lady Veronica said. Her blue eyes were filled with curiosity, but she still looks mean to me.

"Uhmm I'm Ha-"

"Ha what?" Veronica.

"Let her finish, will you?" Sir Valthazar said, he pushed his hair on the back with his hand and sighed on frustration.

"Ugh just shut up slowpoke" Lady Veronica said and rolled her eyes at her twin, then smiled at me. Is that really a smile?

"I'm Hameira" I said and look away. I can't tell them my full name do I?

"Just Hameira? You're not from a noble family?" Lady Veronica ask, placing her arms between her chest. Her brows slid up, like she is staring down at me. Nobles...

"Yes, I'm not a noble" I said, almost a whisper.

"Then why do you have the mark?" She asked again. Her tone is sharp. She's strict I can say.

"I don't know ,I just had it since I was young" I stared at her. Her face was emotionless. I turned to her brother who's looking out the window.

"Then, since we learned about your secret. Well as you know, celestia are known to be a threat in this kingdom. They all executed them. Anyways, my twin brother here..."


"Shush- he has the mark of the cold blooded Aquarius!" Her brother looked away, as if he doesn't want anyone e to know about it. "And he's definitely gonna bow down to that scary Aquarius!"


"I see...."

"You're boring Hameira, just chill since we'll keep you safe until the twelve comes" Veronica.

What? The twelve?

"Who are they?" I asked, confused. I hugged the coat and I slightly shivered at the cold air that passed.

"Oh, they're pretty famous especially in our magic class. They're the famous twelve, the zodiacs and that mark. Leo, you got the strongest and the leader wrapped in your hands baby" she said then winked at me.

Her brother sighed and so did I.

The twelve, the zodiacs huh...

To be continued...