
Leo's Wild Sexual Voyage

[mature content] Leo was a master of finesse. He traced her entrance with just the right amount of pressure, causing her to continuously moan. Later, he lifted her, arranging her to sit on him with her back towards him. The girl held onto the chair in front of her, looking back at Leo in fear. He urged her to turn her head away and not look as he resumed his rhythmic exploration. She was trembling as she sat on him, her lower back tense, unintentionally arching her butt. Leo gently stroked her as she melted into comfort, resting against the chair back. He undid his own pants, retrieving his rock-hard desire. He pulled aside her underwear and used his manhood to tease her intimate lips. The moment she felt the touch of him, she knew what was about to happen. The inevitable was about to occur, which surprisingly calmed her. She silently accepted and awaited his invasion.

Leevi007 · Urban
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29 Chs

The Reunion(Part 1)

Leo's school had a tradition of assigning a sophomore to each freshman based on their hometown, with the responsibility of meeting them before the start of the school year to assist with various trivial matters.

"Why wasn't anyone this nice to me before?" Leo grumbled.

He dialed the number of his assigned freshman, a girl named Moonie. From the phone number, it appeared that they lived in the same district. Leo introduced himself over the phone and asked if she needed any help.

"I'd like to visit the school," Moonie said, "Do you have time to take me?"

"Now?" Leo asked, glancing at the clock. It was just past ten in the morning.

"Yes, that would be great!" Moonie replied.

They agreed to meet at a nearby McDonald's. When Leo arrived on his bike, Moonie wasn't there yet, so he propped up his bike and waited.

"Hey!" a voice called from behind him.

Leo turned to see a girl with a radiant smile, holding a small handbag and sporting a neat fringe. She looked quite playful.

"Are you my junior?" Leo asked cautiously.

"Hehe," the girl laughed, "Don't you recognize me?"

Leo was dumbfounded. The girl seemed familiar, but he couldn't place her.

Seeing his confusion, the girl reluctantly revealed, "You blockhead, it's me, Moonie."

"Moonie...!" Leo suddenly remembered.

Moonie was a classmate from elementary school who had shared a desk with him in fifth and sixth grade. At that time, boys and girls who shared a desk would draw a clear boundary on the table, and crossing it would lead to a half-day argument.

Moonie started developing in sixth grade, and she grew quite quickly, becoming the focus of the boys' teasing. Leo, being mischievous, once deliberately bumped into her chest in front of everyone. Moonie cried out in pain and held a grudge, refusing to speak to Leo until graduation. After elementary school, Leo never saw her again and eventually forgot about her.

All of this was understandable, as they were just naive children. But the embarrassing part was that Moonie was Leo's first kiss.

One day in fifth grade, they were on cleaning duty after school. When everyone else had left, they stayed behind in the classroom to chat. Suddenly, Leo, overcome by an impulse, hugged Moonie and kissed her. Moonie put up a slight struggle before letting him kiss her.

That was the only time it happened. After that, they continued to bicker, but sometimes when they were alone, Leo would hold her hand, and she didn't object. A small affection began to grow between them. So when Leo bullied her in front of their classmates later, she was understandably upset and angry. Leo couldn't understand why she was angry for so long.

Now, of course, Leo understood.

He recalled all the past events, his face turning bright red as he stuttered, "Moonie...?"

So it turned out that his assigned freshman was his old classmate. Moonie told Leo that she recognized him as soon as he introduced himself over the phone. All Leo could do was laugh awkwardly.

"Alright!" Moonie said, "Let's go!"

"Go where?"

"Where?" Moonie repeated, "To school, of course! Little brother."

Moonie still remembered that she was two months older than Leo.

Leo started his motorbike, and Moonie sat sideways, wrapping her arms around his waist. She was wearing a white silk blouse and a white pleated skirt, sitting carefully to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions.

On the way, Moonie told Leo that she had taken a gap year, which was why she was now his junior. Leo drove her into the school parking lot, parked the bike, and took her around the campus, introducing her to various buildings. Since school hadn't started yet, there weren't many people around.

The weather wasn't great that day; it was cloudy, and distant thunder could be heard. Suddenly, large raindrops began to pour down. Leo and Moonie rushed to a nearby classroom for shelter, but their clothes were already half-soaked.

They patted the water droplets off their bodies. Moonie's blouse had turned transparent, clinging to her full breasts. The lower half was covered by her flesh-colored bra, while the upper half was a round curve that jiggled slightly as she moved.

Leo stared at her, and Moonie noticed his gaze. She slowly stopped moving, and they stood facing each other. Suddenly, Leo pulled her into his arms, lifted her face, and started kissing her. Moonie closed her eyes, accepting his passion. She slightly parted her lips, and Leo immediately took advantage of the opening, stirring his tongue around.

Time seemed to freeze, as if they had returned to their innocent childhood days, hiding in the classroom and exploring the opposite sex for the first time. Moonie, who had been a bit cold from the rain, now felt a burning heat. She even wondered if she was starting to smoke.

Leo opened his eyes, studying Moonie's face. She wasn't very pretty when they were kids, but now she had blossomed into a beautiful woman. Her eyebrows were light, her eyes were still squinty, and her eyelashes were long. He stroked her face, feeling her smooth, delicate skin.

The rain suddenly stopped, and everything was quiet.

Leo's hand slid down from her face, passing her neck and shoulders, and stopped on Moonie's chest, gently pressing. This was something he hadn't done in elementary school. Moonie's heart pounded, and she pushed him away, turning around to fix her clothes.

Leo wrapped his arms around her and said, "Moonie, let's go. I'll treat you to lunch."

"Okay," Moonie said, "But we need to go home and change first."

Of course, Leo agreed. He took her hand and they got back on the bike. On the way home, Leo asked her if she was still in touch with any of their old classmates. Moonie said she only kept in touch with one, a girl named Yiru, who also attended the same cram school and lived nearby. Yiru had been accepted to a university this year. Moonie suggested inviting Yiru to join them for lunch, and Leo agreed. He dropped Moonie off at her house so she could invite Yiru, and they agreed to meet again at noon. Then, Leo went home to change his wet clothes.

Leo had just changed his clothes when Moonie called. She said that Yiru didn't want to go out and invited them to her house for lunch. Moonie had already agreed for him. Leo didn't mind, so he went to pick up Moonie from her house. Moonie had changed into a round-necked blouse with a slightly longer straight skirt. She got on Leo's bike, and they headed to Yiru's house.

Yiru's family had emigrated, leaving her alone to attend cram school. The house was empty most of the time. Leo and Moonie arrived shortly, and Yiru came to open the door. She and Moonie saw each other every day, so there was nothing unusual. But Leo hadn't seen Yiru in a long time, so they exchanged pleasantries and caught up.

If Moonie had changed a lot, Yiru had changed even more. She was unrecognizable on the street. Moonie was still petite, but Yiru was tall, athletic, and voluptuous. She had her hair tied back with a large red hair clip. Since she was at home, she was dressed casually in a black crop top and tiny denim shorts. Her legs were long and white, and she was barefoot.

Moonie looked at her and said, "Wow, look at your sexy dress?"

Yiru reached out to pinch her and said, "Don't talk nonsense in front of Leo."

Leo and Moonie took off their shoes and sat in the living room, which was quite large. Yiru said, "There's not much at home. I cooked some frozen dumplings. Just make do with it."

"Ah!" Moonie said, "I thought there were fish spines, lobsters, and abalones?"

"Yeah, there will be if you treat us tonight," Yiru said, "Stop complaining and come help."

The two girls ran into the kitchen and soon brought out two large plates of steaming dumplings. They placed them on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Yiru also opened some canned food, and the table was full. Moonie prepared the dipping sauce, and Yiru went to the wine cLeoet and took out a bottle of Hennessy VSOP. Moonie looked at her and said, "I've been to your house so many times, why haven't you let me drink this?"

"You're about to drink it now, aren't you?" Yiru handed the bottle to Leo, "Could you open it, please?"

Leo uncorked the bottle, and Yiru found three glasses. Leo poured half a glass for each of them, and Moonie had also set up the bowls and chopsticks. Yiru raised her glass and said, "To the reunion of old classmates, cheers!"

The three of them took a big sip. Moonie choked and stuck out her tongue, saying, "It's so spicy!"

Leo and Yiru both laughed. They ate and drank, talking about the fun times they had as kids. The more they talked, the happier they became, laughing and joking around, having a great time.

Finally, they were all full, and they had drunk more than half of the bottle of wine. Moonie's eyes were squinted, and her face was as red as an apple. Leo and Yiru were a bit better, but they were also dizzy. Initially, Leo and Moonie were sitting on the long sofa, with Moonie on his right, and Yiru was kneeling on the floor. Later, she climbed up and sat on Leo's left. Leo spread his arms wide, holding both of them in his embrace.

Yiru laughed and said, "Sir, please show some respect. Moonie has a boyfriend."

Moonie leaned over to hit her and said, " don't you have one too?"

The two girls started to playfully argue on Leo, each of them pressing one of their breasts against Leo's chest, making him feel incredibly pleasurable.

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