
Leo's Coffee Shop and Boarding House

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Leo a 28 year old engineering graduate was devastated by a news stating that his parents was deceased in an accident. After A month of mourning he realized that his parents wouldn't like the way he is living right now. Leo pull himself up from the rubble and decide to open a local coffee shop and a boarding house from the money his parents left. Is this where his harem begin? Photo in cover not mine ccto.

LeoWrites · Realistic
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51 Chs


The two started eating, Leo poured wine on their glass, he serve her the appetizer which is some stir-fried prawns.

"This is like servings on a classy restaurant" Shye said as she eat the prawns, Leo just looks at her.

After that, Leo served the well done steak. "Hmmm, that's smell so good" her nostrils flair as she cuts the steak up. As they were eating Leo opened up a conversation.

"About your absence in school, don't worry about it I let Leigh handle it" he said before sipping wine, "What? How?" she replied wondering,

"Ohh she has a doctor friend and I ask her if she can ask him for a forge medical certificate saying you will not be able to go to school for at least a few days" he explained.

Shye felt guilty about the idea, "Is that okay?" her conscience talks,

Leo took a deep breath, "Look it may sound bad but the school won't sympathized on student's personal problems, they won't validate our reasons" he said calmly in a comforting voice.

"I have also experience this situation, so somehow I understand how you feel" he said as he puts the wine glass down the table,

Shye was just quiet listening, with a slight interest on her face, Leo continued talking.

"But during my time I don't have someone to help me get away, so I ran without anything" his voice suddenly gets softer,

"This house help me recover and realize a lot of things" he said as his eyes wanders around, "I almost failed my program for not being able to attend my classes" his voice shakes as he tell this story.

Shye stood up and walks toward him, "I don't want anyone to go through what I did, so I'll help in every way I can" he said with his head bowed.

Shye didn't speak, she kneeled down and gave Leo a hug. He didn't speak but the smile his lips contains pain and regret.

Leo spoke, "So take all the time you need, We're all here for you" he said as he runs his fingers on her hair.

Shye nodded and goes back to her seat, "Leo you're such an amazing guy" she spoke before going back to eat.

Few minutes passed and both of them finished eating, Leo stood up to clean the table. "Let me do it" Shye said as she stood up.

Leo let her do it, he move towards the living room and take the wine bottle and the two glass with him. He sat in front of the fire place and sip on the wine.

Shye loaded the dishes on the the dishwasher, she also stored the leftovers at the fridge.

After cleaning the table she go to the living room and as she walks Tesoro followed her.

She sat beside Leo and takes the glass of wine, "Where did the wine came from? We didn't buy anything earlier" she asked.

"It's stored at the fridge" he said, Shye felt comforted by Leo's presence. Leo spreads her arms towards her shoulders, she snuggles into his arms and just stare at the fire.

"I loved this feeling, just chilling and not worrying about the world" she said softly, "Reality doesn't work like that sweetheart, but we will always have spare time at least a minute to take a breather away from the chaotic world" Leo's wise mouth spoke.

"I didn't know your mouth was this good" Shye said pertaining to the wise words that came from him. "You should've know by now, you experience it a few times already" Leo said with a naughty smile seeping through his lips.

Shye didn't back down, "I didn't feel a thing?" she said with a fiery look in her eyes, "Ohh really?" Leo's manly voice said putting down both their wine glass.

She brace herself, Leo teased her. He kissed her bare shoulders, he run his hands over her legs "Can you handle me? " he said with his breath touching her neck sending shocks to her womanhood.

She gulps before answering, "Maybe you're the on-" she wasn't able to finish what she was saying when Leo suddenly press his hot lips on her.

She responded with hers and with every soft movement of their lips she moans. She took off Leo's shirt and slowly sat on his lap.

Leo grabbed her waist and slowly runs his hands o her back, Shye locked her hands on his neck as their lips pleasures each other.

His kisses trailed down from her lips down to her neck making her soft moans came out. Leo's hands then cups Shye's soft breast and gently massage it both.

"Hngg Leo, I love that" she moans out as Leo feasts on her neck, she starts rocking her hips on Leo's lap.

Leo grabs her ass and moves it to her rhythm, then Leo's kisses goes down to the valley of her breast which makes her ecstatic.

The two make out until both of them are out of breath, "So am I good with my mouth?" Leo said as his lips separate from her breast.

"Maybe?" Shye teases him again, Leo smiled and stood up carrying Shye in her arms, "W-wait, What are you doing?" she was surprised, "I'll show you what this mouth can do" he said as he planted his lips on hers.

She wasn't able to hold back, she responded to his hot kiss. Leo puts her down the tantra chair, he part their lips and his kisses lock on her breasts.

He slowly pulls down the straps of her top exposing her bare round breasts, he use his tongue to lick her diamond. "Hngg Fuck Leo, I'm sensitive there" she moans out as Leo played with her nipples.

Leo's hands start taking off her pajamas, he rubs her panties and he felt her wetness seeping through, "I guess my mouth is doing well" he said boasting.

"Hngg Fuck Yes daddy" she moans out accidentally making Leo smile. She push Leo's head deeper every time he felt him softly bit her nipples.

Leo's lips goes downward to her belly making her spine arch, his lips then goes lower down to her womanhood.

Leo's breath that touches her pussy make her moan loud, "Hnggg Fuck~~~" she moans with her cheeks turning red from embarassment.

"Didn't know dessert will be serve this way" Leo said as he stares into her womanhood.

"Don't look too mu- Ahh~" she moans as Leo kiss her pussy softly, he slowly run his fingers on the lips of her womanhood and he played with her clit using her tongue.

"Fuckk~~ That's gonna make me cum, Don't stop" she moans as she pulls on Leo's hair.

Shye move her hips to the rhythm of Leo's tongue, his fingers then rubs the clit while his tongue licks her pussy.

"Sweetest dessert, I have ever taste" he said, "Shut up and keep fucking my pussy with your mouth Ahhh~~" Shye felt her climax building up.

Leo smiled and move his hand and tongue intensely, Shye the, let's out a loud moan, "Fuckkkkk, Leo I'm gonna Squirt" she moans.

Leo stood with his hands still keeps on rubbing her intensely, she was screaming instead of moaning.

Leo felt her shaking, she lets out a loud moan, "Ahhhh~~ Shit" then she squirts, Leo keeps rubbing her as she sprays onto the chair.

"W-wait hold on" she says as she hold Leo's arms tightly, he pressed his lips with hers as his hands go slower on her pussy.

When they're lips part Shye was catching her breath, "It was so good" she said making Leo laugh a little.

"Your turn this time" Shye said tying her hair up.

Hope you enjoyed it ;)

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