
chapter 2 afterlife stone

ken is in prison wondering when he will die and be free suddenly his whole body started to the pain he thought that the pain was of him using physical enchant spell to the max but ken did not know that he has obtained unknown power when he was fighting the lord of the death when he has grabbed the afterlife stone and successfully extract it to the lord of the death it gives him something the lord of death was mumbling while looking at him was "you shall not be able life or die as you please this will give you a curse that will not be lifted" after that, he faded like ash.

ken did not understand what he was saying and get unconscious for losing too much blood then the afterlife stone start to glow and begin to absorb into the ken in his heart and the wound started to get close but ken did not gain consciousness.

meanwhile, the other two heroes were protecting Lily and giving her health potions so she can gain consciousness other two heroes were afraid to fight the lord of death they will lose their life because before fighting the lord of the death they were full of confidence that their present skill is enough to deal with lord of the dead little did they known when they were going to fighting Lord of the death that he can make any spell useless make ground full of rock spear make tornado how many time he wants when they begin to fight the lord of the death they realize that all attack is useless against him and start to shiver with fear while looking at the lord of the death.

sage rave uses all the spell and becomes exhaust priest jake was giving a blessing to sage and using holy sword which he has not master at all ken had told jake countless time that using a sword will need practice and dedication but he ignored the advice and started to say " if you a traitor can use I can as well " Lily advice jake to give a sword to ken so they can have chances of winning but he refuses to say "holy sword cannot be touch by a filthy traitor ".

back to the scene where sage and priest are fighting the lord of the death

rave was using all the spell and attacking him and jake was swinging a holy sword with sloppiness toward the lord of the death. he was toying with both of them lord of the death using a gravity spell to make jake kneel to the ground and throw an ice spear at him for counter rave use fireball gravity spell loses jake see an opening and returned to the place where the rave was jake gives him every blessing he has left and rave use it to summon the mystic bird phoniex and attack it with a fire of destruction phoniex attack him with its fire of destruction big explosion occurs jake and rave thought they have won. both of them have arrived before ken and Lily because they were afraid that ken and Lily will take all credit when Lily and ken arrive at the scene there were fire and smoke everywhere Lily get to the location where rave and jake was and asked them what happened here

rave reply" I told you we do not need that traitor and you both of us have defeated the lord of the death now you are here to fetch the credit"

Lily reply " you were the one that leaves a day before we planned to attack we have told you to not attack lord of the death alone.

rave reply"so what we have defeated the lord of the death"

Lily reply "I told you not to underestimate the lord of the death'

ken says"he is considered immortal "

rave reply" a traitor as you will never defeat it and it does not matter if he is immortal or not he is vaporized with phoenix fire

suddenly the smoke clear and the lord of the death was standing fine a mirror-like barrier was around him and was smiling looking at miserable heroes. rave and jake get shocked and started to shiver in fear Lily then fire an arrow with thunder at him and countless fire arrow to buy time so they can retreat and come up with a strategy but rave did not retreat and shot a big energy spell the spell hit the lord of the but It was the futile effort the lord of the death shot a dark ball spell if it comes into contact it will make a clean hole in the wall but Lilly jump in front a the spell and use forest protection spell which grows a big tree in front of Lily and rave but the dark ball made a hole in the tree and hit the side of the shoulder of Lily and lot of blood started to come out she shot the last arrow in effort with it full power but again that did not do much and she gets unconscious ken known that if he does not step in the lord of the death will kill them then he shades his sword and attack the lord of the death while shouting to rave.

ken" hurry get out of here with Lily before it to late to heal her"

rave reply" you traitor I will not listen to a traitor command"

ken" if you do not go this instead I will personally slice you up

rave with nervous face reply" I will make you known your place"

he takes Lily and gets to the corner and started to look for jake then he sees he was hiding behind a stone rave with an angry face says "what a coward I am stuck with rave shouted to jake

rave"hey idiot come here and put up a barrier

jake hear it and rush to rave and put up a barrier then rave tell him to give the health potion he says but you tell me not to give them any potion

rave reply "if she dies we will get in trouble with the elf and I tell you not to give the traitor the potion.

that's what happened in the fighting between heroes and lord of the death

back to the prison scene where our hero has been prisoned and having a surge of a huge pain in the body.

ken start to growl in pain and become unconscious afterlife stone started to merge with the body of ken in this process he has to bear the pain it was not possible for the human body to bear the absorption of the afterlife stone because even sage could die but ken had gone through a lot of harsh training that was inhuman so he has the willpower to withstand it after sometime when ken opens it eyes the pain was gone and he was not feeling the pain anymore he thought something has changed but he was unable to put finger on it then the prison gate open and guard come to take him.

ken says to them" but my trial was in one week why are you taking me now"

guard reply"are you gone insane it already one week "

ken get shocked and started to wonder that was he unconscious for one week

then ken gets dragged to the trial room where the noble, king, and the people of the kingdom jake and rave were when the trial started start ken known that the trial was unfair and against him, he cannot do anything and stay silent but in the room, a woman stands up for him she was the old lady who manages the orphanage.

the woman starts to say "ken cannot do this he has been falsely charged he is a kind man who has been giving the orphanage 50% of what he earns and you a king forgot about it and leave us to die if ken was not there we could not survive

the room started to get noise the woman and children started to defend the ken which comes as a surprise moment to the ken

lawyer shout silence "we are not here to know how kind he is he has tried to kill the king this is not the trail to find his kindness but to punish him if anyone can prove his innocence come forward

the room becomes silent

the old women started to come forward when she looks at ken he smiled and told her through eyes not to come forward she stopped with regretted face and sit-downs while kids asking what they are going to do with ken

after the lawyer, presented statements false witness and bribe the local and adventure bribe the judge all the court was a setup to show king power.

the judge announces the execution of the ken will be tomorrow

The next day's whole kingdom was come to see the execution of the hero and there was a platform with a big beheading saw there then the ken was seen dragging toward the saw that time the thought that was going in the head of ken was finally I am going to get freed with this cruel kingdom and the world then the king was standing on the platform when ken get there king in the ear of ken started to say

king"there is a surprise I have a plan for you do you remember that old woman that stood up for you"

ken started to look around to see but do not find the kid and the woman

ken says to the king"what you have done to them they have nothing to do with this

king reply"those who help the traitor are the traitor they need to be punished so last night I have to send the guard the have to tear the kid's limb to limb and killed the women burned the orphanage "

hearing that ken become uncontrollable angry and bite the nose of the king while saying"I will never forget this I will come from the depth of hell and destroy this kingdom and give you a death you will not forget"

king with fear on the face shouted executed him the guard put his head in the beheading saw when he was looking at the public he realizes that they are more demons they demons themself the thought that was going into his have just wait I will come back and destroy your kingdom

then the saw falls and ken head got Separate

then ken was going toward a light he stopped and started to say I cannot go right now I have to get my revenge and start repeating revenge, revenge then he started to feel he has been buried somewhere he thought how this possible he starts to move his arm upward a light come then he pulls his whole body up and open his eye he sees he is in a canyon where there is skull everywhere he wonders what is happening here.

until the next chapter how our hero is alive

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

sharjeel_akhtarcreators' thoughts