
Lemon Series

Several short stories of pure obscenity. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Other tags: Incest, Futanari, Bestiality.

Moon_Lord_ · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Naruto x Fuka by Drinor

The sharp crack of stone breaking echoed through the purple-hued caverns. The air, already cold and cloying, filled with clouds of dust. Debris and rubble tumbled down the bumpy walls, only to be blown away again by the force of another impact. In amongst the carnage were two figures: one leaping and dodging while the other stood still. A sadistic chuckle broke through a gap in the chorus of explosions.

Naruto grunted as the rock beside him shattered. His black and orange jumpsuit was a mess of dirt and small tears. He afforded himself a quick look at his attacker before jumping to another wall. Tall, slender and shapely, the maroon-haired kunoichi blew him another deadly kiss. The small ball of swirling wind shattered stone with the ease of dynamite. Another grazed just past his spiky, blond hair, sending his heart pounding faster in his chest. He hated running, but at times like this… well, sometimes even Shadow Clone Jutsu had to take a back seat to good old fashioned fleeing.

Besides, he needed time to figure out what the hell he was fighting.

"Oh, don't run away yet," Fuuka said, every step laden with a sensual sway of her hips. "There's so much I want to teach you, starting with my body!"

"Why would anyone want to learn about yours?" Naruto said through gritted teeth. Sure, it was a lovely body, but he doubted she was going to share anything like that. He glanced over his shoulder as he darted into a small ravine. She was gone; the cavern behind him empty save for the clouds of dust. Dammit, how did she do that? Camouflage Jutsu? He turned back, trying to think of a plan.

And skidded to a halt. How did she get ahead of him?

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu." Fuuka blew him a kiss that erupted into a volley of fireballs.

Naruto yelped, weaving his way between them and turning on his heel. Did she look more scuffed and battered than he remembered? No time to think about it: he could think when he wasn't on the verge of death. The heat of the flaming spheres brushed past him as he dove around a corner. He just needed a moment to orientate himself. A little breather, or a-

"Water style: Mouth of the Serpent Jutsu." Again, she was standing in front of him. A torrent of water swirled around her, rising up into a coiling pillar. He stepped back, looking for an exit around the ravine as the pillar shifted into the shape of a dragon. He wasn't going to get washed away again, that was for sure! He leapt, running up the wall just as the torrent became a raging river that filled the crevasse. Naruto landed on the rough rock above, crouching to catch his breath.

How was she doing it? No one could have all those chakra natures! Wind. Fire. Water. Earth nature would explain how she could move so quickly around the caverns. Which just left…

A faint crackling behind him was the only warning he got. He leapt to the side as arcs of lightning struck the ground. Earth Flash Jutsu, the same thing that had almost incapacitated him earlier. And again, she stood there like he'd never once gotten a hit on her. Not even a scuff or a bruise on her exposed shoulders and thighs.

"Dammit!" He shouted, hopping inelegantly away from the lightning strikes. "What's going on?!"

"Confused, little boy?" Fuuka chuckled, "There's so much I have left to show you."

"If it's anything like that kiss, I'd rather not see it!"

She dragged a finger along the banded trim of her mauve tunic, following the curve of her breast. "Don't you know it's rude to refuse an invitation like that?"

Naruto tried to not watch her too closely. Tried and failed. He shook his head and stepped back, forming his hands into the right shapes. A dozen identical clones of him sprung into existence. Each one of them jeered and taunted, flashing rude hand signs and silly faces.

"More of this?" Fuuka's hands crackled with lightning. "You'll have to do more than simple parlour tricks to impress a real woman."

The real Naruto was already escaping before she finished her sentence. The shouts and screams of his clones echoed in the caverns behind him. He darted down a narrow tunnel, turning blind corners. His heart pounded in his chest, his forehead slick with sweat. There was no telling how far or for how long he had run. Finding his way out was going to be a nightmare. Though, no more a nightmare than fighting someone whose powers he still didn't understand.

He stopped, bracing himself against a wall. He glanced over his shoulder, then peered down the tunnel. No sign of her, though given her Earth Nature that didn't protect him for long. How did she have so many natures? There had to be some trick, some secret behind it all. She'd mentioned something before, hadn't she? What was it…? She said she wanted to add his rare nature to her collection. But how did you 'collect' chakra natures?

Something shifted in the rock beside him. He turned his head just as a pair of slender hands cupped his cheeks. His mouth opened to shout but Fuuka's full lips silenced him. Her tongue pushed against his: forceful and passionate, despite how gentle her hands were. Naruto flailed, but Fuuka's warm, soft body pressed into his. Blood surged and boiled in his cheeks. He was trapped by a mix of raw embarrassment and hormonal desire.

… Maybe this wasn't so bad. Her fingers ran through his hair, her breasts pressed into his chest, and her shapely leg wrapped around his. If it hadn't been for her attempts to kill him earlier, he might have enjoyed himself.

Naruto's eyes widened. Something was wrong: very wrong! He stiffened and gasped into the kiss. There was a pulling sensation like she was tugging on a thread to unravel him completely. The deeper she kissed him, the harder the pull. His eyes rolled back, glazing lightly over as his mind and body weakened. She caressed him, tracing over his body as he stood frozen in agony. He couldn't focus: couldn't recall a single technique as his thoughts scrambled in confused panic.

So he just shoved her away instead.

It took more effort than Naruto had expected. Too much willpower just to move his arms even an inch. But once he and Fuuka were apart, everything rushed back to him, leaving him with only a rapidly pounding heartbeat and the faintest hint of lethargy.

"What was that…?" He gasped, stumbling back.

"Was I too much for you to handle, little boy?" chuckled Fuuka.

Naruto gritted his teeth and moved his hands in front of his chest. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A dozen copies of him, scuffs and all, materialised in the tunnel. None of them jeered or mocked this time: the whole group bore similar stony expressions.

"Is that all you can do?" asked Fuuka, "A pity. That rare wind nature is going to waste in your hands."

She leant against the wall of purple rock, and her whole body shimmered. Before Naruto had a chance to prepare another Jutsu she'd vanished completely. Camouflage it was, then. Or she'd actually melted into the rock; she did have the earth nature, after all. He and his clones formed a circle, watching the walls carefully. Seconds ticked by like hours, a bead of sweat slowly dripping down his face. She could flood the tunnel, or pepper him with fireballs, or… was there anything she couldn't do? She could be toying with him, holding back with her techniques.

"Lightning Style," Fuuka said, materialising further down the tunnel, "Earth Flash Jutsu."

Half of the shadow clones leapt into the air in time, while the other half popped with screams of pain. By the time Naruto landed Fuuka had already faded away again. Definitely toying with him. Her sadistic giggle sounded behind him, and he turned just as she blew him a kiss. A kiss that turned into a vicious wind. His clones leapt to him, holding him by his arms as they dug their feet into the ground. Even then the wind was slowly pushing the group back. Like a thousand sword blades, the wind cut at his skin and clothes, tearing small holes in his suit. His clones were blown away from him, leaving further patches of his skin exposed as they took pieces of cloth with them.

The wind stopped, and Naruto dropped to his knees, trying to catch his breath. His jacket was barely more than tatters, the shirt underneath faring no better. He glanced up at Fuuka as she strutted toward him. She bit her lower lip and paused as she looked him over. Not much of an opening, but it'd do.

Kunai in hand, Naruto lunged forwards. Fuuka stepped back, his blade just narrowly missing her. She just kept gliding effortlessly back as he futilely swung at the air.

"Tired already? But the fun has just barely started," Fuuka smirked, "You'll never keep a woman happy with that kind of stamina."

"Shut up!" He grunted.

"That's more like it. Show me some real fire!"

Naruto stabbed ahead, blinded by rage. A red chain came out of his chest taking her by surprise almost piercing her body. Naruto himself looked shocked but that wasn't the time for that, he looked at the woman and saw her playful smirk was gone, instead her face filled with shock and a hint of... something else.

"Sorry, but I just can't stay interested in an old hag like you."

Her lips pursed. She looked at him surprised, Naruto didn't understand what had changed. "Old hag, hmm?

"Explains why that kiss of yours was so lifeless." He stuck his tongue out.

"Because... I See, it seems I have made a mistake."

Her glare grew intense: but still not angry at him. Naruto stepped back, moving his hands to form the signs for his Jutsu. But they wouldn't budge. Nothing would move. He'd raised his heel, but now it was just frozen in place. The only thing he could do was breathe. Fuuka walked towards him, her hips swaying. Her hands reached up to cup his face like a lover. Her thumbs caressed his still cheeks while her breath tickled his skin. A gentle rumble rounded beneath them both. Cold, hard rock climbed up his legs, sealing up everything below the knee.

"Don't worry, I am Sorry. I Would never hurt someone from my clan," Fuuka whispered warmly on his ear, a sensation went through his entire body, a good sensation.

"What do you mean?! What clan?" Naruto found himself asking, suddenly not paralyzed anymore. Fuuka glare grew more but not directed at him.

"Have you never heard of Uzumaki clan?" she asked with a sincere tone, almost as if talking to a lover. Naruto grew more confused, as far as he knew there was no Uzumaki Clan.

He just shook his head, confirming what Fuuka already knew. "I See, let me show you," she spoke before Naruto could ask what she meant, she cupped his face, her lips touched his, Naruto expected the same lifeless kiss but his body suddenly went warm, extremely warm.

He felt as if a fire just expanded on his chest, her lips felt sweet, warm, wet, and delicious like strawberry. Naruto felt stronger, not weaker, his eyes closed as his tongue slipped inside her mouth, a moan escaped her mouth.

Enjoying the kiss to the fullest, she felt herself awaking in a way, her hands moved behind his head, her tongue challenging his, their tongue battling, her moan muffled by his lips. Naruto's hands moved around her waist, closer to him, her skin felt warm under his skin, his touch send shivers through her body.

She grabbed his right hand and put it on her left breast, as she pulled away from the pleasurable kiss.

Naruto had turned red from the kiss, he wanted to know why he felt so full of power right now.

Fuuka smirked looking at his hair and eyes. "You look like an Uzumaki right now," She spoke sweetly.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked, still holding her close to him, the feeling of warmth grew more.

"Your hair," she simply said, grabbing a fang around his forehead, Naruto's eyes widened to see his hair had turned red as blood.

"Why is my hair Red?" Naruto asked, suddenly feeling the woman kissing his neck, her arm around his neck, he could feel her warm breath on his neck.

"They kept it secret to you," Fuuka whispered licking his lower lip, Naruto felt his cock grew hard, he felt relaxed as her purple eyes were looking at him, with desire and lust.

He felt very relaxed, everything on his mind disappeared, all he could think of was her purple eyes looking at him with lust. He relaxed completely.

"Who kept secret?" Naruto asked with a low tone, almost a whisper, her lips so close, wanting to kiss her sweet red lips. Fuuka leaned closer, almost touching his lips.

Lemon Warning

"Do you want me to show you?" She asked, Naruto nodded and she kissed his lips, her tongue wasting no time to plunge deep into his throat, her hand on his crouch, he had grown hard for her.

Naruto placed his hand on Fuuka's lower back and stroked it. She brushed her fingers through his hair and pressed her bosom against his chest.

He moaned at this while Fuuka felt how muscular Naruto's with her chest and they eventually separated lips. Naruto sat upright and Fuuka did the same; only to kiss once again.

Fuuka placed her hand on the back of Naruto's head and he stroked her lower back. She sat on Naruto's lap as he kissed her and she gripped the zipper of his jacket.

The more she kissed the more Naruto felt relaxed and trusting the woman, the feeling of her lips was too sweet to resist.

Their tongues reunited as Fuuka pulled down Naruto's zipper and he temporarily took his hands off of her to roll his shoulders backwards; allowing his jacket to fall off. He wrapped his arms around Fuuka once more and she teasingly squished her breasts on his chest again.

Though Naruto caught on to what Fuuka was hinting at with this course of action, he wasn't done just yet with kissing the woman and neither was she. Just then, Fuuka's hand slid down Naruto's back and she placed it on his stomach.

She felt only muscle and was very impressed with what she was feeling. Next, she gripped the underside of his shirt and began lifting it up.

To get it completely off, Fuuka broke her kiss and Naruto held still as she lifted his shirt off before tossing it away. Fuuka grinned in delight as she observed Naruto's muscular chest and she purred while licking her lips.

"Nice abs, Naruto-kun." Fuuka purred while swaying her chest as she planted both hands on his abdomen and smiled in satisfaction at how strong he felt.

"Well, I aim to please." Naruto chuckled and Fuuka placed her forehead on his. She looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"Hey, Naruto-kun, let's shake things up." Fuuka smiled.

"How?" Naruto asked and Fuuka seductively laughed again before she took his hands. She placed his left hand at the highest button of her top and winked at him.

"You mean…?" Naruto asked when he understood her and Fuuka mouthed her permission to him. He nervously undid her button before moving on to undo the final three and he slowly opened her blouse.

The second he opened it, he was treated to the fascinating sight of her bosom; which her red bra did very little to conceal her large breasts. Fuuka smiled as she threw her blouse to the ground and Naruto wrapped his arms around her as he smothered his lips against her.

She tenderly planted her hand on his cheek again as he fell back and took her with him. Fuuka landed on top of Naruto and smothered her barely covered mounds against his chest.

Fuuka cupped Naruto's face and stroked both of his cheeks. He placed his hands on her back and they find her bra clasp.

He eagerly undid the clasp and Naruto flung it onto his jacket. Fuuka sat up and displayed her large breasts as Naruto stared in awe.

Not wasting a second, he cupped the ample and perky mounds before groping them. Naruto buried his fingers into them and massaged what he was able to fit into his hands.

"YEES, Yes Mmore,"

Fuuka moaned as Naruto caressed and squeezed her breasts. In return, she began grinding her crotch on his and she was pleased to see a tent forming in his pants.

Naruto kneaded the orbs together and fondled them. His fingers rubbed them and tenderly played with them.

Fuuka's tits began to grow hard from Naruto's touch and she smiled at him. He smothered the mounds and his fingers massaged them nonstop.

Naruto's fingers gripped Fuuka's nipples and started to pull them forward. Fuuka whimpered as Naruto teased her tits and while pulling on them, he started twisting them.

The blushing redhead woman felt her arousal start to rise and closed her eyes with her blush slowly overtaking her lovely face. Naruto smirked while tweaking and yanking Fuuka's buds until they were fully erect.

He freed and Fuuka moaned at her harden tits. Naruto cupped her breasts and pressed them together before biting into the right.

Naruto grinded his canines on the soft flesh of Fuuka's chest and she held his head against her breast. He gnawed on the mound tenderly as he groped both orbs and sank his fingers into them.

Fuuka reached down and brushed her hand on the tent forming in his pants. He moaned and she smiled at his hardness.

She gripped the zipper and pulled it down; only to find the tent in his boxer shorts. While smirking, the redhead slid her hand underneath the waistband and gripped his member.

"Wow, talk about an aching power." Fuuka smiled as Naruto grinded his teeth on her breast before switching to the other and suckling her nipple.

"YEESSS, More Naruto, Suck, Yess," Another loud moan before she noticed Naruto's hand traveling to her crotch and he undid her skirt button.

It fell off and left her in her mini-skirt. Before Naruto could remove it, she caught his hand and he looked up at her while suckling her nipple.

"You first, Naruto-kun." Fuuka said as she stroked his aching erection and he moaned as he rubbed his lips together on her tit. He opened his mouth and lightly bit the same nipple.

She mewled as Naruto groped her breasts and grinded his teeth together on her bud. He pulled it forward and Fuuka's body shivered in pleasure at the feeling.

Naruto released Fuuka's tit and kept her bosom squeezed together as he licked both her nipples. She kept pumping his erection and used her free hand to push him onto his back again.

He watched as she got off his lap and pulled down his pants along with his boxers. Fuuka smiled and the sight of Naruto's length made her lick her lips.

"Oh, Naruto-kun, you've made me so wet." Fuuka said to Naruto, who smiled underneath his new lover.

"Then let me fix that." Naruto said and Fuuka suddenly found herself underneath him. They exchanged smiles before he pressed her mounds together and kissed them.

Fuuka remained still as Naruto's kissing went down to her stomach and he traced her navel slowly. She closed her eyes and giggled as he licked her navel.

He kneaded her breasts as he slid his tongue down her belly until he reached her entrance and pulled down her thong. Naruto grinned at Fuuka's toned, naked body in all its indescribable beauty and she spread her legs to further entice him.

Needless to say, Naruto started rubbing his tongue against her clit and she smiled down at him. The female redhead watched as he licked her and teased her lower body.

Fuuka moaned as Naruto brushed his tongue on her clit and she folded her arms behind her head. Naruto released Fuuka's mounds and rubbed his fingers on her entrance.

He spread her folds apart and began prodding her inner walls. Naruto licked Fuuka's clit and guided his tongue down to her folds.

Naruto's fingers wiggled his fingers inside of Fuuka's wetness and he licked her folds. Fuuka's legs slightly cringed as her lover's fingers and she closed her eyes while her lusty smile spread across her attractive face.

The redhead's male tongue rubbed against Fuuka's womanhood as his fingers worked their way against her inner caverns and she began fondling her breasts. Naruto's fingers felt more wetness surrounding them and he removed them.

He licked his way into Fuuka's pussy and his tongue whacked the inside of her. Her eyes remained closed as Naruto's tongue licked her wet innards and he rubbed her clit.

His tongue rubbed her walls and Fuuka squeezed her breasts together while moaning. Naruto's tongue wagged inside of her entrance and tasted her arousal.

Fuuka's soaked insides were licked by Naruto's lust-driven tongue and thanks to her breast-groping, she felt her arousal continuously growing. He rubbed her tongue against her innards as he returned to tracing her folds slowly and he figured that her release would be just around the corner.

Indeed, Fuuka's orgasm was slowly building inside of her and she moaned while gripping her breasts. This confirmed Naruto's hunch was accurate and he swayed his tongue inside of her tightness.

"OHHHH YESSSSS NARUTO," At that very moment, Fuuka's eyes opened as Naruto's tongue dug into her and she moaned a final time as her fluids were released. They flowed out of her crevice and onto the whiskered-hero's tongue.

Naruto licked up Fuuka's streams and she panted in in pleasure while laying still. He gathered some of the substance on his fingers and held them up to her lips.

She planted her lips on his fingers and licked the fluids off. Fuuka moaned as the taste of her own fluids tasted great to her and Naruto smiled as he sat upright.

"Good licking, Naruto-kun." Fuuka said as she got off the couch and sat on the floor. She leaned back and balanced herself on her arms.

"Thanks, Fuuka-chan." Naruto said and Fuuka began swaying her breasts at him.

"Now, come on over here." Fuuka purred as she gestured for him to come closer with her finger and he responded instantly. He stood over Fuuka and she looked up at him while smirking.

Fuuka focused on Naruto's swollen pride and she began pulling on his hardness. With his cock being quite aroused and Fuuka's light touch, he started moaning lowly and she smiled at this reaction.

She stroked his erection and moved in closer to lick its center. Fuuka then wrapped her fingers around it and placed her thumb underneath the head of it.

Fuuka pressed her against the spot while pumping and stroking it. She began to lick his balls after palming them with her free hand and bounced them about in her hands.

Naruto moaned as Fuuka pulled on his manhood and toyed with his testicles. She wiggled her tongue on his balls and slid it up to the top of his hilt before she slowly blew on it.

He groaned as her cool breath hit his wet throbbing manhood and Fuuka smirked as she began licking the sides of his shaft. She sensually licked his member and switched to the other side.

With the taste of his low tower already driving her crazy, she pulled back and stood on her knees while she squeezed her breasts on his manhood. Naruto shivered in pleasure as Fuuka rubbed and kneaded her large mounds on his hilt.

She began swirling her tongue around the head of Naruto's hardness and she stroked her breasts together on his member. Fuuka noticed Naruto's emerging foreskin and slowly licked it before blowing on it.

This motivated Naruto to begin thrusting his hardness into Fuuka's tits and she planted her mouth on its top. She purposely licked the head of it slowly and held her jiggling bosom on his hardness.

The Uzumaki moaned as Fuuka massaged his throbbing cock with her orbs of flesh and sucked on his length. She moaned as she pumped her mouth on him as he drove his member into it and he noticed her tits.

He reached down and began tweaking her nipples. Muffled moans came from Fuuka as she licked his erection and kept her breasts constricted around his member.

Naruto pulled the buds forward and Fuuka's legs began to wobble in pleasure. The sensation of her lover toying with her nipples made her wetness drip out of her onto the cold stone and she felt his manhood twitch.

She took her mouth off his member and continued licking it. Naruto groaned as he knew that he would cum soon and Fuuka wanted him to release on her face.

Naruto jetted his member into Fuuka's orbs of flesh and he lowly moaned as he reached the end of his rope. His release burst out of his member and spurted onto Fuuka's face.

Fuuka moaned as Naruto's cum splattered on her face and he panted with an ecstatic look in his face. As he panted, Fuuka licked the semen closest to her mouth and found the taste satisfying.

The redhead kunoichi freed Naruto's hardness to lean back again and display her figure for him. In response, he gripped his erection and stroked it until he came on Fuuka's breasts.

She grinned at this and chuckled as his semen trailed down her cleavage onto her toned stomach. Naruto smiled down at Fuuka while she wiped his cum off her face and licked it up.

"Fuuka-chan…" Naruto said while gesturing to his manhood and she immediately stood up. She grabbed the back of his head and undid his headband.

She dropped it onto a nearby river and playfully pushed him onto his back. He landed on the rock and watched as Fuuka straddled him.

Fuuka winked at Naruto before turning around and spreading her legs apart. Her arousal still dripped from her warmth and it trailed down the redhead male's length.

Naruto watched as Fuuka brought down her crevice onto his cock and break her hymen apart the second his erection was inside of her. She moan at the pleasure at how swollen Naruto's erection was inside of her and Naruto moaned at how tight his lover's warmth was.

He gripped her waist and started thrusting his hilt into her tightness. After a few more moments, Fuuka reacted by bucking her hips and grinded Naruto's manhood.

Her breasts bobbed and jiggle. Naruto's length jerked upright into Fuuka's tightness and rubbed against her walls.

Fuuka's blush became stronger than ever as Naruto pumped his cock into her entrance and she rode him. Despite Naruto's agile thrusts, Fuuka managed to keep up with his speed and shook her waist on his length.

"YES YES YES, Naruto, Fuck Fuck Me. FucK my Pussy,"

It flew into Fuuka's pussy and she loudly moaned. Naruto groaned as his manhood thrust into Fuuka's warmth and her breasts heaved repeatedly from his sharp movements.

Fuuka wiggled her hips as Naruto's member raged into her slimy tunnels and she felt his cock crash against her womb. His length collided into Fuuka's walls as she kept bringing down her womanhood onto him and the sounds of flesh smacking together echoed throughout the cave.

He held onto her small waist as he shot his throbbing glory into her wetness and she closed her eyes in total pleasure.

Sweat formed on the redhead couple as they worked their hips together and Naruto couldn't help but notice how much Fuuka's breasts were heaving. Fuuka grinded Naruto's manhood and he lustfully growled from the warmth that surrounding his hardness.

He thrust into Fuuka's innards and she felt pleasure that she fell back. She landed on Naruto, who released her waist and cupped her breasts.

Naruto groped and kneaded her jiggling orbs as he plunged his manhood into her arousal and she grew tighter on him. Fuuka whimpered as Naruto caressed her breasts and rammed his length into her.

The Uzumaki kunoichi moaned as his member rocketed into her warmth and his fingers massaged her orbs of flesh. While her eyes remained close, her ecstatic grin returned to her face as Naruto pumped his cock into her pussy and rubbed her bouncing mounds together.

Fuuka faced Naruto and pressed her lips against his. She finally opened her purple-colored eyes and they locked with his dark purple eyes.

His tongue licked into Fuuka's mouth and it found her own. Their tongues violently rubbed and clashed against one another as he thrust into her pussy.

Naruto's cock rammed into Fuuka's tightness and she bucked her hips together. Her warmth grinded his hilt and they moaned into each other's mouths.

Fuuka felt Naruto's member twitch and they knew the end was near. He gripped Fuuka's nipples and twisted them while pulling them downward.

He and Fuuka's hips finally synced in movement as the latter grew tighter by the minute. Fuuka reached up with one hand and lovingly placed it on one side of Naruto's face.

She stroked his cheek and she dreamingly stared into his eyes. His manhood rumbled her walls and he tweaked the hardened tits as they endlessly jiggled about.

They moaned into each other's mouths and their tongues wildly soaked one another in saliva. Naruto and Fuuka's lust-driven movements came to an end as the latter's tightness enclosed on his length.

He groaned into Fuuka's mouth as countless rounds of his seeds overflowed the insides her womb; to the point where it sprayed out of her entrance and they moaned as loudly as their lungs could manage at this without breaking their kiss.

Both panted as their release oozed out of Fuuka's entrance and trickled down Naruto's hilt. Eventually, Naruto and Fuuka separated lips to catch their breaths as she lifted her womanhood off his member.

She lie against him and nuzzled him tenderly. He placed his hand on her stomach and used his other one to stroke her cheek.

Fuuka smiled smugly knowing she finally found an Uzumaki like her and Mei, and he belonged to her.

She moved higher in position, her chin resting on his red hair, she pressed his face into the valley of her breasts. The warmth felt like nothing ever before.

"Konoha had hidden the secret, they made sure our clan would die. Do you still want to be their Soldier," she whispered sweetly on his ear.

"You can with me in Kiri, my cousin Mei Uzumaki will be happy to see another Uzumaki, she's the Kage, you will be welcome there."