
Lemon Series

Several short stories of pure obscenity. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Other tags: Incest, Futanari, Bestiality.

Moon_Lord_ · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Futa Sakura x Tsunade by ChocolateCookieCream

Sakura wasn't sure what to expect when she was called to the Hokage's Office late into the night. She figured that Tsunade wanted to talk with her privately about the progress of her training over the last few weeks. It had certainly intensified compared to when she was a girl. Now that she was a young woman, nothing was held back from her. Tsunade was willing to teach her everything that she knew, hoping that the young ninja would go beyond what she had accomplished.

Though Sakura had her doubts. After all, who could become greater than the Hokage?

Perhaps Naruto or even Sasuke? They were the ones with the special abilities and gifts. Sakura was unsure if she would ever be able to keep up with them. But, her sensei would never allow fear to pull her down. She was tough. There were times when Sakura felt like she was being driven to her breaking point. Yet, she continued to hold her head high and grow stronger every day. Some believed that she was even on the same level as the Hokage. It was all thanks to Tsunade that she had taken the next step to become the great ninja she wanted to be. She was everything Sakura wanted to be.

Everything that Sakura wanted.

A blush crept across her cheeks as she tried to shake away those thoughts. They were just lewd visions that meant nothing. It's not like it was uncommon for a student to develop a crush on their teacher. What was also uncommon was for a teacher to respond to those feelings. It would never happen, much to the pink-haired ninja's dismay.

She reached the main door to the office and knocked on it firmly.

''Come in, Sakura.''

Sakura's ears perked up at the tone her sensei used. Her words appeared to be coated with a thick layer of delight. Once again, Sakura played it off as her unfulfilled desires getting the best of her. She marched through the door and was immediately taken aback by the sight.

''Lady Tsunade…what is this?''

''Your reward.''

Sakura was frozen on the spot as Tsunade was sprawled on the desk completely naked, revealing her mature body in all its glory.

For the longest time, Sakura thought that her favorite sight was that of the Hidden Leaf Village during the night. Because whenever she was standing in this office and gazing out of the windows, she could see the lights and be reminded of the life of this place she called home. However, right now, that sight was completely eclipsed by her sensei's mesmerizing curves.

''M-my reward?'' Sakura gulped.

''That's correct,'' Tsunade replied as she stood from her desk, unashamed about showing off for the young ninja. ''Close the door behind you.''

Despite still being in shock, Sakura did as instructed. Now, it was just the two of them alone. Sakura had wondered why the estate seemed unusually empty. Did Tsunade plan this? It seemed that way. Tsunade strutted around her desk and approached her bemused student. Everything about the Hokage radiated sensual power and confidence. If Sakura could melt into a puddle, she would. Instead, her biggest physical reaction was the throbbing sensation happening between her legs as her cock grew considerably.

Tsunade smirked as she trapped Sakura against the wall. There wasn't a hint of liquor that Sakura could detect. Tsunade was sober. The only thing that rivalled Sakura's horniness at this moment was her confusion.

''Lady Tsunade, when you say my reward…do you mean that you want to…with me?''

Sensing how nervous her student was, Tsunade offered a warm smile and brushed a loose strand of pink hair away from Sakura's face. Their eyes locked as Tsunade's finger touched the bottom of Sakura's chin. ''Don't think of me as a fool. I know that you've thought of being with me.''

''I didn't mean to degrade you, I was just…''

''Don't apologize, I'm flattered. I could never find it degrading that a beautiful woman such as yourself would want me. I want you too, Sakura.''

Breathlessly, Sakura's face inched closer. ''You do?''

Tsunade didn't know whether to smile or frown after hearing the disbelief in Sakura's voice. She knew about the rejection and hurt that she had gone through. The last thing she wanted was to do anything to hurt her. ''Sakura, if there is any part of you that doesn't want this, you're free to walk out of that door.''


Sakura's answer was swift and to the point. It never even crossed her mind that she would want to leave.

''Every part of me wants you, Lady Tsunade!''

The Hokage's eyes drifted down Sakura's body. She could see her breathing quicken as her chest rose and fell. She looked so vulnerable and yet so sure. It was obvious that Sakura was speaking the truth. Tsunade's eyes focused on a very prominent bulge that was taking shape beneath Sakura's pants. It wasn't the first time she had caught her student with a tent like that. She had often wondered about it. Dreamed about it. But, she never considered it appropriate to probe. Sakura may be an adult now, but she was still her student.

It felt like a line that shouldn't be crossed by either of them.

That wasn't going to stop them from coming together in a deep and passionate kiss.

Every positive emotion that Sakura had kept bubbling inside of her exploded in that one moment. She had longed for something like this with Tsunade for an eternity. Now, she was here with her. Their lips pressed together as their hands caressed each other's bodies. Sakura moaned between her heavy breathing as she fondled Tsunade's curves and the kiss became deeper and longer. Tsunade had Sakura pinned against the back of the door, crushing her student with her body. Unsure of where to keep her hands, Sakura touched Tsunade everywhere she could. She held onto the older woman's waist with one hand and reached around to cup her plump ass with the other. Tsunade grinded against her, causing her erection to harden to the point where she wondered if she was going to explode out of her pants.

After a while, they separated from their heated kiss and gazed into each other's eyes. Tsunade smirked when she spotted a mischievous glimmer from Sakura. The pink-haired ninja's hands shakily moved up Tsunade's body, almost coming in contact with her huge breasts. Not wanting to waste another second, Tsunade grabbed Sakura's hands and forced them onto her tits, allowing her student to grope them to her heart's content. A gasp slipped out of Sakura's mouth. They felt so heavy yet so soft in the palm of her hands. Her thumbs brushed over the hardened nipples, eliciting soft moans from Tsunade, encouraging Sakura to continue.

''I've wanted to do this for so long,'' Sakura revealed.

''I know,'' Tsunade replied coyly.

She knew that her bust had a certain effect on people. She would never let anyone dare to touch her chest in such a way unless that person wanted to lose an arm. However, Tsunade was more than happy to let Sakura play with her tits. It was clear to her that this had been her student's fantasy for a while. Once again, Tsunade's eyes wandered. She noticed Sakura's bulge. It was a miracle that her pants hadn't been torn considering how large it had become.

''I want to touch you too,'' Tsunade said, causing Sakura to halt her groping for a moment. ''May I?''

Too dazed to respond at first, it wasn't until Tsunade's hand started to drift downwards that Sakura realized what she meant. Tsunade wasn't going to touch her without Sakura's approval, but the young ninja's throat was too dry and she was too preoccupied with playing with her sensei's tits. Instead, she opted for a slow nod.

Tsunade smiled and cupped her hand between Sakura's legs, feeling her student's cock twitch needily beneath her pants. Sakura gasped and her moans became more bated as she felt Tsunade rub her bulge. The slow and gentle movements nearly made her legs buckle. She thrust her hips against Tsunade's hand. She wanted to rip her pants off so that there could be no obstruction between her cock and Tsunade's skin. But, she didn't want to remove her hands from Tsunade's boobs.

''Lady Tsunade…I…'' Sakura groaned, biting her lip to suppress any moan that might have been loud enough to alert any eavesdroppers.

''You can be as loud as you want, we're alone,'' Tsunade said. ''But, before we go on, I want to ask you a few questions and you need to answer them honestly. Do you understand, Sakura?''


''Is it okay if I use my hands?''

Sakura hesitated, wondering what Tsunade meant by that considering what she was already doing to her. Then, she thought that perhaps Tsunade was asking for consent about giving her a hand job. The thought of Tsunade's fingers wrapped around her dick made it throb with excitement.

''Yes, Lady Tsunade…''

Tsunade leaned closer so that her mouth was right next to Sakura's ear. Her hot breath tickled her. ''Is it okay if I use my mouth?''

''Yes,'' Sakura answered without hesitation.

Feeling Sakura's grip on her breasts grow stronger, Tsunade laughed slightly. ''Would you also like to feel my tits around your cock?''

''Fuck yes!''

Sakura had to keep her Inner-Sakura under control. This was almost too much for her.

Tsunade pulled her head back so that she could stare directly into Sakura's eyes again. ''Do you want to go all the way with me, Sakura? It's fine if you don't…''

''I want to,'' Sakura answered confidently. ''There's no one I'd rather be with. I want you to be my first.''

''I will be your first?'' Tsunade asked. She was surprised that Sakura hadn't been with another person. She was strong, ambitious and attractive. All the qualities that Tsunade herself admired in a woman. ''You've never done anything like this before?''

Sakura's face reddened. ''Well…Ino has given me a hand job. We weren't sure about going all the way at the time. I'm sorry…''

''Don't apologize for that. Everyone moves at their own pace. If you both didn't feel ready then there is no shame in stopping. If you were ready, you would have known.''

''I'm ready now. Lady Tsunade, I want to make love to you.''

Without another word, the two returned to kissing. Now that she had Sakura's consent, Tsunade worked quickly to strip her student. Their bare breasts pressed against each other the second Sakura's top was cast aside. There was quite a size difference between the two when it came to their boobs. It used to bother Sakura that she didn't feel as developed as the other girls growing up. But, it felt petty now compared to everything else going on. Plus, Tsunade's cleavage could now make up for both of them. Sakura's hands would never leave them. One of Tsunade's hands played with Sakura's perky breasts, pinching and pulling on her left nipple. Her other hand trailed to Sakura's waist, sliding into the hem of her pants before pulling them down.

Sakura sighed with relief as her cock was finally freed. Tsunade glanced down at her prize and was immediately awestruck. She was massive; thicker than her forearm and just as long. Sakura had to be a true ninja if she was able to keep something so big concealed during training.

''Is everything okay, Lady Tsunade?''

Tearing her eyes away from the delicious-looking rod, Tsunade grinned teasingly at her student before wrapping her hand around Sakura's shaft. Sakura moaned loudly as Tsunade stroked her. To silence her, Tsunade kissed her, sliding her tongue into her student's mouth.

''Sakura, I'm going to suck on your big, hard cock,'' Tsunade whispered seductively, still jerking her off as she squirmed against her. ''When you cum, do you want me to swallow? Or would you like to cum all over my face?''

Sakura shifted desperately as Tsunade picked up the pace. Both options were extremely tempting as both were a long-time fantasy of hers. Her words failed her. However, her eyes revealed her truest desire as she was caught staring at Tsunade's cleavage.

Noticing this, Tsunade grinned. ''I had a feeling.''

She then proceeded to kiss along Sakura's neck, working her way down to her breasts, latching onto her sensitive nipples and sucking on them for a short while. Slowly and sensually, Tsunade kissed and licked her way down Sakura's toned body before her lips came within touching distance of her student's cock. The warmth of her breath sent shivers down Sakura's spine. Up close, Tsunade was amazed by just how huge Sakura's dick was. She was bigger than any of her previous lovers. Poor Ino. As much as she would have wanted it, she was probably intimidated by the immense size. Not to mention that Sakura's balls were equally huge. Who knows how much seed she was storing inside of those things? Tsunade was excited to find out.

Sakura started to worry about how long Tsunade was doing nothing but stare at her. ''Lady…''

A sharp moan erupted from Sakura when she felt Tsunade's mouth wrapped around the tip of her cock before slowly swallowing more of her length. Tsunade bobbed her head back and forth, working her way one inch at a time until she was halfway down. Already, she could feel the tip of Sakura's cock ramming against the back of her throat. Not wanting to disappoint her student now, she gagged on the long shaft as she deepthroated it, feeling it being spared up and down her throat. To catch her breath, she released it from her mouth with a loud pop, leaving a bridge of pre-cum and saliva in her wake. She spat on the shaft and grabbed it firmly, stroking hard and fast as she licked the underside of the shaft.

''Holy shit,'' Sakura moaned with delight. She thrust her hips, fucking Tsunade's mouth at a steady pace. Her balls brushed against Tsunade's chin repeatedly.

Tsunade slurped on the cock with little sense of composure. This was raw and passionate. She was going to leave behind a mess. Though, it seemed that Sakura didn't mind in the slightest. Tsunade moved her head down so that she could suck on her lover's balls. She swirled her tongue around them and attempt to fit both in her mouth, slobbering around them and filling the room with wet, lewd noises. She alternated between each testicle before returning to Sakura's cock and devouring it once more. Her saliva coated Sakura's cock as she took the entire length down her throat. No dick had ever made her choke quite like this one. Her mouth was spread wide open. It was impossible for her not to become addicted to sucking Sakura's cock every day after tonight.

Sakura's breathing grew steadily, signalling to Tsunade that she was getting close to her first release of the night. As much as Tsunade wanted to continue using her mouth, she did make her student a promise and this was her reward after all.

''Are you ready to fuck my tits now?''

Sakura couldn't believe the words that were coming out of Lady Tsunade's mouth. It felt too good to be true.

''Yes, please. Lady Tsunade, I need this. I need you.''

Her cries and whimpers made Tsunade feel so hot. Her pussy was soaked. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt turned on giving someone a blowjob. Usually, it felt more like ticking off a task on a checklist rather than something she enjoyed. However, with Sakura it was different. The taste was intoxicating and the way Sakura reacted by thrusting against her face was a sensation she wished to relive very soon in the future.

Releasing Sakura's cock from her mouth, Tsunade leaned forward to push her chest against her student's lower region. She lifted her weighted breasts and enveloped them around the throbbing shaft. Sakura almost slid to the floor as she felt Tsunade bouncing her breasts up and down with her aching cock wedged between them. Jolts of pleasure rippled throughout her body as she fucked Tsunade's cleavage. It was a dream come true.

Much to Tsunade's surprise and delight, the top of Sakura's cock could not only poke out between her breasts but also still reach her mouth. She sucked on the tip as she pushed her breasts together, creating greater friction as Sakura's wet shaft slid up and down against her chest. She had never done this for anyone. She thought that being in such a position would be embarrassing and insulting. But, it felt right with Sakura.

''Lady Tsunade…I think I'm about to cum.'' Sakura moaned.

The sensation was too much for Sakura. She shuddered and fidgeted as Tsunade continued pleasuring her cock. Despite her warning, her orgasm came sooner than expected. Sakura let out a cry of pure ecstasy as she came. Thick threads of cum exploded all over Tsunade's cleavage, painting them like a frantic artist on their canvas. Tsunade pushed her breasts up, wanting to give Sakura the best view possible so that she could watch her cum splatter all over her tits. But, it soon became apparent that Sakura had more to spare. A few ropes splashed against Tsunade's stunned face. If she didn't think fast, the floor would be stained and she didn't want to have to explain that to others in the morning. She sealed her lips around the head and swallowed whatever was left. She nearly gagged as she felt cum spilling into her mouth and even hitting the back of her throat.

Eventually, she could breathe again as she pulled her mouth off of Sakura's cock. Her face and chest were drenched with her student's sticky seed. Her pussy felt like it was on fire. She never would have considered that receiving a facial would be such a turn-on.

After finally coming down from her euphoric high, Sakura looked on in shock at the state she had left Tsunade in. ''Are you okay? Was it too much?''

''It was,'' Tsunade replied as she stood up. ''But, that's not a bad thing.''

Sakura's lip twitched into a smile. Her heart was still racing as Tsunade grabbed her rigid cock once more. Instead of stroking her like before, Tsunade pulled her over to the desk and then forced Sakura to sit on the chair. Sakura's eyes were locked onto Tsunade's hips, watching them sway from side to side as she lifted her leg over and positioned herself onto Sakura's lap.

''Do you…''

''Yes!'' Sakura blurted out before Tsunade could even finish her question.

Tsunade then flicked Sakura's forehead playfully. ''I love the enthusiasm. I was going to ask if you wanted to cum inside of me or if you want to pull out and do it on my face again?''

''Oh,'' Sakura blushed. ''Is it a safe day for you?''

''It is.''

It was the easiest answer Sakura had ever given.

''Inside of you. Please, Lady Tsunade.''

Tsunade smiled and pressed her lips against Sakura's as she lowered herself into her student's cock. Her wet pussy inched onto the tip, slowly swallowing her up. She gradually pushed herself down to the base, causing both of them to moan loudly. Even with how wet she was, Tsunade's pussy felt utterly stretched trying to take Sakura's girth.

''Oh, fuck me, Sakura!'' Tsunade moaned as she began to ride her.

Sakura placed her hands on Tsunade's hips, assisting her when possible. She had the greatest view possible of her sensei's breasts bouncing. She couldn't resist the temptation to come forward and place her face between them. Tsunade giggled at Sakura's actions. Before long, those laughs turned into moans as she felt Sakura sucking on her nipples while her cock rammed into her over and over again. Sakura's hand then moved down to Tsunade's clit, teasing it while her cock slid in and out of her pussy.


''I didn't get to please you earlier. I want to cum inside you, Lady Tsunade. But, I want you to cum first.''

''Keep this up, and you won't have to wait long,'' Tsunade huffed.

She wrapped her arms around Sakura's head, holding her as close to her body as possible as she bounced harder and faster on her thick, long cock. Her eyes were rolling backwards as her pussy clenched tightly around the shaft. It felt like the missing piece had been slotted into its proper place. Tsunade had never felt so full; physically and emotionally.

The double pleasure of Sakura's fingers and cock working in unison helped Tsunade to reach the edge faster than she anticipated. She was already turned on from the earlier blowjob and titfuck, but she was still caught off-guard by how well Sakura was doing considering this was her first time. She was frantic and wild, but that made it hotter. She was eager to please Tsunade in any way possible.

Everything about the pink-haired ninja screamed joy. It was hardly surprising that Tsunade had ended up falling for her, despite what her conscious would tell her. She shouldn't get close to anyone, especially her student. The Shinobi world can be cruel and unforgiving. Who knows what threat might tear them apart tomorrow? That was one of the reasons why Tsunade wanted to share this night with Sakura. She didn't know if she would get another chance. She knew that Sakura wanted her, so she was willing to give Sakura her dream. Ultimately, it was Tsunade's dream too. To be with someone who understood her and made her happy.

Why did it have to be her student? Why did it have to be someone close to the enemy? Why did it have to be Sakura Haruno?

''Cum for me, Lady Tsunade!'' Sakura grunted.

It was the firmest she had sounded all night. It took Tsunade by surprise. That coupled with the way her fingers teased her while her cock slammed into her without mercy, it wasn't long before Tsunade was squirting all over Sakura's body. The pink-haired ninja didn't stop. She hooked her arms under Tsunade's legs and hoisted them up so that she was standing, holding Tsunade while fucking her. Tsunade cried out and wrapped her legs around her student, wanting to ensure that her length was fully buried inside of her when she came. As Sakura reached her climax, Tsunade caught a glimpse of the light in her eyes once more.

Why did it have to be Sakura Haruno? Because no one else had made Tsunade fall so deeply in love.

Tsunade threw her head back and screamed Sakura's name as her lover came inside of her, pumping thick loads of cum into her womb. It was spilling out of her. So much for not leaving a mess. Tsunade didn't care. The feeling of Sakura holding her like this after such an intimate moment was indescribable. She wouldn't trade this feeling for anything else.

Even after draining her balls, Sakura was still holding Tsunade. The Hokage had forgotten how strong Sakura was. ''Did you like your reward?''

Sakura didn't say another word. Instead, she kissed Tsunade. A gesture that her sensei returned in kind.

They stayed like that for a while. Tsunade wanted to make a quip about it just being a one-time thing unless Sakura proves herself in training again and 'earns' Tsunade's body. But, she didn't want to ruin this moment. Reward or not, she was willing to be with Sakura.