
Lemon Collection

This is my lemon collection. Would you like to have a sample? It is totally free to try! Come, let me make you a glass. Some lemons are sweet. Some are bitter. Some are rotten. And some are stolen from the stand next door and remixed for your pleasure! But don’t worry about all of that. It is all part of the fiction. Please, come over and have a glass. I have made more than a dozen for you to choose. Since I am such an idiot, I am not sure which glass is full and which glass is empty. The glasses are not even placed in order on the table, so please have a check of the volume before enjoying your drink. Who knows, you might find something interesting. If you love my work, you can commission another piece, to be added to your glass. If you don’t want to, please enjoy while it last! This is my lemon collection, come, come and have a look! Have a drink, it’s totally free! Just don’t get too addicted, because that will not be healthy for you! By the way, no kids are allowed! ******************************** If you didn’t understand all of that, it means that this is my fanfiction collection over the years. Some of them are completed – usually one-shots. Some of them are not – most aren’t. Some of them will make you vomit from disgust. Some are parodied, basing on another story I read somewhere. It is totally fine to parody or rewrite another fanfiction, so don’t b*tch about it. Please read the volume title before you b*tch about why the story just abruptly stopped. And if you want more chapters, you can commission it by becoming my patron. Use my penname to search. ******************************** Disclaimer: This collection contains graphical violence and sex scenes. Absolutely no children allowed to drink my lemon! Fanfiction: Naruto. Harry Potter. Fate Stay Night. Disney, and so on… ******************************** Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ffazvKp

Erosire · Others
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122 Chs

A Hunter Chronicle – 19

The last day of the exam finally came around.

Hisoka had played memory card games with several clones for the few days to starve off boredom.

It's a simple game where they need to find the pair within the deck with matching red and black suit as the cards was thrown in the air.

He didn't use any Nen ability for them game, as such the clones managed to win several rounds. He also killed a few of them during the week since he needed to stretch his limbs, and they were arguing with him about the oddest thing.

Overall, it was incredibly boring week. However, today was different.

Hisoka dodged the flying kick from Gon over his shoulder, but he felt the boy's hand grabbed onto it before completely passed by his shoulder.

Gon used the momentum to spin around and deliver a powerful knee kick into the back of the clown's head.

It was strong enough to send Hisoka tumbling forward while the spectators watched on from the side line.

The fox grinned madly at his newest student's prowess from the top of the Sage's head.

Beside Naruto sat Killua who was watching the fight with his friend fishing rod in his hand.

"He's was a lot faster than before…"

Killua mumbled, paying much attention to the fight.

Naruto nodded in agreement and jerked his head forward to let Kurama fall off onto its back to the ground.

"Okay, spill it, what's kind of training did you give Gon?"

Naruto asked while Kurama rolled to the side and became upright once more.

Although Hisoka wasn't using any Nen to combat Gon since the boy had no idea what Nen was, Gon's overall strength and speed had improved at an astonished rate over the course of just a week.

It must have been one heck of a training exercise.

"Nothing really, I just gave him hints… and some supplementary training… gravity seal."

Kurama grinned and turned its body toward the fight.

The boy's growth was incredible.

Gon's uncanny, bottomless potential reminded the demon fox of someone.

Similar to Naruto, Gon never gave up no matter what, even when his limbs were useless.

Gon would crawl slowly toward Kurama with his batter body during their training and requested the fox to continue.

Kurama was proud of the boy and would have increased the difficulty of their sessions but fearing it might stunt the boy's natural growth.

Regardless, the current Gon was powerful for someone of his age.

Hisoka sent a fast right directly at Gon, who grabbed the hand and used its power to spin his body, aiming his knee at Hisoka's elbow.

The clown winced in pain as he felt his joint cracked under the blow.

It wasn't broken, but it was painful as he threw his hand to the side along with its extra weight, sending Gon off.

The boy flipped in the air and landed perfectly on all four like some kind of feral animal.

Hisoka sent half a dozen of cards toward his opponent.

Gon's inhuman eyes could see their spinning motions in the air clearly and calculated the perfect evasive path through them.

His newest reflex can carry out the request without much difficult.

He dashed in zig-zag fashion, passing through the deadly paper with ease and lurched toward Hisoka.

A barrage of kicks and punches was sent toward the clown.

Hisoka grinned manically at how the black-haired boy had changed so much over the week, and quickly counter the strikes.

He quickly outpaced Gon's speed and sent a right into the boy's undefended cheek.

Hisoka felt the impact of his fist lessen as Gon's head moved in the same direction of the strike to reduce the effective power.

The boy still went flying as a result, spinning in the air like a star before crashing into the ground.

He flipped up right, rubbed his swollen cheek before re-engaging Hisoka.

"The pervert still faster and he hasn't used his leg to attack at all."

Naruto stated seeing how Hisoka managed to send Gon away after every clash with only fists and legworks.

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he saw something during the fight with every strike Gon's did.

The black-haired boy realized that his limb would on reach Hisoka in a direct confrontation, so he attacked Hisoka's elbow joint instead.

While the damage wasn't that much per attack, with dozens of them, the clown will feel the burden soon.

Gon evaded Hisoka's straight before trying to grab the badge, still pinned to Joker's cloth. Hisoka sidestepped the attack before sending a chop into the boy's neck, stunning him as he yelped in pain, staggering away.

Gon exhaled heavily as he tried to stop his leg from shaking.

That attack had shocked his brain and inhibited his motor function.

Hisoka, on other hand, waited for the boy to recover.

The devious grin was still on his face throughout the whole battle.

"Looks like it will end soon."

Naruto frowned as Killua nodded.

"Yeah, Gon has become really strong, but Hisoka is still stronger."

Killua pointed out the obvious.

For power ranking, Gon probably around Chunnin level versing against a Jounin. Hisoka was surprised by Gon's relentless attack when the match started but the clown had gotten used to the speed, and now, he could counter it perfectly.

'Faster… I need… to be faster…'

Gon thought as he dashed forward before sending away from a flurry of punches.

The speed of each connecting strike rapidly increased but it was still slower than what he wanted.

He tried again and again as Hisoka felt his arms were not as fast it used to be.

His joint was hurting while his opponent became much faster.

Hisoka finally send Gon away with a kick.

'Hmm, interesting.'

Hisoka thought, readying for another inevitable clash.

Gon recovered and dashed forward again.


Gon mentally screamed as his feet smashed into the ground.

He felt a wave of energy pushing through his leg.

He blinked as he leaped forward at an alarming speed.

Hisoka was stunned for a moment while the boy almost went passed him.

The ripped fabric near his chest area was flustering in the wind.


Hisoka didn't think much further before grabbing Gon's retreating form from behind.

He pulled the kid back and slammed the boy into the ground, forming a small crater.

Hisoka raised his hand up and was about to strike the spiky black-haired boy with a Nen empowered fist, but a double flying kick from both Naruto and Killua send him away.

Hisoka flipped in the air and landed.

He skidded backward from the force as he blinked, realizing what he was about to do.

He almost killed Gon in bloodlust after seeing the boy unconsciously used Nen.

"Match over! Gon got the badge so he won!"

Naruto declared as Killua slapped Gon's cheek to congratulate him.

It was the goal of this match before they started, and Hisoka agreed with the proposal.

Gon, currently still in the lying in the crater, was exhausted and had bruised all over his body, but he was smiling because he had managed to acquire the badge under his own ability.

The badge #44 was held up high by his hand toward the sky to show his accomplishment.

Naruto threw the box with the extra badges at Hisoka.

The clown grabbed it with one hand while the other clean off the footprints from his face.

Naruto put up a 'V' sign with his finger at Hisoka before turning around to help Gon up along with Killua.

They were cheering loudly as Kurama returned back on Gon's head.

'That surprised me for a second, I can't wait for him to grow up.'

Hisoka licked his lips in anticipation before opening the box and took out three random badges.

He almost killed a budding before it could truly bloom.