
Lemon Collection

This is my lemon collection. Would you like to have a sample? It is totally free to try! Come, let me make you a glass. Some lemons are sweet. Some are bitter. Some are rotten. And some are stolen from the stand next door and remixed for your pleasure! But don’t worry about all of that. It is all part of the fiction. Please, come over and have a glass. I have made more than a dozen for you to choose. Since I am such an idiot, I am not sure which glass is full and which glass is empty. The glasses are not even placed in order on the table, so please have a check of the volume before enjoying your drink. Who knows, you might find something interesting. If you love my work, you can commission another piece, to be added to your glass. If you don’t want to, please enjoy while it last! This is my lemon collection, come, come and have a look! Have a drink, it’s totally free! Just don’t get too addicted, because that will not be healthy for you! By the way, no kids are allowed! ******************************** If you didn’t understand all of that, it means that this is my fanfiction collection over the years. Some of them are completed – usually one-shots. Some of them are not – most aren’t. Some of them will make you vomit from disgust. Some are parodied, basing on another story I read somewhere. It is totally fine to parody or rewrite another fanfiction, so don’t b*tch about it. Please read the volume title before you b*tch about why the story just abruptly stopped. And if you want more chapters, you can commission it by becoming my patron. Use my penname to search. ******************************** Disclaimer: This collection contains graphical violence and sex scenes. Absolutely no children allowed to drink my lemon! Fanfiction: Naruto. Harry Potter. Fate Stay Night. Disney, and so on… ******************************** Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ffazvKp

Erosire · Others
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122 Chs

A Devil Jinchuuriki – 08

"I want complete access to that… sphere," Grayfia asked after she was sent to the Hokage's office.

It took some time as she wandered around the hall until one of the Shinobi asked if she needed anything.

Naruto had left her alone in the room once the image began appeared inside the ball, showing that it had work as intended.

He did not need to know more about those that she lost, and thus gave her much needed privacy.

He, however, frowned at the request as a few thoughts went through his mind.

Naruto didn't answer her, and looked down at the paper work, continuing to finish it off.

Grayfia waited patiently – like an unmoving statue – for the first hour.

She then noticed the room was incredibly messy as papers and scrolls were scattered all over the place.

She quickly took the imitative and tidying it up while the blond continued to work through the day.

Naruto glanced up every now and then to check what the girl was doing.

He had ordered the ANBU to let her be since she seemed to understand her situation a little better now.

The room was cleaned up as he looked around, making him feel a bit better.

"You can use it but be mindful of your vitality. I wouldn't want you dying in that room. It's a pain to get rid of the body. Plus, it also creates more paperwork for me. In return, you should help me with my work too since as there's nothing else for you to do."

Naruto finally answered once he finished the workload.

Grayfia accepted the exchange and Naruto ordered some ANBU to make better living space for her in his own compound.

She didn't need to go back to her jail cell anymore.

He returned to frowning as soon as she left his office.

He'd been through all that and endured what lost and sacrifice.

She will have to understand it on her own term just like he did.

For the next few years, Grayfia watched Sirzechs Lucifer within the ball as the man led Old-Satan faction against the Anti-Satan faction, and emerged victorious.

With the conclusion of the civil war, Lucifer had finally brought peace and stability to the underworld just like he had promised.

Tears constantly trickling down her face as she watched Sirzechs finally accepted her death.

"You know, he has moved on with his life, so should you, Grayfia-chan. There's no point of holding on to the past," Naruto said as he stood behind her.

Naruto had watched her for some time now.

He had seen her struggles, trying to break through the world's dimension.

He also helped her as much in he can, but in the end, he realized that it literally impossible to recreate the same situation that brought her here.

The summons had told Naruto there are many dimensions running alongside with his world.

Even if they can forcibly break through the dimension, there was no guarantee what was on the other side was her world.

They could wind up somewhere worst, or worst, allowing an enemy they weren't prepared for to breech their world.

Grayfia remained silence.

She had told Naruto some of her pasts while Naruto did the same throughout the years they spend time talking to each other.

He enjoyed her company as she was an immortal like him.

Children of the villages grown up, joined the rank of Shinobi then passed away after having children of their own, while they remained unchanged.

"Look at what he had accomplished? He now governed an entire race of devil. Your kind had brought peace and stability to your world. What have you accomplished in these years? You sacrificed yourself, knowing that he always remembers you, but you wanted to return, even if it's seems impossible,"

Naruto pointed out.

He placed his hand on the glass sphere that showed the crimson-haired man.

Naruto had lost much as well in his long life, but he understood that the past was the past, and it shouldn't dictate one's future.

"I ask of you… no beg of you, Grayfia-chan. Please just let it go and continued with your life. You are part of the village now and everyone had warm up to you. If you don't want to do it for me, at least, do it for yourself," Naruto said as he turned around and left the room.

Grayfia sat there, continuing to dwell in her own sorrow.

"Sirzechs…" Grayfia muttered.

The said man blinked in the sphere as if he heard her. But it wasn't that, he investigated his glass of wine and frowned a little.

"Are you still thinking about her?" a middle-aged looking man said as he entered the study.

He had long crimson red hair that is tied as a lose ponytail with a black hairband.

There was an air of power around him.

"Yes father, I will always think of her and how she gave her life for me. There is place in my heart for Grayfia Lucifuge, but I should move on. How about I get marry and give you an heir?"

Sirzechs suggested with a smile.

His father nodded. He took out a coin from his pocket and flipped it in the air.

"Head, Bael Clan and tail, Sitri Clan," Sirzechs announced.

Lord Gremory chuckled. "You're letting a coin toss decide your future wife?"

"I'm taking a leap of faith," Sirzechs replied with a smile.

Grayfia watched his happy face one last time before removing her hand from the glass surface.

The vision faded away as it was no longer supplied with her power.

She left the room and closed the door behind her.

That was the last time she returned here.