
Legion Of The Damned In Another World.

Finally, I can live how I want and not be forced to do some stupid plot to entertain higher beings.

Overcookedsponge · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Bloodline Abilitys.

"Yes ma'am, I will do it. What is it you need me to do?"

"I need you to let me look at your memories."

Jack stood still, eyes wide open in shock.

He was aware of the Horizon family's bloodline abilitys.

In this world, only royal families have bloodlines due to how rare they are. They always provide some super powerful abilitys. The Horizion Royal Family was no different. Their bloodline abilitys were insanely strong, with their main ability being to look through the memories of people. This was insanely usefull in interrogation. However, it came with a catch. The user had to be in direct contact with the subject and it would put the subject through excruciating pain. The stronger the person the quicker the process is and the less pain is inflicted upon them.

Grace needed to see this man, and the quickest way to do that was go through Jack's memories. So she asked.

Jack never thought that Garce would ask him to do that, but here she was. He knew it would be painful but he could how important it was to her. So he decided he would deal with the pain.

"Okay, just make it quick."

With that said he kneled in front of grace and she grabbed his head. She then started looking inside his head, using one of her own skills, which enabled her to essentially download memories from a person almost as if it were a digital file from Earth, of course she didn't know that that is what she was doing. While this method was faster, the only way she could view the memories that she transfered to her mind was to use some of her magic and creat what was essentially a holographic display.

For the minute that it took to transfer Jack's memories, he was screaming in pain. Finally, when it was done, he had passed out.

"Guards" Grace's called and they entered her room, "take Jack to the infirmary please."

Once they had left, she used her magic and watched the memory unfold.

Jack pov:

It was two weeks into winter and the blizzards that the Spectacle Mountains were know for had set in early, so the search party was returning home ahead of schedule. They were currently 50 miles away from the end of the mountai range and the forest budding up besides it when they all felt a terrifying aura start pulsing all around them. It was Vanessa, the groups healer that first noticed the light down below them.

"Guys, what is that?" She asked as she pointed down at the light.

"I don't know, but we need to find out." Jack replied. There was a rock ledge rather close to were they were. When they got to it, they noticed that it revealed the perfect line of sight between them and the light. So they stood there and watched it, fearing getting to close.

Suddenly the light got brighter and then it shot into the sky in a massive beam. They could feel the heat of this beam increasing while they were a few hundred yards away. It was so hot that any vegetation around the beam burst into Flames.

After 5 minutes, the beam just suddenly dissaperd with no warning, all the snow had melted into water by now and was running down the mountain into the large crater that was left.

Standing inside the crater, in the middle of the pooling water, was a huge man. He was clad head to toe in black plate armor. Flames poured off of his armor. Adorned on almost every surface were the bones of fallen enemies. His eye slits were glowing blood red. He was the personification of death himself, and he had the aura to back that up if he chose to.

Upon closer inspection,one would be surprised that he was only an 8th temperament Titanium stage Cultivator. Everyone knew he was no normal 8th temperament Titanium stage cultivator.

Grace didn't need to finish to memorie. She new what happened after that. She stood up and went to her bathing chamber. She knew that man was no normal Titanium cultivator. She new so because she had pissed herself when she laid eyes on this man. That's how terryfingly strong he was. He could make her, one of the strongest humans in the world, piss herself when she saw him through a memory. It's a miracle the party didn't pass out from sheer terror.

She sighed as she got I to her bathtub, relaxing g against its wall. She knew she needed to come up with a plan of action to get him on her side, but for now she just wanted to relax. Only God knows when she will get the opertunity to do so again I'm the coming months.