
Legion Combat

Nafalia- another realm, nicknamed the continent of Darkness. The mysteries that lie within are yet to be unraveled, and those that explore this realm go by the title, 'Appeasers.' Zalayno Ares, affectionately known as Zal, is a youth driven by the desire to explore the unknown. His journey as an Appeaser starts driven by curiosity, as becoming an Appeaser in this world has become a trendy pursuit. However, as he goes further down this path, he learns about the dark side of embarking on this journey. The pursuit of curiosity loses its luster as he discovers the negative consequences of venturing into the unknown. The allure of the unknown now comes with a heavy price, and Zal grapples with the haunting question of whether he should have ever embarked on this treacherous path in the first place. *** Hello, this is the author, Zal01. This is my first novel, and I understand I may make mistakes, and blah blah blah. If so, please comment the mistakes, I'll make sure to check on them. Thank you for reading, and I hope you join me on this wild ride :) Also, if you like it, add it to library! Don't forget to vote if you enjoy it so far and would like to see more. It'll motivate me to upload more :)

Zal01 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Prologue: Scripture

Long ago, in an era plagued by war and conflict, an unknown entity saved mankind... no, saved the entire planet. This enigmatic being bestowed upon humanity the knowledge of "Ki."


An unimaginable calamity befell the Earth.

The once-blue skies turned a haunting shade of red, crackling with lightning that sent tremors throughout the world. Portals materialized indiscriminately, unleashing hordes of otherworldly beings, the so-called 'monsters,' driven by an insatiable desire for destruction.

Screams of agony echoed in every corner, and streets ran red with the blood of the innocent. The mindless beasts rampaged, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. The scenes were horrific, and the death toll rose with each passing moment.

The population dwindled rapidly, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Resistance proved futile, for fighting back meant certain death. All they could do was flee and seek shelter, but there was no point—they would be hunted anyway!

It was an unequalled massacre, a sight that spelled the end of the world. However, amidst the chaos, a shimmering purple light materialized, transforming into a radiant white glow. The crimson sky subsided, blanketed by the brilliance of the entity that appeared.

Seated upon a throne, the being stood apart from humanity in its essence.

Its existence permeated the thoughts of every individual, its image etched into their minds through a form of telepathic sorcery.

Cloaked in resplendent white, the being floated majestically in mid-air, a serene smile adorning its countenance. Its very presence dazzled all who beheld it. Everything about this entity exuded grandeur.

Yet, humanity struggled to comprehend its true nature.

It emerged seemingly out of nowhere, bearing an aura reminiscent of divinity. It felt as though mankind's sole purpose was to serve this enigmatic entity, despite not even knowing its origins. The weight of its presence imposed an immense pressure on all.

Still, the ultimate question lingered...

Was it a god who saved humanity from the demonic hordes, or a malevolent force responsible for summoning these abominations?


"Kneel," commanded the entity telepathically.

Its voice resonated within the minds of all, compelling obedience without hesitation. To be precise, their bodies moved involuntarily, confirming the entity's employment of some sort of magic.

All complied, save for one.

He stood there, consumed by grief.

"Kneel? What the fuck do you mean, kneel? I have lost my wife and children. I care not if you are a god. I care not if you kill me. I would rather die than kneel before someone like you," he protested vehemently.

His defiant words reverberated through the collective consciousness of humanity. The being must have transmitted his message telepathically, preserving his final act of defiance!

"Very well, then," the entity replied.

In that moment, the man vanished. This image, too, played out within the minds of all, leaving humanity stunned. They recognized the truth in his words, yet his rebellion cost him his life. How could he resist where others could not? While all were compelled to kneel and rendered voiceless, this man somehow fought against the entity's power.

What had he hoped to achieve by speaking so brazenly in the presence of a being believed to be divine? It was an obvious misstep, one that ultimately led to his demise... Or perhaps, in death, he had found solace, having already lost everything during his mortal existence.

"You poor souls, today is a truly dreadful day," the entity's voice echoed in their minds.

Its majestic tone carried a comforting warmth with every word.

"Fear not, for today marks the 'Day of Evolution.' I shall bestow upon you the knowledge of 'Ki'," it proclaimed. Soon after, the white radiance in the sky erupted into a dazzling explosion.

In a remote corner of the world, a dark void emerged—a boundless abyss of darkness encompassing a tenth of the planet.

"This is Nafalia, the gateway to other worlds. It shall be your crucible. Prove your strength and shatter Nafalia. Only then shall you uncover the truth."

Gradually, the being dissipated, leaving behind its final message.

"This shall be an intriguing spectacle. Go forth, my children, and enlighten me," it declared before fading completely.


And so, the cataclysmic disaster came to an end. At that point, none comprehended the events that had transpired; it all felt like a dreadful nightmare.

Then, an unprecedented phenomenon unfolded, enabling humans to tap into their dormant energy reserves. This, undoubtedly, was the entity's gift of 'Ki' come to fruition.

Among humanity, certain individuals emerged as "anomalies," possessing a distinct Ki signature that surpassed that of ordinary humans. These anomalies united and divided themselves into factions known as the 'Legions':

1. Legion Aeolus - The name of the God of Wind.

2. Legion Hera - The name of the Goddess of the Skies.

3. Legion Fuku - The name of the Ruler of Curse.

4. Legion Typhon - The name of the King of Beasts.

5. Legion Ares - The name of the God of War And Swordsmanship.

6. Legion Despoina - The name of the Goddess of Frost.

7. Legion Indra - The name of the God of Thunder.

8. Legion Apollo - The name of the God of Archery.

9. Legion Agni - The name of the God of Fire.

Along with these nine, there are the three major Legions.

Legion Izel - The founder of this Legion goes by 'Izel.'

Legion Rezik - The founder of this Legion goes by 'Rezik.'

Legion Yeprinash - The founder of this Legion goes by 'Yeprinash.'

These three Legions were entitled 'the strongest.'

Henceforth, this day would be known as the 'Day of Evolution.'

The entity that appeared earned the title of 'The Absolute One,' and since that momentous day, it never manifested itself again.


Ultimately, the tragic event remained shrouded in mystery, and many came to the conclusion that the Gods had unleashed divine judgment upon the world, ushering forth demons and calamities. In exchange for the bestowed gift of Ki, millions of lives were sacrificed.

Yet, this tale persisted only within the confines of ancient scriptures. In the present era, humanity has made remarkable strides, harnessing and refining their mastery of Ki. The world has achieved lasting peace and order since that fateful day, the so-called "Day of Evolution."

In the modern world, the scriptures are regarded as mere fables, nonsensical tales from a bygone era that hold no significance. No one wishes to dwell in a past that defies logic; instead, humanity aspires to thrive and preserve peace until the end...


Hello, this is the author, Zal01. This is my first novel, and I understand I may make mistakes, and blah blah blah. If so, please comment the mistakes, I'll make sure to check on them.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you join me on this wild ride :)