
Legion Against Darkness

I started out human. I became something else. Now.... I'm more than human, and someone else entirely. Things are out there, that want to bind, torture and enslave humanity. This is how I found this hidden war, how they trained me, and why I fight with the Legion, against darkness.

Eristarisis · Urban
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42 Chs

Intelligent Operations and an Oxymoron

The aftermath of a Cabal's "visit" was to receive the wrath of the Legion. Almost a hundred specialists converged on the site to purge the carnival with maximum intensity.

Everyone affiliated with the carnival was either a prisoner or dead. We burned the place to the ground. Our cover story: Inappropriately stored fireworks, unstable electrical wiring, and the whole site had gone up in smoke. That also covered all the broken windows and bent street lights.

The cover story held up with ease. Nature abhors a vacuum, and various Legion assets in official government helped sell the report to the masses. People accept the dumbest of stories so that they can live a relatively everyday life - including things like this.

Fighting a war means sacrifice, and it also means casualties. Sarah Raveshaw was precisely that: A casualty of war. That psychic maelstrom was instinctively drawn to her and fed on her. It feasted on her mind and left her a beautiful, living shell of her former self.