
legends of the soul reaper

"A curse can often become a gift...and a gift a curse.....give him a wing...and he might fly too close to the sun......give him tremendous strength....and he might lift a load too heavy, crushing himself to death......give him a precious gift, one of its kind......and he might think he was born to rule the world........ And I myself was given a curse.....one like no other.......a burden too much for me too handle....and it was slowly eating me up.......but in the never ending dark abyss.......there was a spark of light.......a ray of hope, and I seized that hope........I inherited the power of death itself, or better still.......I became death itself......... Welcome to my world.......and don't get me wrong I am not the hero of this story.......I am the f*cking VILLAIN.......

RobertNoel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The soul reaper

  Even though earth isn't know for peace, it was one of the most safest place you would want to find yourself, it was home to over a billion species, with the humans standing as the alpha race.....that was until the "Big bang".....a catastrophic event that lead to the collusion of over five different worlds... normally the earth and all it's inhabitants would be dead, but the planets itself didn't collide, it was the time stream that did.... releasing massive amounts of raw energy upon each planet, giving way for the birth of what we call the rifts.....

  It was like a tear in the fabrics of space and time itself, creating a doorway to the planet with the strongest core....while the ones with the weaker ones was completely destroyed.....

  And fortunately...earth was the one with the strongest core.....making it the only planet that survived the carnage....

  The inhabitants of the other four planets were swallowed by a neverending abyssal darkness...they all struggled.....shouted...and prayed to their gods, but nothing changed....after what seemed like an enternity, a ray of hope finally fell upon them.....

  They were spat out into the earth through the rifts...non of their billions of species was harmed as they all scattered around the earth...

 Now the humans were no longer the alpha race, they were now almost at the bottom of the food chain....

  They were hunted and killed without mercy, and became a slave to the higher races that now inhabitanted their planet...

 After thousands of years under slavery, they learned to control the new energy that now surrounded the earths atomsphare.....

  This gave way to their rebirth, they became stronger, faster, smarter, and now possessed various different abilities, enabling them to fight back....

  In all this madness, a greater threat laid hidden in the body of a young boy named Evans, who was proheptised to bring great calamity upon the earth, and all the inhabitants of it.......