
legends of the soul reaper

"A curse can often become a gift...and a gift a curse.....give him a wing...and he might fly too close to the sun......give him tremendous strength....and he might lift a load too heavy, crushing himself to death......give him a precious gift, one of its kind......and he might think he was born to rule the world........ And I myself was given a curse.....one like no other.......a burden too much for me too handle....and it was slowly eating me up.......but in the never ending dark abyss.......there was a spark of light.......a ray of hope, and I seized that hope........I inherited the power of death itself, or better still.......I became death itself......... Welcome to my world.......and don't get me wrong I am not the hero of this story.......I am the f*cking VILLAIN.......

RobertNoel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The soul reaper chapter 7

Growls of pains and pure agony echoed throughout the entire forest making the birds on different tree tops fly away.

In a deserted part of the forest, a young boy was sitting on the ground looking at a body that was covered in blood with different bones sticking out of it, the ground, different trees and the grass was stained with blood making the area look like a crime scene.

The body was that of the wolfish beast that attacked Evans earlier.


"What happened to me" said Evans in a panicked tone as he couldn't seem to recall or understand what was happening.

- I will inform you later, pick up the gold let's get out of here before someone spots us -

"O...k" replied Evans as he stood up on his shaking legs and walked over to the gold that was placed in a black shabby looking bag even though the bandits clearly had advance technology.

Walking slowly so he won't trip over, Evans proceeded to walk for several hours under the scorching sun while still carrying the heavy bag of gold, his throat was burning up and his legs begging for rest, Evans felt like he was about to die any second from now, he wanted to sit down to rest but the heat from the sun was just unbearable, still checking his options, he saw a cave that was at least 25 meters tall and look cool and cozy compered to his current situation. "Thank goodness, I don't think I could bear this heat any longer" said Evans while approaching the cave.

When he walked inside, he almost cried out in joy because of the coolness of the cave and shelter it provided.

"Oh my goodness, this place is like a heaven, I will camp here for now until it is sun down" said Evans as he proceeded to sit down on a comfortable looking rock.

After several minutes of rest, Evans felt dire need for water, looking around the cave he found nothing but rock and dirt.

"Sh*t, I knew I was forgetting something when we left, how am I supposed to survive without even a drop of water in this kind of place, this is not how I expected my journey to be" said Evans with slight anger about his situation.

- Things never goes as planned in this accursed universe -

"I almost forgot, tell me what happened when that creature attacked me" asked Evans.

- ...I don't quite know how to put it, but in essence you were able to accomplish something that was supposed to be impossible for you to do without being chosen by me although it was brief, I will explain more later on, i don't think its something you can understand right now -

"Didn't you already chose me though?" asked Evans in a confused tone

- Not quite -

"How so? I thought we made a deal" asked Evans

- Things are not that simple child, Although we did, but that just a normal deal and not the ritual for you to become chosen -

"Chosen as what exactly?" asked Evans once more getting more confused.

- The soul keeper, An entity who guides souls to their next life, making sure the evil gets punished and the good rewarded, keeping the balance between the living and the dead -

"Soul keeper? you are mistaken, you said you were the soul 'reaper' not 'keeper' or have you forgotten?" asked Evans diving deeper into confusion.

- I am a soul 'reaper' and not 'keeper', but that's not something I think you would understand now unless you I initiate the ritual which I don't think you are ready for -

"But what the difference between the two?" asked Evans once again.

- That's a story for another day my friend, but just know that while one has a good and happy future, the other can never even dream about it -

"Ok, but just keep in mind that you are confusing me a lot" said Evans with a disappointed tone.

- I have answered a lot of your questions, can you doe a favour and answer a bit of mine -

"Yeah sure go on" replied Evans with a smile.

- Can you tell me a little about your family? -

"I don't quite remember all of a sudden it's like my memories of my younger days are covered with a black Vail and the more I try to remember the more I forget before eventually getting a headache" replied Evans honestly.

- Oh, so that's the reason for your recent headache this following week, well don't think too much -

"Yeah thanks for the advice" said Evans.

- You are very welcomed -

"We would start our journey in about 1 hour, I need to take a nap first" said Evans as he gently lays down on the ground and eventually slept off.

- Who ever found this part of my dismembered soul must have had a good reason to give it to a child instead of harvesting it's power, this is a bigger plot than I could have imagined - Said Zafar El