
legends of the soul reaper

"A curse can often become a gift...and a gift a curse.....give him a wing...and he might fly too close to the sun......give him tremendous strength....and he might lift a load too heavy, crushing himself to death......give him a precious gift, one of its kind......and he might think he was born to rule the world........ And I myself was given a curse.....one like no other.......a burden too much for me too handle....and it was slowly eating me up.......but in the never ending dark abyss.......there was a spark of light.......a ray of hope, and I seized that hope........I inherited the power of death itself, or better still.......I became death itself......... Welcome to my world.......and don't get me wrong I am not the hero of this story.......I am the f*cking VILLAIN.......

RobertNoel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The soul reaper chapter 5

~ Two weeks later ~

The past days Evans worked relentlessly to make money and also train his new powers and find out ways to make them more efficient, after asking around he was told that they are four different Academy and each one acceptance fee was very expensive as the last hence the urgent need for money.

These passing days he found out how strong he is compared to others and about the other stages of cultivation which are "warrior realm" which has three stages, introductionary stage, mid stage and last stage. They is also knight realm, commander realm, captain realm, king realm and emperor realm. They all have different stages but Evans was not sure because the different people he asked said different things, not even one was similar except warrior realm making Evans frustrated.

Right now Evans strength could be compared to someone in knight which was quite unbelievable considering the lack of materials and resources.

After the villagers saw this, some of them tried to befriend him but he refused, they then started rumours about him using forbidden techniques to cultivate and gain strength overnight making them hate him more than before and more envious of his success.

Evans paid them no heed and kept to his daily routine, right now he was tasked to bring magical herbs from dead man's peak ( A mountain known because of the dangers that lurks there) it was a job for a strong cultivator and had a good pay which made Evans promptly accepted it dispite the dangers.

"Are you sure you are up to this boy? it not a job for a kid your age' said a young man in his late twenties that had red shiny silky hair and deep blue eyes that was in contrast making him stand out, he was 6'1 tall with a muscular build and a square jaw adding to his already handsome face. Evans was currently standing in front of a large wooden table in a local cultivators guild trying to apply for the mission but was doubted because of his young age.

"Yes, I am hundred percent sure, just please lend me a sword and a map, I am also willing to sign the contract so just pass it over" said Evans in an impatient tone with his eyes twitching with annoyance.

"Well it your life not mine, just sign here and here" said the man whose name Evans didn't even bother to ask after seeing the huge pay as he collects the paper and pen.

"It states that if in any situation your are found dead or injured I will not be hold responsible and-" before the man could finish his rantings Evans passed him the paper back and walked out the door trembling in excitement.

"He didn't even let me finish, such rude behaviour. well anyone up for a bet that he is not coming back" asked the man with a smile on his face as people gathered him to place bets while laughing and drinking.


"I am officially going on my first mission, I have dreamt about this my whole life even though am I still 15 but still my whole life and now I can finally scratch that from my bucket list while still making a pretty huge sum, two birds with one stone" said Evans in excitement.

- can you please stop behaving childish, this journey might be actually dangerous -

"Tch, you are such a fun killer, it no wonder you call yourself the life snatcher, And for your information I am a grown man" said Evans with annoyance laced on his voice.

- I said I am the soul reaper not "life snatcher" or any of that nonsense -

"Whatever, let's just get a move on shall we? said Evans while walking in a fast pace with annoyance and excitement lingering on his face.

- Wait! you forgot the sword and the map -

"Agrr, now I will have to go back" said Evans with anger.

Running at full speed, he got there in no time and rushed in only to see everyone freeze and look at him with surprise filled eyes and hopeing In their minds that he should not notice that they were just literally Betting on his life.

Looking at them with a suspicious gaze he asked for the sword and map which was given to him promptly.

Taking the sword and map, he walked out and headed for his direction which was a mountain surrounded by a thick forest that had an eerie feeling surrounding it that could make grown men shiver in their boots.

Without a second thought, he strolled in like he owned the place looking around with excitement filled eyes instead of fear that would make any sane man question Evans sanity.

After a few minutes of enjoying the view and

scent of the forest, he takes out a map that was given to him by the man earlier (which name he never cared to ask) about the location of the herbs and started following it.

After an hour of walking around, he sat down to rest and relax his legs which were throbbing in pain.

"This is not how I planned my journey to be, it is so boring and quiet here" said Evans displeased about the uneventful journey.

- Stop whining for once and listen! I can sense several energy signatures approaching you from the west -


"Sh*t, said Evans while hiding behind a tree as fast and quiet as he could move.

"I would say the mission went pretty well if not for the death of ivy, she would have made a great wife, well we win some we lose some but we still got a lot of gold from it and....." said a manly voice as the person approaches Evans location.

The moment Evans heard the word "gold" his ears stood up and he wore a serious expression and started making up plans to ambush the group and hijack the money, it was a dog eat dog world after all.

"Yeah, it was a huge success, the number of security men was exactly as predicted. it was her fault she got caught and wasn't able to defend herself so ivy death is non of my concern....." replied another voice, they were at least five or six different voices that Evans ears could pick up.

Coming into his view, Evans spotted five men and two women coming from the west direction and he hid well to not get caught.

They reached the tree Evans was sitting beside before he hid and decided to camp there because of the good shade the tree was providing. They then unpacked their heavy load and brought out a well packaged meat that was stored in a plastic wrap and alcohol to eat and drink.

After an hour of drinking, laughing and eating they got drunk and was unaware of thier surrounding.

Evans took out a piece of cloth and wrapped it around his nose and tied it at the back of his head covering half of his face. Taking out his sword he sneaked over to the group of people with no fear present in his eyes before stopping directly behind the man holding a large sack that the contained gold.

Before the man could even realized what was happening, he felt a sharp pain in his back that lifted him off the ground screaming before colliding with a tree that snapped in two upon impact making the man cough up a mouthful of blood and fainted on the spot he landed on. The other group members turned their head to Evans direction drawing out their weapons before taking a fighting stance.

"Who is this little motha fucker?" asked one of the men from the group.

"Your demise bitch" replied Evans as he ran forth at breakneck speed towards the group, different battle cries rang out as they charged at each other.

Evans dodge a swing to his neck and retaliated by stabbing forward which the man promptly intercepted with his sword and a kick that sent Evans to the ground, the man was clearly talented in sword play. Before he could get up he was already surrounded by the group with mockery written all over their face.

"So much big talk just to die so easily" said a woman from the group

Evans was not talented in using swords and had only trained with a wooden one for the past two weeks.

"Fuck sword!! I will kill you with my hands" said Evans as he jumps up with all his strength cracking the ground and lifting sand and leaves into the air in the process as he escapes their encirclement.


Landing back on the ground he sprints to the direction of the group in a split second arriving directly in front of a woman, before she could even attack she was kicked in the side of her stomach that broke her ribs and sent her flying with a pained expression and a loud grunt.

Another huge man attacked him with a vertical slash but Evans sidesteped and sent a punch to the man's stomach which caused the man to groan in pain as he staggers backwards, Before the man could regain his footing Evans jumped in the air and kicked him directly in his face with such raw force that the man nose broke sending blood and teeth everywhere, he head was sent crashing into a tree with enough force to crack the tree and the man's neck killing him on the spot.

Evans charged at the next man who was still paralyzed by fear and kicked him in his left knee breaking and bending it in an unnatural angle making the man scream in pain as he bent down slightly to the height of Evans who promptly landed an uppercut on the man's chin making him spit a mouthful of blood and teeth before falling to the ground knocked out cold.

Evans jumped at his next target landing a knee on her face that flung her backwards snapping a tree in two.

- You must be quite talented to learn how to fight in just two weeks -

Turning to look at the two remaining men, they fell on the floor and wet their selves. "Please just let us go and you can have the bag of gold please I beg of you" said one of the men while the other nods in agreement.

"No, I rather cripple or kill you to make sure you won't come back for revenge" said Evans trying to make his voice sound deeper.

He charges at the two men who passed out before he even reached them.

Looking at the two bodies of the men he clicks his tongue and walks away going over to the bag of money before picking it up and walking around to search the body of the group collecting several technology which he didn't know their use for now and collected several other items, while searching the body of the last person he hears a low menacing growl that made the hair on his neck stand.

- F*ck -