
legends of the soul reaper

"A curse can often become a gift...and a gift a curse.....give him a wing...and he might fly too close to the sun......give him tremendous strength....and he might lift a load too heavy, crushing himself to death......give him a precious gift, one of its kind......and he might think he was born to rule the world........ And I myself was given a curse.....one like no other.......a burden too much for me too handle....and it was slowly eating me up.......but in the never ending dark abyss.......there was a spark of light.......a ray of hope, and I seized that hope........I inherited the power of death itself, or better still.......I became death itself......... Welcome to my world.......and don't get me wrong I am not the hero of this story.......I am the f*cking VILLAIN.......

RobertNoel · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The soul reaper chapter 2

When Evans finally flutter his eyes open he saw himself still lying on his bedroom floor, still confused he proceeds to try and get back up only for him to feel really dizzy and tired even though he just woke up. After finally getting up he looked down and saw a little jar lying on the floor, then it hits him, he remembers the event of yesterday and hurriedly checked his neck for injuries only to fell his smooth skin and no bruises.

Still thinking about the situation, he remembers the job he had today "oh my goodness, I am almost late! I promised Mr Jason to help carry his goods to his shop, I have to hurry!

Evans quickly got dressed and ran to Mr Jason's house that was across the street.

"knock... knock...."


The door creaks while opening, revealing a smiling old man in his late-forties with black hair that had streaks of grey in some places, and deep brown eyes that gave off an aura of boldness and wisdom. He was wearing a brown vest on top of a plain looking t-shirt and black ironed trousers.

"Hey Evans my boy, I have been waiting for you, hope you are ok? because you have never arrived late when I needed your help, said Mr Jason while embracing Evans.

"I know, something just came up, so where are the goods? said Evans while returning the embrace.

"Come on in, said Mr Jason as Evans follows him into his house were several heavy looking boxes laid.

Evans was still looking around when a young girl about his age that had a small figure with shoulder length blond hair and hazel eyes which complemented her hair walked over to him.

"Hey Nancy, didn't see you there' said Evans with a smile on his face.

"Hey Evans, how are you doing today? I haven't seen you since the day before yesterday, hope you are doing well? hope no one is offending you? said Nancy in a concerned tone.

"Funny how you always act like my mom even when I am a good year older than you' said Evans while hugging Nancy.

"So you are the trustworthy person dad was talking about who he can trust not to steal his goods" said Nancy.

Before Evans could reply, Mr Jason reminded him why he was here and stressed on the importance to deliver this goods to his shop before it got late.

"Bye Nancy, see you around" said Evans in a hurried tone while he walks over to the heavy looking boxes land move all his strength into his legs, waist and hands in a slightly bended position.

While lifting the boxes, he gets surprised by his own strength, because the heavy boxes were as light as a pillow! making him suspect that they were empty, after being sure he carried the right box, he picked another one and carried the both of them walking away in the direction of Mr Jason's shop.

"Whoa, Evans how did you get this strong to be able to carry two boxes at the same time with ease, to be able to do that you have to be at least in the mid-stage of warrior realm" said Mr jason flaggerbastered about Evan's great strength.

"Surprised my self too! Evans said while walking quickly to the direction of Mr Jason's shop.

After walking for some minutes, he takes a turn down an alley way only to walk into James and his goons.

"I am sorry, I didn't see you there" said Evans in a apologithic tone.

"Hey trash, where do you think you are going? you think you can bump into me and go scout free nah I don't think so. Alex, rodriguez get him" said James with a sadistic smile on his face.

Before Evans could explain, he saw a punch landing on his chin making him spit a mouthful of blood and falling to the ground dropping the two boxes and probably destroying thier contents.

Smiling they started beating him up while insulting him.

After about two to three minutes of "fun" james bent down then grabbed Evans hair with a cruel smile plastered on his face.

"You are a weak and good for nothing trash that caused the death of your parents and bring bad luck to the whole village, you deserve to die..... as james kept ranting, Evans felt rage like never before building up in his body causing his body to shake with


- kill this lower, insignificant being! -

Evans heard a deep and tempting voice in his head that could make grown men shiver in thier boots.

- give me the pleasure in watching them bleed helplessly to death! -

He heard the voice again and surprisingly he could not agree more to it, he was using his last strength to resist but it crumbled when james spat on his face. He blood boiled with rage and he finally gave in to the darkness.

For the next ten minutes, screams of pain that could send shivers down the spine of whoever heard them rang out, but the bustling noise of the village drowned the sounds of the screams.