
Legends of The New World

Ave is a seemingly normal househusband/freelancer with a family of four. He is a simple father with an avid interest in games and anime but everything changes when he enters a modern, ultra-real game called The New World. ... It's the year 2149 and humanity has upgraded from a small planetary bickering species to an inter-planetary space-faring bickering species. In this age and time, robots have taken over all the works from coffee-machines to sex-therapists and global dissatisfaction is on the rise. To curb any kind of violent arson or crime committed because of stressed up 'teenagers', the United Nations started the game called The New World. A modern, ultra-reality with divine graphics and immersion to funnel all the evils of man and woman. ... The picture is a gift from a fellow author, Kiiara and I don't own it. Thank you Please NOTE: This novel might contain some BL or Homosexuality, even between the MC and others. It is by no means a pure BL novel and the MC is very much attached to his wife, who is a lady (if you're wondering) but there might be some instances with BL moments. Please be considerate in the comments and not curse at me for not informing you about BL moments because I just did. Also, please be considerate toward LGBTQ community and respect them and their preferences.

Pickled_Chiki · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Rumble~ rumble~

Crackle! Crackle!


The sky above the Brimlow Woods crackled with thunder for the past three days. This was a highly unusual occurrence for the animals of Brimlow Woods because it lied in the leeward side of the Scarlet Peaks.


"Woah! Calm your balls down, heavenly gods!" I cursed loudly at the second thunder of my virtual life. I was teleported by the first thunder, so I couldn't hear it. You can't hear the thunder when you're inside of it, duh.

I calmed my beating heart and looked around the cave where I was teleported in. The cave was quite long, dark, gloomy and wet. Streams of rainwater entered the cave and weaved through the rocky crevices of the floor, moving deeper into the darkness of the cave. One of those streams weaved past my cloth shoe and honestly, the feeling was quite the same as real world. The coldness, swiftness and even the softness. It was perfect to the finest degree. I bent down and poke my finger through the small river stream and touch the rocky floor. A cold sensation passes through my finger. I was pleasantly surprised at the degree of realism of the game.

After gawking at the realism of the game, I stood up and patted the dust off my simple cloth shirt and pants. I closed my eyes and thought about my next course of actions.

'Okay, so I've been teleported to the Brimlow Woods like I wanted and so, now I've to make my way towards the Brimlow town near the edge of the forest.' I decided but truth be told, I didn't actually select a forest to be the first place to be teleported in. In the map, I selected the Brimlow town since it was one of the 'green' status town for me but now that I think about it, I'm lucky I didn't get teleported there.

After all, not only would I've been unable to explain my fantastic way of barging into this world, I would've also incurred a terrible fine for destroying public property. Nobody would want to start their life by being drowned in debts, do they.

'But before that, I've to check something very important.' I thought and steeled myself as I slowly start to undress myself. Why? You see, for public's sake, the Unicorn didn't include a certain customization in the character customization, just like every other VR rpg games but no matter what, it is a very crucial part of a boy's body part. You know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, dropping my pants, I look intently at my pee-pee and was visibly relieved. My pee-pee is all good and safe. They didn't omit anything crucial, thank god…. It might be a little small but I've never complained about small pee-pe—

"Is something a problem with the character customization, Divine Son?"

"The fuuuaacckkk!!!" I cried as I tumble forward due to the rocky and slippery surface of the floor but mostly because my pants were pulled down. I hurriedly pulled up my pants and turned around to see the old man, the one I hate so much, looking at my glistening ass intently. With lecherous eyes!!!!!!

"For god's sake, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOIN' HERE!!!!" I scream at the top of my voice but the old man didn't get angry. Probably because he got an eyeful of my glowing shota ass.

The old man smiled under his hood and said while rubbing his beard, "There is something I forgot to tell you, my Divine Son, since you rarely let me speak back on the floating island. I wish to speak it now."

I frowned and distance myself a little from him and said cautiously, "What is it?"

"You see, for all Divine Sons of this world, there is a Divine Instructor/Divine Servant who would accompany them throughout their journey and help them. Your Divine Instructor/butler is me, your humble—"

"Nope!" I reject immediately.

"Nope what?" he asked but I had already summoned the holographic screen of the system where this feature was present and tried to disable it but the setting was fixed. My brows turned into a dangerous 'v' shape as I furiously try to disable it but only a single message come from the system.

<Sorry user but this function is a compulsory for all gold and above accounts. It has been a highly requested function by all previous gold account holders. Please be assured that the follower will not only not be a hindrance to any of the user's adventure in The New World and only act as a luggage carrier and support unit during various adventures. We will surely like to hear your feedback on this feature in the next update. Thank you>

"Fuck your thank-you! Fuck your feedbacks!!! I don't want this freaking pervert anywhere near me! And where the hell is realism if there's a freaking immortal servant serving me everywhere!" I shout at the system but unfortunately the system didn't heed my words.

<Please note that the divine follower is not an immortal-realm warrior. It cannot fight for the user's sake, unless the user is from a Lord Profession and unlocked the Protector Mod of the Divine Servant.>

"Fuck!" I cried as I crumble to the rocky floor in despair. Looking back, I saw the old man smiling evilly at me and I swear I saw the pervert-ness in his eyes.

"Shall we go to our nearest destination, divine son?"

"Always keep a distance of 10 feet from me and don't let me see you."

"How can I do that, divine son?"

"Become the wind for fuck's sake! Just don't come near me and don't be visible. And if you hinder my experience even a little bit, I swear by all the virtual gods out there, I will kill you even if you're immortal."

"Muu… I protest this unjustified treatment."

"Be my guest and leave me, please."

"Fine, I will be the wind. *whisper* at least I can stare at your ass all day long*"

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing, I will be air. Goodluck on your journey."

"Hmm… pervert!"

After settling everything, I finally had the chance to open my profile/status page. How to open it, simple, just say… "Status."


Name: Rubik

Realm: Apprentice

Level: 1

Race: Demi-human/halfling (Trickster)

Bloodline: Mysterious/Unknown

Class: Not selected

Health/HP: 1000 (Health/HP = vitality stats*100)

Mana/MP: 425 (Mana/MP = Intelligence stats*25)

Attack/ATK: 54 (ATK = strength stats*3 + (dexterity/10)*strength stats)

Defense/DEF: 0 (Acquired solely through wearing various equipments or by breaking through realms)

Defense nullification/Def Null: 0%

Attack nullification/Atk Null: 0%

Movement Speed: 1.16 (1.0 is considered as the normal movement speed of a normal human being. Every agility stat point increases the total movement speed by .01 while every 5 level ups increase movement speed by 1.)

Skills: -

Human skills: -

Skill 1. Basic Survival Skills: includes everything from camping, fishing, gathering and every other knowledge necessary for camping. Courtesy of the gold account.

Proficiency: Intermediate (10%)

Status: Passive

Skill 2. Basic Weapon Handling Skills: User can do some very basic and crude weapon handling with this skill like hacking and slashing. Increasing this skill requires experience and skill, so please practice diligently in the basic training ground whenever possible.

Proficiency: Beginner (1%)

Status: Passive

Skill 3. Identify: User can identify items based on their looks and shape. This is a skill exclusive to appraisal or adventurer class players. (courtesy of the gold account) note: this skill can be increased by either identifying a variety of skills or by reading journals of experienced adventurers and appraisers.

Proficiency: Beginner (0%)

Status: Active.

Demi-human skills

Hidden Skill 1. Animal Language: The user can understand the language of all kinds of animals and monsters in world. Note: there is no guarantee that the words made by the animals will be legible, after all they are animals, not humans. Also, higher tier monsters require higher Animal Language skill to understand and communicate perfectly. There are also different languages for different species and the Animal Language is only the most common language of all. To gain further knowledge and access to communicate with different types of monsters and learn their skills, please upgrade both the Animal Language and other related species language.

Proficiency: Master (45%)

Status: Passive.

Skill 1. Herbology: the user has a basic knowledge of which plants are dangerous and which are beneficial. This is knowledge can be very well be used to concoct powerful potions, health drinks or even poison.

Note: To increase this skill, the user must either read books of herbology, be a disciple of a herbology master, concoct and experiment on his own or a mixture of the three.

Proficiency: Beginner (30%)

Status: Passive/Active

Trickster Legacy Skills

Hidden skills 1. Virtual Clone: user can create a virtual clone which is identical to itself with only 1% of the user's health but retaining all other stats and skills of the user. The virtual clone is similar to the user in every possible way including sight, smell, sound, touch and taste. It can follow simple orders like running, climbing, jumping and even attacking.

Note: Increasing the proficiency will either increase the number of clones or the intelligence of the clones.

Maximum number of clones at any particular time: 1

Proficiency: Beginner (0%)

Status: Active skill

Cost: 100mp

Hidden skills 2. Blocked. (Note, please complete the trickster legacy quests to acquire more of the trickster legacy skills.)

Status report: End>

After going through my status report and from my initial research in the New World Forums last night, I gained a new knowledge and understanding of my character. But there are a few things that I need to explain before.

First off, health and Mana/mp are directly related to base stats like vitality and intelligence respectively. Other than these, vitality is required to learn special skills while intelligence is required to learn all kinds of Mana and magic related skills or spells.

Attack/Atk is the short of Attack Power and defines the base amount of damage that will be done by each dedicated strike. Strike which doesn't have the total determination or dedication or 'will' will be deemed as 'faulty' and damage would be reduced. It is also a collective of both strength and dexterity stat but more emphasis is given to the strength stat altogether.

But even then, you might think, that killing someone like me with 1000 hp will take over 18 fully dedicated hits. And to counter that, there is the damage system. Basically, 54 atk is the base damage that will be done at all times but this number can be increased with critical strikes, critical hits, dismemberment and of course, headshots/head strike. The damage multipliers are as follows:

Critical hits (which include joints or ligaments) does 2x damage with a 10-50% chance of crippling effect.

Critical strikes (which include striking racial weak points or general weak points like spine, major arteries or organs) does 4-8x damage with a 4-80% chance of shock and paralysis effect.

Dismemberment (Like lobbing off someone's limb) does 5x damage and disables the target's use of that particular limb. There is 100% chance of a bleed status but to dismember someone, one needs to have a strength more than 10 times that of his target or hit an extremely difficult weakpoint with at least 2 times the strength of his target. There is also a luck factor in this case.

Head strikes (as simple as a headshot) does 10x – 15x damage depending on the strength and distance of the user to the target. 2% chance of insta-kill regardless of the level or realm of the target. Needs precision in attacking or shooting. (I mean, why not! Even a God faints when he gets a bump on the back of his head!)

Dexterity, on the other, hand is a prerequisite stat to learn different handling skills starting from swordsmanship to knitting. Complex finger work or handiwork requires greater dexterity than strength. Also, it seems like increasing the strength stat disproportionately in comparison to the dexterity stat can in fact, decrease the dexterity stat itself. Interesting. I approve of this measure, after all, I don't understand why does all those hunky gym guys think that just by building their muscles to an absurd degree will help them to learn all kinds of fighting skills!!!

Agility, like dexterity, is a prerequisite stat for learning different movement skills. It also has a passive effect of making the body agile and flexible, like its name suggest. It also increases the movement speed but I don't why how much effect a 0.16 increase to normal speed is like. Though, the +1 to agility every 5 level is nice.

Charm/Charisma is the skill of looks and speaking, something which I'm not too fond of. After all, I'm a fully-pledged closet weeb.

And finally, luck. It's a passive stat and I don't know what the fuck it is. Its… luck basically, at least according to the forums and the guidebook's words. There is no general equation or effect of this stat as much as the forums say or at least they haven't found one yet.

Also, defense is a stat which can only be acquired through wearing various pieces of armors or protective clothing or by breaking through realms. The last one, of course brings us to the topic of realms which I will discuss in a moment.

Def null or defense nullification is basically a meter which detects the OP-ness of a character. Like its name suggest, the user can directly ignore the defense of the target and do direct damage to his health. This can be done either by using OP skills or OP weapons or by being at least 2 or more realms above the target. Lower realm players face disadvantages when facing higher realm players and one of them is complete or partial nullification of defense stat. Of course, if a higher realm player bullies a lower realm player due to this feature, he/she will be marked for death by the town police or local authorities and from what I read, those guys are the real bullies.

Attack nullification/ atk null is the complete opposite of def null where if the user wears OP defensive weapons or is on a higher realm than the target, complete or partial damage will be nullified automatically. Pretty dope for the guy defending.

There is also a magic nullification and magic damage reduction which is like the magic version of def, def null, atk and atk null.

And lastly, the realms and levels.

Sorry for jamming so much information. Happy reading.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pickled_Chikicreators' thoughts