
Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy

In the ethereal realm of Mythos, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, the mythologies we once deemed fanciful now pulse with life. Here, gods stride alongside monsters, and faiths interlace like threads in a cosmic loom. Their journey unfolds against a backdrop of mythical creatures, as well as myths and legends. The Kingdom of Solaris, its spires kissed by celestial light, stands as both sanctuary and crucible—a beacon of enlightenment and aspiration. Within this hallowed domain, twelve luminous souls tread the marble halls of the venerable Solaris Academy. Each hero bears a celestial bond—their essence entwined with a Constellation. These astral patterns, the “Constellation System,” bestow upon them singular gifts: a symphony of abilities, a lexicon of powers. As the aspiring heroes navigate the labyrinthine corridors of Solaris Academy, they grapple with destiny’s enigma. Will they ascend, their Constellations ablaze with purpose, unlocking the vaults of cosmic wisdom? Or shall they falter, their divine potential dimmed by doubt and shadow? Thus, their saga unfurls—a symphony of trials, a tapestry of legacy. For within their footsteps lies not mere legend, but a Divine Legacy.

HeavenlyKarma · Fantasy
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82 Chs

48.) Wally's Plan

The arena trembled as the two dozen golems surged forward, their massive forms casting ominous shadows upon the ground. Adam, Raj, and Wally stood their ground, their expressions grim as they prepared to face the onslaught.

With a thunderous roar, the golems charged, their footsteps echoing like the pounding of drums. Adam raised his short sword, his grip steady despite the tremors that shook the ground beneath him. Raj crackled with electromagnetic energy, his eyes flashing with determination as he focused his power.

Wally, ever loyal to his comrades, whirred into action, his rocket boosters propelling him forward with astonishing speed. With a metallic clang, he collided with the first wave of golems, his small frame dwarfed by their towering forms. Yet, he fought on undaunted, his mechanical limbs a blur as he unleashed a flurry of strikes against his stone adversaries.

Meanwhile, Adam and Raj engaged the golems in a fierce melee, their weapons flashing in the dim light of the arena. Adam's short sword sliced through the air with lethal precision, its edge gleaming as it met the unyielding stone of their opponents. Raj's electromagnetism crackled and hummed, his control over metal allowing him to manipulate the very fabric of their foes.

Together, the trio fought with relentless determination, their movements fluid and coordinated as they pushed back against the tide of golems. With each strike, they sought to weaken their adversaries, their blows raining down like a tempest upon the battlefield.

But the golems were relentless, their numbers overwhelming as they pressed forward with unyielding determination. For every foe they felled, two more seemed to take its place, their ranks replenishing with alarming speed.

As the battle raged on, Adam, Raj, and Wally found themselves hard-pressed to maintain their footing. The sheer strength of their adversaries threatened to overwhelm them, their blows raining down with bone-crushing force.

Yet, despite the odds stacked against them, the trio fought on undaunted, their spirits unbroken by the chaos that surrounded them. With each passing moment, their determination burned ever brighter, fueling their resolve to emerge victorious against impossible odds.

With a mighty roar, Adam unleashed a devastating flurry of strikes, his short sword cleaving through the ranks of the golems with surgical precision. Raj's electromagnetism crackled and surged, his control over metal allowing him to bend the very elements to his will.

Meanwhile, Wally darted between their adversaries with astonishing speed, his mechanical limbs a blur as he struck with lethal precision. With each blow, he sought to weaken their foes, his small frame a whirlwind of destruction amidst the chaos of battle.

Yet, for all their efforts, the tide of golems seemed endless, their numbers swelling with each passing moment. As fatigue began to weigh heavily upon them, Adam, Raj, and Wally knew that they could not hold out much longer against their relentless foes.

But just as despair threatened to consume them, a ray of hope pierced the darkness. From the sidelines, Tensei watched with bated breath, his heart pounding in anticipation. Though he could not join the fray himself, he placed his faith in his comrades, knowing that they carried the hopes of House Pegasus upon their shoulders.

With a fierce determination burning in their eyes, Adam, Raj, and Wally redoubled their efforts, their resolve unshakeable in the face of adversity. 


As the battle raged on, the odds seemed increasingly stacked against House Basilisk. With each passing moment, it became clearer that victory was slipping further from their grasp. Adam and Raj fought with all their might, but against the overwhelming tide of golems, their efforts seemed futile.

Just as despair threatened to overwhelm them, a sudden change rippled through the battlefield. Wally, the ever-loyal companion of Raj, darted forward with astonishing speed, his mechanical limbs a blur as he rushed towards the heart of the golem swarm.

Adam and Raj watched in stunned silence as Wally disappeared amidst the throng of adversaries, their confusion mounting as they tried to make sense of his actions. Then, as if in response to some unseen signal, the golems closed in around Wally, their massive forms converging upon him from all sides.

For a moment, everything seemed to stand still, the tension in the air palpable as Adam and Raj held their breath. Then, in an instant, a blinding light erupted from the center of the golem swarm, engulfing the arena in a dazzling display of brilliance.

As the smoke and debris settled, Adam and Raj found themselves staring at the aftermath of Wally's sacrifice. The once-imposing golems lay in ruins, their stone forms shattered and broken amidst the wreckage. And in the center of it all stood Wally, or what remained of him, his mechanical parts scattered amidst the destruction.

A sense of disbelief washed over Adam and Raj as they took in the scene before them. Wally, their steadfast companion, had given his life to ensure their victory, sacrificing himself in a blaze of glory to destroy their enemies.

Tears welled in Raj's eyes as he looked upon the shattered remnants of his friend. Though Wally's sacrifice weighed heavily upon them, they knew that it had not been in vain. With the golems destroyed, victory was theirs to claim, a testament to the unwavering resolve of House Basilisk.

In the wake of Wally's sacrifice, Adam and Raj stood amidst the ruins of the battlefield, their hearts heavy with grief yet buoyed by the knowledge that they had emerged triumphant. Though their companion had fallen, his memory would live on in the annals of history, a shining example of courage and sacrifice in the face of adversity.


As Raj carefully gathered the shattered pieces of Wally, a tremor ran through him, unsettling the facade of calm composure he had meticulously maintained. For the first time in as long as he could remember, the weight of his hidden truth bore down upon him, threatening to shatter the fragile illusion he had constructed around himself.

Dissociative Identity Disorder—a secret known only to the twelve luminous souls, hidden beneath the surface of Raj's outwardly serene demeanor. It was a truth he had guarded with utmost secrecy, a burden he had borne in silence for years.

With each fragment he collected, Raj felt the walls he had built around his true self begin to crumble, exposing the vulnerability that lay beneath. His normal personality, characterized by its calmness and kindness, faltered in the face of the unexpected turmoil that threatened to consume him.

As he knelt amidst the wreckage, Raj's hands shook with a mixture of grief and uncertainty, his mind clouded by the weight of his own internal struggle. In that moment, the facade of normalcy he had so carefully constructed began to unravel, revealing the raw vulnerability that lay hidden beneath the surface.

And then, as if to confront the truth head-on, Raj removed his glasses, the action a symbolic gesture of acceptance and acknowledgment. In that simple act, he bared his soul to the world, laying bare the inner turmoil that had long plagued him.

For Raj, the journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, a path lined with obstacles both seen and unseen. But as he stood amidst the wreckage of his shattered reality, he knew that he could no longer hide behind the mask of normalcy. It was time to confront his truth, to embrace the vulnerability that lay at the core of his being, and to find strength in the face of adversity.