
Legends Of Solaris Academy: A Divine Legacy

In the ethereal realm of Mythos, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, the mythologies we once deemed fanciful now pulse with life. Here, gods stride alongside monsters, and faiths interlace like threads in a cosmic loom. Their journey unfolds against a backdrop of mythical creatures, as well as myths and legends. The Kingdom of Solaris, its spires kissed by celestial light, stands as both sanctuary and crucible—a beacon of enlightenment and aspiration. Within this hallowed domain, twelve luminous souls tread the marble halls of the venerable Solaris Academy. Each hero bears a celestial bond—their essence entwined with a Constellation. These astral patterns, the “Constellation System,” bestow upon them singular gifts: a symphony of abilities, a lexicon of powers. As the aspiring heroes navigate the labyrinthine corridors of Solaris Academy, they grapple with destiny’s enigma. Will they ascend, their Constellations ablaze with purpose, unlocking the vaults of cosmic wisdom? Or shall they falter, their divine potential dimmed by doubt and shadow? Thus, their saga unfurls—a symphony of trials, a tapestry of legacy. For within their footsteps lies not mere legend, but a Divine Legacy.

HeavenlyKarma · Fantasy
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82 Chs

4.) Beasts and Bargains

The Drift Demons led the way, their motorbikes slicing through the night like comets. Dev, Krish, and Xavier followed, their hearts racing in sync with the engines. The city blurred—a tapestry of neon lights and whispered secrets.

Ijaz Bhai had handed them their own bikes—sleek, powerful, and waiting for stardust to ignite their engines. Dev's fingers traced the handlebars, and Krish's laughter echoed as he straddled his ride. Xavier adjusted his helmet, the visor a window to the cosmic winds.

"Motorbikes," Dev marveled, "I've always wanted to ride one."

Ijaz Bhai's eyes held galaxies. "Solaris Academy awaits," he said. They all got on their bikes and began to ride through the night, Tchalla, somehow, rode with Krish on the back of his bike.

The wind carried their laughter—the trio and the demons, bound by fate and fueled by curiosity. They talked of constellations and equations, of art and destruction. Akira Shinigami shared glimpses of his double life, and Yoshi Hakai's stoicism cracked, revealing a hidden grin.

As they rode, the city whispered its secrets—the alleys, the rooftops, the forgotten corners. The night embraced them, and the motorbikes danced—a symphony of velocity and camaraderie.

"Trust," Ijaz Bhai said, "is our currency, and at Solaris, trust will get you quite far, my friends."

And so, they rode—a constellation of souls, their paths converging toward Solaris. The engines roared, and the asphalt trembled. The trio leaned into the curves, their laughter blending with the cosmic winds.


As they rode, hunger gnawed at their excitement. Ijaz Bhai signaled, and they veered toward a local convenience store—a beacon of fluorescent light in the quiet streets. The sign flickered: "Open 24/7."

Inside, the air smelled of instant noodles and adventure. Dev grabbed a pack of crisps, Krish reached for a chocolate bar, and Xavier adjusted his helmet, scanning the energy drinks. They paid, their laughter echoing off the aisles.

Outside, they leaned against their bikes, devouring their impromptu feast. The night breeze carried their words. They all spoke of what they wished to do once they reached the walls of Solaris

"Solaris Academy," Ijaz said, "a web of connections waiting to be spun. I'll build bridges, expand my influence."

Dev wiped his hands on his jeans. "I'm going to make a name for myself, and more importantly", he grinned, "I'll make my mom proud!" 

Xavier adjusted his helmet. "I can't wait to explore our constellation powers," he said. "To grow stronger, unravel cosmic mysteries."

Akira Shinigami leaned against the store window; his eyes distant. "And I," he murmured, "will find answers beyond the stars."

everyone else laughed at his words, in unison they spoke, "Shinigami...what does that even mean?", they all chuckled as Shinigami ignored them with tired eyes.

Yoshi Hakai's stoicism cracked, revealing a rare ease. He glanced at Dev, Xavier, and Krish. "You three," he said, "are growing on me. Perhaps camaraderie isn't a myth"-he chuckled.

And so, they sat—a constellation of souls, their laughter blending with the midnight wind.

As the Drift Demons and the trio prepared to mount their bikes, a dark figure emerged in the distance. Clad in merchant-like attire, he moved toward them with deliberate menace. By his side, minions carried cages shrouded in cloth, concealing their contents.

Behind him loomed a caravan, its occupants emitting wild, inhumane screams. The minions' cages rattled ominously, and the merchant's gaze fixated on Krish's pet panther.

However, this merchant had no inkling of their identities. To him, they appeared formidable—strong and affluent, especially the well-dressed Drift Demons. Krish's panther intrigued him, but he kept his curiosity hidden.

Stepping closer, he introduced himself as a black-market merchant operating in these parts.

He spoke, his voice low and oily, "Greetings, travelers. I am but a humble merchant, dealing in rare and extraordinary wares. These creatures," (he dramatically unveils the writhing monsters), "are not your everyday beasts. They hail from realms beyond the stars—cosmic anomalies, if you will."

Ijaz, leaning on his bike, raised his eyebrow, "anomalies, you say? What kind of cosmic circus have you stumbled upon?"

 "Ah, my friend, these are no mere circus acts. Behold!" (he points to a cage where a tentacled creature pulsates). "The Eldritch Whisperer, it's abilities make it stronger than most Zephyr ranks!"

Dev, while crunching his crisps, looked skeptical, "sounds like a headache waiting to happen."

 "And over here, the Stardust Serpent!" (he gestures to a sinuous form with iridescent scales). "It's venom can make anyone below the Aether rank unconscious in minutes."

Xavier adjusted his helmet, intrigued, "that's a bold claim, no?"

 "But wait, there's more!", he sweeps his arm toward a cage containing a creature resembling a nebula. "The Nebula Nurturer—it shoots out cosmic energy with each breath."

Shinigami, looked monotone leaning against the window, "cosmic energy, huh? I prefer my mysteries less… luminous."

Yoshi eyed the merchant, "and what's your game, merchant? Why peddle these cosmic oddities?"

"Simple, my dear companions. Power, knowledge, and secrets lie within these cages. Imagine the influence you could wield, the mysteries you could unravel."

Krish stroked Tchalla's sleek fur, "we seek no shortcuts, no shortcuts to power. Our journey lies beyond the stars, but it won't be paved with captive monstrosities."

The merchant: leaned in, whispering, "perhaps you underestimate their potential. Or perhaps you fear what they reveal."

In unison, they all declined.

The merchant looked disappointed, but undeterred, "very well. But remember, the cosmos is vast, and its secrets—"

Tchalla growled.

 "—are not for the faint of heart."

And with that, the merchant retreated, leaving the cosmic convoy intact, its resolve unshaken. 

They revved their engines, the night swallowing their silhouettes as they sped onward. The Drift Demons and the trio, blissfully unaware, wove through the winding roads. The city lights faded, replaced by moon-kissed asphalt.

Yet, in the periphery, a shadowy figure trailed them—a phantom on the edge of existence. It moved with eerie grace, matching their pace, its intentions veiled in darkness. The air thickened, laden with foreboding.

Ijaz Bhai, ever vigilant, glanced over his shoulder. His instincts prickled—an invisible thread connecting him to the stalker. But he dismissed it as paranoia, the thrill of the night blurring reality.

Dev, crumbs from his crisps still clinging to his fingers, felt a chill. He squinted into the abyss behind them. Was it a trick of the mind, or did the shadows shift unnaturally?

Xavier sensed a disturbance. His mind whispered caution. Yet, he remained oblivious to the earthly danger.

And then, the eagle—majestic and silent—swooped down. Its wingspan eclipsed the moon, talons poised. It wasn't a mere bird; it bore cosmic purpose. Its eyes locked onto Tchalla, a primal recognition passing between them.

The shadowy figure drew closer, its footsteps soundless. It was no ordinary pursuer. Its motives remained shrouded, but one thing was certain: danger loomed like a black hole, threatening to swallow their cosmic convoy whole.

As they rode, the night held its breath, waiting for the inevitable collision of fate and free will. The Drift Demons led, the trio followed, and the universe conspired—a celestial dance on the precipice of revelation.

As the cosmic convoy hurtled forward, fate twisted its threads. The winding road led them unwittingly into a dead end, a cul-de-sac of fate where escape vanished like stardust in a black hole's maw. The Drift Demons and the trio braked, their bikes skidding on the moonlit gravel.

Ijaz Bhai spun around. His eyes widened as recognition dawned—a shadowy figure, no longer a mere merchant. This time, he bore weapons—gleaming blades that whispered secrets of bloodshed. Beside him stood monstrous allies, their forms shifting between dimensions. And flanking them, a motley crew of enforcers—grim-faced, battle-hardened.

The merchant's eyes bore the weight of cosmic bargains. His voice, a serrated blade, sliced through the night: "Ah, my celestial travelers. You've stumbled into my web—a cosmic snare woven with threads of destiny."

Dev, crisps forgotten, clenched his fists. "What do you want, merchant? We seek no quarrel."

The merchant's grin revealed fangs. "Quarrel? No, my dear Drift Demons. I seek cosmic currency—knowledge, power, and secrets. These monsters," he gestured to the writhing forms, "are keys to realms beyond."

Xavier stepped forward. "Keys? Or Pandora's curses?"

The merchant's laughter echoed—a discordant symphony. "Both, perhaps. But you, my richly dressed friends, hold the true treasure." His gaze lingered on their attire—their cosmic lineage woven into fabric.

And then, once again, Tchalla—growled. The merchant's eyes narrowed. "Ah, the feline harbinger. A star born guardian."

Akira Shinigami, monotone as ever, tilted his head. "Guardian or harbinger of doom?"

The merchant's blade glinted. "Choose wisely, cosmic travelers. Buy your freedom with cosmic coin. These monsters, weapons, and friends—they're yours for the taking."

But the Drift Demons and the trio stood resolute. Krish, panther at his side, spoke: "Our path lies beyond stars, not in your cosmic bazaar."

The merchant's grin faded. "Stubborn souls. Very well." He signaled, and the ambush closed in—a cosmic collision of wills. Blades clashed, monsters roared, and the night swallowed their struggle.

As the universe held its breath, the Drift Demons and the trio fought—a constellation of defiance against cosmic greed.