
Legends of Nebura (English)

A baby was discovered by two farmers in the flower garden of the Nebura Kingdom. As time went by, when the child was 7 years old, he began to display unprecedented powers. After witnessing this extraordinary strength, both parents agreed and planned to make their child a great warrior of the Nebura Kingdom. And so the story began of an extraordinary child in a world full of mysteries, aiming to become a great warrior in the Nebura Kingdom.

slankynyx · Fantasy
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The Fate of a Flower

In ancient times in the Kingdom of Nebura, King Artha, a handsome and powerful king, became a respected hero by the people and other kingdoms. However, their peaceful life was disrupted when the demons appeared and attacked unexpectedly. In a fierce battle, King Artha led the counterattack that drove away the demons, but he was severely injured and died.

But the tragedy did not end there. Queen Marin, King Artha's wife, was attacked and killed by one of the demons who infiltrated the palace. The news of King Artha's death caused grief in the kingdom, and the deaths of both of them shook the land of Nebura, but the spirit of resistance continued to blaze.

As a tribute to King Artha's bravery, the best warriors from each kingdom united to form a combined force. They pledged to fight against evil and defend the kingdom. Although the price paid was high, life began to recover.

The story of King Artha and Queen Marin became an unforgettable legend. The people of Nebura and the 12 other kingdoms gained a new spirit to build a prosperous life. Even though the demons still posed a threat, hope for victory and justice remained alive in everyone's hearts.

King Artha and Queen Marin left a legacy of courage and dignity. Their footsteps remained engraved in the hearts of every individual in the Kingdom of Nebura.

[Back to the present time]

In the beautiful late afternoon near the colorful flower garden, the cries of a baby echoed around the area. A farming couple from the Kingdom of Nebura who were walking near the flower garden quickly glanced towards the source of the sound.

Since they had not been blessed with a child, their hearts melted with affection and joy upon finding the unfortunate baby. The farming couple, named Laura and Hans Garcia, were kind-hearted individuals who felt compelled to care for and raise the baby before them.

Upon arriving at their home, Laura and Hans were puzzled about what to name the baby. However, their confusion was resolved when Laura's eyes landed on a torn piece of cloth in the shape of the letter 'K'. Firmly, Laura declared that the baby's name would be Key, a meaningful and powerful name. Key is a child with black hair.

Seven years had passed since then. Key had grown into an intelligent and strong child. He often assisted his parents with their farming work, especially during the harvest season. One day, after a particularly exhausting harvesting session, Laura, Hans, and Key decided to rest beneath a large, shady tree. They happily enjoyed their packed lunch, unaware of the approaching threat.

Suddenly, a large shadow appeared before them. A ferocious tiger had been lurking behind the bushes. In this tense situation, Hans instructed his family to remain calm. He stood ready to protect them with a tightly held sickle.

However, when the tiger viciously attacked, Hans' swing missed its mark, and the tiger managed to bite Hans' right hand. The unbearable pain made Hans cry out in agony. Without hesitation, Laura hurled fruits towards the tiger, hoping to free her husband from the predator's grip. Yet, the tiger remained reluctant to release its hold.

As the situation grew more intense, Key suddenly stepped forward quickly. With bravery, he struck the tiger with his left hand. The impact was so powerful that the tiger was thrown far away, crashing into a nearby tall tree, resulting in its demise.

Unbelievably, Key had an extraordinary power never seen before. As he turned around, the veins in his hand glowed red, and his left eye emitted a captivating red light. Laura, unable to contain herself, tightly embraced Key. Meanwhile, Hans stood mesmerized, unable to utter a single word.

They realized that Key was not an ordinary child. His extraordinary courage and abilities indicated that Key's destiny held an exceptional journey ahead. With deep love and gratitude, this farming family prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, with Key as the guiding light in their lives.

As they entered the gates of their home once again, Key felt the warmth of familiarity. The afternoon sun gently swept through the windows, creating dancing shadows amid the sparkling dust. As dusk approached, Key's footsteps echoed in the vast hallway of the house. Pausing for a moment, he noticed his father standing before him.

Key's father, Hans Garcia, a tall man with black hair, smiled at him. His eyes were filled with pride and hope. In his heart, the father had made a significant decision.

Key's mother, Laura, a gentle woman with black hair, also smiled.

"Key," his father murmured warmly, "I have thought long and hard, recognizing the extraordinary potential within you. I want to make you a warrior of the Nebura Kingdom."

Key was taken aback by these words. As a young child not yet seventeen, he felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension in his chest.

Hans looked directly into Key's eyes, searching for certainty in every passing second. Tenderly, he asked, "Do you want to train to become a great warrior, Key?"

Key did not hesitate to answer. His face lit up as he nodded firmly, "Of course, father."

Hans smiled with pride, relieved that his son had accepted his offer. In his mind, he began planning an intensive training regimen that would shape Key into the finest warrior the Nebura Kingdom had ever known.

After an anxious discussion with Laura, Hans remembered that seeking a trainer and undergoing warrior training at such a young age required considerable resources.

Then Laura, with a thin smile on her face, asked thoughtfully, "What if we take him to Guru?"

Hans, taken aback by the suggestion, felt an adrenaline rush within him. He couldn't contain the wave of memories flooding his mind. He remembered someone, his friend named Guru. Ah, he was an incredibly skilled swordmaster and a veteran warrior in the Nebura Kingdom.

The following week, Hans brought Key to a temple where his friend, named Guru, was located. The temple exuded a sense of solitude, like forgotten tales. As they both entered the temple's gates, suddenly, two children emerged from the darkness, swords drawn, blocking their path.

"Stop!" exclaimed the first child with a loud voice, his face depicted unwavering courage.

The second child, with glassy-eyed enthusiasm, added, "You shall not proceed any further. This temple belongs to us."

On Hans' face, surprise and curiosity were evident. However, Key sensed something amiss. There was a mysterious aura that sent shivers down the spine, as if this temple concealed undiscovered dark secrets.

"Listen," Hans cautiously said, "We do not have ill intentions. We came here at Guru's request. He has taught me many important things, and now it's time to reunite with him."

The two children exchanged skeptical glances, uncertain of Hans' words. However, after a brief consideration, they sheathed their swords and gave way for Hans and Key to enter.

"Come with us!" the first child said to Key and Hans.

The setting sun slowly descended, painting the sky with enchanting shades of orange. The room felt solemn and filled with hope due to their presence. At the end of the room, a sturdy figure sat calmly, adorning his face. It was Guru, a highly respected and revered Master among his disciples.

Filled with enthusiasm, Hans gazed at Guru with hopeful anticipation. Through his penetrating gaze, Guru took a deep breath and spoke with a voice filled with wisdom, "It seems like you've succeeded, huh? Congratulations for that."

In a flash, a flashback visited them. The memory of Hans and Laura just exchanging their sacred marriage vows came vividly to their minds. Guru, who served as a witness to their love, could not conceal his smile.

"If you ever have a child, bring them to me, and I will provide them with the opportunity to become great warrior," Guru said sincerely that day. His voice was gentle but carried a deep intention, as if waves of empowerment stirred the spirits of his listeners.

Hans laughed joyfully and warmly patted Guru's shoulder. "Hahaha, thank you, my friend. However, if I have a daughter, I will not do it."

Guru chuckled in a laughter that echoed through the room. "Hahahaha, even girls can become great warrior under my guidance," he said with unwavering confidence and wisdom.

They both burst into laughter, brimming with happiness. It was evident amidst their laughter that there were no strong boundaries or divisions between men and women in achieving greatness.

The story continues to the present day. Hans, with a joyful gaze, smiled at the standing friend in front of him. "Thank you, my friend," Hans said with deep gratitude.

Guru, full of curiosity, gazed at Key, who stood beside him. "What's your name, young one?" Guru asked calmly yet firmly.

Key, with sincere respect, replied, "My name is Key Garcia. It is an honor to meet a great friend of my father."

Guru chuckled, while his eyes sparkled with understanding. "Alright, Key, but from now on, you must call me Master," Guru said firmly yet kindly.

Key smiled, understanding that in his journey towards adulthood, he would gain invaluable insights from the remarkable Master.

"Key," Guru said with sharp eyes, "I will start your first training session now. Are you ready?"

Key nodded firmly. "I am ready," he replied, symbolizing the blazing determination within him. Meanwhile, Hans watched him proudly.

"To uncover your hidden potential, I will arrange a one-on-one duel," Guru continued firmly.

Key listened to these words, and his heart raced. Rendou, a respected opponent, was chosen to be his adversary. Key saw Rendou nod in respect, his face filled with confidence in the upcoming challenge.

"They are two of my students," explained Guru, staring sharply at Key. "Rendou and Newth. Both of them have been practicing here for quite a long time."

Key listened attentively, hanging on to every word spoken. His trembling hands revealed the burning ambition within him, yet his lack of understanding in swordsmanship made him hesitant.

"Master," Key said in amazement, "I have never used a sword before."

Guru smiled. "Then, you will fight Rendou without a sword."

Rendou, hesitantly asked, "Master, does that mean I won't use a sword either?"

Guru nodded. "You will use the wooden sword over there," he pointed in that direction.

"Do you mind if Rendou uses it, Key?" Guru asked gently, seeking approval.

Quickly and without hesitation, Key dismissed the doubt within him. "Not at all," he replied firmly, sending a message to them that his determination would not waver.

Key and Rendou stood in the middle of the tension-filled arena.

Guru looked at both of them with a serious resolve. "Alright, begin," he said emphatically.

In an instant, Rendou, with a determined gaze, launched a fierce attack towards Key, wielding the wooden sword with lightning speed. The attack swept through as if cutting through the wind, creating unexpected ripples of power.

Hans, observing from the edge of the arena, was astonished by this incredible speed. "Wow, so fast..." he murmured in awe, but a faint trace of concern appeared in his eyes as well.

However, Rendou left no room for Key to catch his breath. His body gracefully maneuvered, and the sword glided and whistled through the air. In Key's heart, he felt the breeze swirling around him as Rendou swiftly directed his attacks.

Then, like the wind changing its direction abruptly, an unexpected event occurred. Rendou was thrown far back, suddenly stopping near the edge of the arena. His voice filled with groans of pain.

Key was startled at that moment, stumbling with self-reproach. "Oh no, I'm sorry! Are you alright?" His voice was filled with deep regret and genuine concern.

Both Hans and Guru were stunned by what they witnessed. Guru's eyes exuded deep astonishment.

Guru was taken aback by Key's unexpected ability.

Newth quickly approached Rendou, who lay on the ground. Gently lifting him up, Newth asked with worry, "What happened?"

Rendou shook his head, frustration evident on his pained face. "I don't know... he's so fast," he murmured with a hint of pain in his voice.

Guru, once calm and full of confidence, is now sweating with turmoil within him. His eyes attentively observe Key's left hand and his sparkling red eyes, an unusual sight.

Silently, Guru approaches Hans cautiously. He presses his lips close to Hans' ear and, in a whispered voice only the two of them can hear, he asks one question. "Where did you find him?"

Hans is awakened by deep astonishment, his inner thoughts speaking without words. How could Guru know? How could Guru know that he found Key?

Chapter 1 concludes with a profound mystery shrouding this story, how Key obtained his powers and who Key truly is?