
Legendary travelling ninja (DROPPED)

please review i am a new shameless writter

Gol_D_Polaris666 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Beginning of the war

At morning kuhi woke up all his stuff ready for when he is sent to war. it had already been 7 days and now he had to go since he was ready. During this time he had practiced The chakra councelling as well as invisibility jutsu making him almost impossible to find for sensor as well as the kage.

Hiruzen- Seeing your coucelling skills i will let go where you want even if alone you should be able to deal astounding damage to the ennemy , so i see that it is better to let you rampage alone since teammate will just inder you. In this war , Kumo,Suna and Kiri are our ennemy. If you see any Iwa ninja send report on their fight so we does not see ourself caught in 4 front. If you can kill any of the kage i will name you elite jonin , but don't push yourself you are only seven years old. all right go.

Kuhi began exiting konoha and he directly councelled himself since these technique cost almost no chakra. He ran for 3 hours before arriving to kumo battlefront. he saw a group of 6 kumo shinobi. he began preparing himself using [Wind release: Wind Scalpel] and began flickering toward the one that looked like the leader. still invisible kuhi did not even his target the time to see him he just cut him in half then began killing the others. fifteen minutes later all the 6 were dead.

[killed jonin 2/50]

[killed chunin 4/100]

[ Stat point x22 obtained]

Thirty minute leader kuhi ran across a small squad composed of what seemed like 1 elite jonin , 6 jonin , 10 chunin and 13 genin. Kuhi being himself stayed coucelled and then [Lava release: Great lavaball] + 2x[earth release: earth wall] on each side to remove the possibility of retreat. only 1 jonin and the elite jonin survived. the jonin was injured severely while the leader was only having some small burnt.

Leader- Come out anyway you will not surprise me a second time

The leader eyes widened seeing a kid appear. he began to wonder if he should laugh or cry.

Leader- so it was only a kid that did this... can't believe konoha got such a monstruous genius.But , too bad you attack the leader of lighning armor squad.

Kuhi- ho ho Lightning armor ? what does it does if i am so fast that you can't see me attack? or can't attack me because i can turn invisible ?

The elite jonin began gritting his teeth being humiliated by a kid and knowing that he must find a way to survive or he will be killed.

Kuhi- well you will be the 25 th head in my scrool to give to the hokage and your friend the 26 th.

The man face was now lkke if he had seen a demon, he knew if he died here a lot more would.so he began the initiative to attack.

[lightning release: Lightning armor]

kuhi hilself followed with

[Wind release: Twin great tornado] +[Fire release:Incinerating wave].

The leader was thinking " what a demon a combination of 2 A rank jutsu in less then 2 breath".before he got burned seriously. Kuhi then, began taking all the heads of the 20 kuno shinobi .

[jonin killed 8/50]

[chunin killed 14/100]

[killing 1 elite jonin,6 jonin,10 chunin and 13 genin Gained 83 stat point]

kuhi wanting a bit of merit began going to battle with everyone of konoha.Seeing thousands of kumo shinobi he began licking his lips.he then began attacking.

[Swift release: swift leg]

[Wind release: Wind scalpel]

Then konoha shinobi as well as kumo's only saw a blur like kid before seeing dozen and dozen of kumo shinobi falling non stop before the kumo leader fell too. The ennemy began retreating and kuhi took all the heads of his victim in a scroll.

Konoha's leader- kid where were before it began ?

Kuhi- i was killing the 26 shinobi planning to ambush while coming here.

Konoha's leader- Well thank you, without you we could have had thousands of dead on our side.

[onii-san you killed just now 11 elite jonin, 37 jonin, 63 chunin and 101 genin reward: Silent killer title (augment the difficult for people to feel your chakra, + 50 DEX) and gained 585 stats points]

[killed jonin 45/50]

[killed chunin 77/100]

Kuhi- seems like it's worth much more to stay on the battlefield.

While at Konoha

in the Hokage's office ,

Jonin- Hokage we have a report from kumo battlefield , we were gonna have a rough battle but then a kid named arrived and killed more than 200 kumo shinobi and then he killed tje leader on the other side , he then make kumo retreat.

Hiruzen- is it true ? damn that kuhi i told him to show off and i knew he was strong but not to this point. now he will he wanted by kumo hahaha. Send a elite jonin equipment as well as token and send the report that kuhi is promoted to elite jonin.

Jonin- Yes Hogake.

While on kuhi's side,

Kuhi- Luna-chan show me my Physical stat and my stat points


Kuhi namikaze

Title: Silent killer


DEX:571(+50 silent killer)


Stat points:690


Kuhi- put 290 points to STR / 200 point to DEX and END.





stat points: 0


kuhi- all right now with this i have High elite jonin chakra, as for my physical it should be at low kage or almost. i should to salvage stat point i will look at this later.

On kumo's side

Raigake- Put the kid in the bingo book as

Silent killer

rank- Quasi kage

age- 7 to 10 years old

Use extreme speed with Earth,lave,lightning and wind . water is not confirmed but it is most likely. He can turn invisible as well and counsell is chakrak. WARNING: Kage shinobi level required to augment the success of killing him as well as sensors.

reward: 20 000 000 ryo.

this will be his wanted poster. of you see him on the battlefield do not attack alone .

Kumo jonin- yes raikage.

On kuhi's side

Jonin- Kuhi look in the bingo book that was just delivered. the raigake put 20 millions on your head and ranked you as quasi kage treat hahaha. we got as well a report from the hokage you are now an elite jonin.