
legendary side character

Somewhere in this vast world, there are beings that have surpassed the set limits of natural order and have embarked on the limitless journey. Such is the Dorman cosmos, where cultivation , magic and superhumans are the way of life. Ruled by a powerful being , the region is peaceful and prosperous. But suddenly mysterious characters arrive in the cosmos to create disorder and disrupt the peace. It equipped them with powerful systems, or past knowledge, there are also some reincarnators and time travellers. To counter them, the monarch sends his personal disciple on a mission. A mission to eliminate all of them!

Reckless_Saint · Fantasy
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16 Chs

About the world

With that, the celebration was ended, and word of the monarch's return from seclusion spread like wildfire. People cheered since they had heard numerous stories about him for a long time. All kingdoms and planets in the Dorman universe (universe under monarch's rule) have large screens installed in public places. The monarch had arrived and was about to deliver a speech to the people. Everyone was looking forwards to hearing from the great figure. The event was short; it began with the monarch's arrival at his official palace and ascension to the throne, followed by a small ceremony in which the monarch delivered a brief statement. To commemorate the monarch's homecoming, the emperors established a three-day public holiday with free food and beverages for everybody.

"Man, that's too exhausting; that's why I want to live in solitude rather than emerge as a monarch."

It's been 100 centuries since I attained the highest degree of cultivation conceivable in this world, haah remembering those days was so much fun, a voyage packed with all kinds of emotions, drama, and cliché. But now everything has changed; most of my friends have departed, and family members have left me. I don't even know whether any of my family or their lineage are still alive. I'm the only one on this journey.

It can't be avoided; everyone has one choice, and they picked their own paths; at the very least, they were content and departed gently. I have to do something since nothing is occurring around me, and my drive to cultivate may diminish or I may go insane.

He sat on the throne, stretching his body, like a thug lost in contemplation. After a while, he heard footsteps and opened his eyes to see four individuals enter the heavenly hall: the three emperors and his new serv—- hmm, assistant, what was his name? I believe Han something.

They entered and bowed,

"Greeting monarch"

"Greetings to His Majesty"

"You guys don't need to be overly formal here, please relax fellas."

"Please have a seat."

With that, everyone sat down, and the servants brought out different appetizers and beverages. They spoke happily because the monarch was in isolation and was oblivious of many events in the domain. Han min didn't comprehend much of what was said. In between, the emperors would ask Han min questions about his family, cultivation, and so on, and he will respectfully respond to all of them. The monarch occasionally counselled him on cultivation-related matters.

Even though Han Min was from a younger generation and was not comparable to these people in terms of cultivation or knowledge, he was the strongest in his generation and had a vast amount of knowledge, so he was able to give his opinions in some matters, and the emperors and monarch listened patiently to him and corrected him when necessary. Time sped by in this manner, and they talked for a long time. Han min was able to learn a lot of new things.

The emperors departed in the evening. There was just Han min in the hall, seated in front of the monarch. It had been a while, but the monarch had simply been gazing at him without saying anything, which made him anxious. After a long period, the monarch said, "So little min, what do you know about the world we live in?"

"Your Majesty replying to your question, we are now in the upper realm, which possesses the most pure and enormous amount of spirit energy in the entire region," Han min said promptly. He continued " It is also the empire's capital. This kingdom was not affluent in ancient times, but with your majesty's coronation, everything changed, and you made this region prosperous. In comparison to all other realms and planets, the cultivation degree that individuals may achieve here is the highest.

Aside from the upper realm, which stretches for billions of miles, there is also a middle realm and a lower realm. Under monarch domain, we also have hell realms and other lesser little realms. There are also millions of planets distributed around the cosmos, each with a different quantity of spirit energy. The

The upper realm has the most and purest spirit energy, followed by the middle realm, hell realm, and lower realm. Though the spirit energy in hell realm is not as pure, it does have spirit energy with unique traits such as dark attribute, demonic attribute, berserk attribute, and so on.

Lower domain cultivators are often at the embryonic stage, and the best they may achieve is the nascent condition. Cultivators account for just 40% of the total population, with the remainder unable to cultivate owing to a shortage of resources and spirit energy. This realm also has millions of planets with largely identical circumstances. A typical individual first trains his body to get 'Gyan,' or the comprehension of spirit energy essential to begin the cultivation path.

The initial step of cultivation in this case is body forging, which is further subdivided into ten lesser phases. The body strengthening stage is followed by the blood transforming stage, the spirit sensing stage, the spirit assimilation stage, the spirit condensation stage, the foundation stage, the purity stage, the embryonic stage, the enhancement stage, the pseudo nascent stage, the half nascent stage, and the true nascent stage.

Anything beyond the nascent stage is not conceivable in the lower world, and in order to cultivate further, they must pass the portal to the intermediate realms.

The nascent stage is only the beginning for cultivators in the middle realms, and even a 5-year-old kid will be in the late stages of the nascent stage owing to more resources and more pure spirit energy compared to cultivators in the lower realms. As a result, the average degree of cultivation is higher in the intermediate realm. The cultivation stages are as follows: the nascent stage, the true spirit stage, the spirit molding stage, the spirit harmony stage, the core assimilation stage, the core formation stage, the core enhancement stage, the core strengthening stage, the accession stage, and finally the enlightenment stage."

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