
Legendary Player System

Nearly 8 billion people have lost a chunk of their memory, Just how many soccer legends does this world have? Pelé, Maradona, Cruyff, Messi, Ronaldo? Yet, there's one man who has vanished from everyone's memory... In the era dominated by Messi and Ronaldo, Rohan Singh was a superstar beyond their reach. Maradona: I'm lucky Rohan wasn't born in our era. Guardiola: The main reason we lost is that we're missing a player like Rohan in the team. Mourinho: Damn it, why did Florentino let Rohan transfer so easily! Beckham: His free kicks are truly exceptional; it seems my decision to retire early was the right one. Mbappé: It's hard to imagine, but someone actually outpaced me! Van Dijk: Isn't this guy supposed to shy away from physical challenges? How come I can't knock him down! Robben: I'm announcing my retirement from the national team. Iniesta: I'm out too. Rohan Singh, from a humble family in Punjab, India, has been passionate about soccer since he was a child. Considered a prodigy in India, he remained relatively unknown in the talent-rich fields of Europe. The last 45 minutes at the Bernabéu might just be his final chance to shine. Will fate smile on him? Yes, he's awakened the system. His journey to becoming a soccer legend has begun...

FlyingSnail · Sports
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I'll take that bet

No one was there to see him off, no one to offer a word of comfort.

Rohan just walked out of the Real Madrid club like that.

Valencia didn't waste any time either. Just as he stepped out of the club's doors, a van was already waiting for him.

A middle-aged man in a suit stepped out from the passenger side, extending his right hand with a smile, "Hello Rohan, I'm Sean Bai, the technical advisor for Valencia. On behalf of the club, I'd like to welcome you."

"It's an honor."

Rohan shook his hand and smiled, "When can we head to Valencia? I can't wait to start training."

"Ha, you're quite the eager one, aren't you?"

Sean opened the car door and gestured for Rohan to enter, "Please, get in the car. Should I take you home to pack up, or maybe say goodbye to your landlady?"

"No need, I've got all my stuff packed up already. It's at the St. Raymond's Guest House. Could you please drop me off there, Mr. Sean? Thanks."

Rohan waved his hand, thinking to himself about the twists and turns he'd been through, and now he was finally leaving Madrid.

Only this time, instead of going back home, he was off to Valencia.

"My pleasure."

Sean got into the passenger seat, buckled up, and told the driver, "To St. Raymond's Guest House."

As the car slowly started, Rohan looked out the window at the soccer sanctuary he had once dreamed of, feeling a bit melancholic.

Sean didn't interrupt this moment.

Having been in the soccer business for over twenty years, he was no stranger to such scenes.

He knew all too well that the name "Real Madrid" held an irreplaceable place in the hearts of soccer players.

All he could do was silently wish that this young man would shine in Valencia.


Everything went smoother than expected.

The very next morning, Rohan took a charter flight to the city of Valencia.

The team, wanting to show their respect, had Gary Neville himself come to the airport to pick him up.

This gesture deeply touched Rohan, easing some of the bitterness from being unilaterally terminated by Real Madrid.

After some brief pleasantries, they got straight to the point and began discussing the contract.

Of course, it was mainly about the details of the contract.

Previously, they had agreed on an annual salary of 300,000 euros for a three-year term.

The contract also needed to guarantee Rohan playing time, no less than 30 minutes per match.

But the condition was that Rohan had to contribute at least one assist or one goal in the first five matches.

It was a tough ask, but for him, it was actually quite simple.

So, when they mentioned it over the phone, Rohan didn't think twice before agreeing.

His prompt agreement somewhat flustered Gary Neville, who took a moment to gather himself.

In the Valencia president's office, Rohan tapped his fingers lightly on the table and pondered, "Mr. President, I have no issues with the main body of the contract, but I'd like to add a few clauses."

"Let's hear them."

Gary Neville frowned slightly, feeling a bit displeased.

Given Rohan's current situation, the club was already making a significant concession.

This was the club's top brass giving him, the president, face, coupled with Rohan's stellar performance in previous matches, which had barely convinced the club's higher-ups to agree.

According to the club's usual practices, Rohan would at best have gotten a one-year contract with half the salary.

And now, not only was he not satisfied, but he also wanted to add more clauses.

What's next, the moon?

"Don't worry, Mr. President, I won't make things difficult for the club."

Rohan picked up his coffee and continued, "I just hope to add some bonus incentives to the contract, like a reward for each goal or assist, and bonuses for winning the league or the Champions League."

Man, are all young people this bold nowadays?

Gary Neville was momentarily at a loss for words, finally managing to say with a strained voice, "Alright, a bonus of fifty thousand euros for each goal or assist, and two million euros for winning the league."

"As for the Champions League, a bonus of ten million euros. How does that sound?"

He paused, then added, "To qualify for the league championship bonus, you must start the match."

Ah, these businessmen are so cunning.

Requiring him to be in the starting lineup was obviously to prevent him from just riding along for the championship.

Considering Valencia's current performance, they weren't far behind the leaders.

Whatever, he thought, just agree for now.

What if it actually happens?

Rohan nodded, smiling as he extended his hand, "Pleasure doing business."

Seeing how quickly Rohan agreed, Gary Neville instantly regretted it.

The stakes were too high!

But as the president of a renowned football club, he couldn't very well take his words back.

And with Valencia's current strength, winning the league would be a tall order.

As for the Champions League, that was something he didn't even dare to dream about.

That stage was usually reserved for the likes of Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Bayern Munich.

He might as well give the guy some hope,it's not like it was going to happen anyway.

Gary Neville managed a smile and extended his hand to shake Rohan's.

"Pleasure doing business."

After all was said and done, he turned to his assistant, "Prepare the contract as I just outlined."

"Right away, Mr. President."

The assistant gave Rohan a peculiar look and sashayed out of the office.

The news of the new signing was quickly posted on Valencia's official website, complete with a highlight reel of Rohan's spectacular goals in the national derby.

Fans left comments praising Gary Neville's move, saying it was befitting of a president.

But then, some eagle-eyed fans noticed that this seemingly talented player was Indian.

That immediately sparked controversy.

In their view, Indian players were weak in physical confrontations, lacked technical skills, and were undisciplined.

Bringing such a player on board seemed like a waste of a squad spot.

However, a few optimists pointed out that anyone who could score twice against Barcelona was already better than their current forwards.

This sparked a heated debate among the fans, with tensions running high.

Rohan, however, paid no mind to this. He knew the simplest way to change the fans' opinions was through assists and goals.

Only undeniable skill could silence the doubters.

Leaving the president's office, Rohan was led by a staff member to the locker room.

After changing into his kit, they walked down the player's tunnel towards the training pitch.

Coach Nuno Espírito Santo was overseeing the training session and barely glanced at the newcomer before continuing with his work.

The staff member felt awkward, thinking, "Could you at least wait until I'm gone before you start showing attitude?"

What's the deal with the coach acting all high and mighty?

Well, he really is something!

The staff member, feeling compelled, approached Nuno and pointed at Rohan, forcing a smile, "Coach Nuno, this is Rohan, the talented player who used to play for Real Madrid. The president asked me to bring him here to join the team."

Talented player?

Hmph, as if boasting doesn't make your tongue twist.

Nuno glanced at Rohan emotionlessly and asked as if he didn't know, "Rohan, right? Can you tell me what position you played at Real Madrid?"

"Attacking midfielder."

Rohan's response was straightforward, showing no negative emotions despite the cold reception.

Instead, he remained eerily calm.

"Hmph, modern football doesn't have a place for an 'attacking midfielder.'"

Nuno scoffed dismissively, "And our midfield is crowded. If you want to play, you'll need to prove your worth."

Rohan raised an eyebrow, asking, "And how do you suggest I do that?"

At that moment, Brazilian goalkeeper Alves burst out laughing, "Ha! The Indian guy, I heard your free kicks are something special. Why don't you show us what you've got right here?"

Before Rohan could respond, Alves clapped his hands loudly, calling over his teammates, "Come on, guys, we've got a free kick master here. Let's all take a look and learn something. It's a rare opportunity."

As the team's coach's number one supporter, he naturally spoke up to play the villain.

Some players immediately showed their displeasure, complaining, "Indians might be good at cricket, but football? What's so interesting about an Indian playing football? We have a Champions League match the day after tomorrow,don't mess up my training."

"It's okay, think of it as a break. We've been training hard,we deserve a little entertainment."

After Alves's persistent coaxing, the Valencia players reluctantly gathered around, though somewhat listlessly, as if they had no interest in what was about to happen.

"So much talk, and I still don't understand what you're trying to say," Rohan said, his tone turning icy as he glanced at Alves.

He had intended to keep things friendly, as they were going to be teammates, but since the other party was picking a fight, Rohan wasn't about to back down.

"It's simple," Alves said, glancing covertly at the coach to see if he objected before continuing, "You claim to be great at free kicks, right? I'll let you pick any spot at the top of the box, we'll set up a wall, and if you can score one out of five, you win."


Rohan picked up a ball at his feet, nodding in satisfaction as he smiled, "Shall we start now?"

"Heh, not so fast," Alves suddenly said with a smirk. "Since it's a bet, let's make it interesting."

He pretended to ponder, "How about the loser leaves the team?"

As he spoke, Alves's body faced Rohan, but his eyes were on Nuno, seemingly seeking approval.

After all, Rohan was personally brought over from Real Madrid by the president. Forcing him out would embarrass the president, and Alves alone couldn't bear the consequences of such a rash act.

Don't look at me, you fool, Nuno thought angrily, caught in a difficult position.

If it were just about making things tough for Rohan or not giving him a chance to play due to poor performance, the president might not say much. But driving him away was a different matter altogether.

If the team performed well, it might be fine. But if they didn't meet expectations, he'd be the one packing his bags.

Just as Nuno was trying to think of a way to modify the stakes, Rohan spoke up.

"I'll take that bet."