
Legendary Military Man and Her School Beautys

There are so many school girls, pick one up and take her home as your wife. The strongest warrior returns to the city and becomes the best interloper at Redbud High School

Vishwajeet_raj · Fantasy
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26 Chs

chapter 7

For an ordinary middle school student, a thousand yuan is a lot of money.

Luo Feng's refusal, Tang Da Er is obviously Zheng Zheng, half a ring, can not help but ask a, "you have money, enough 1000 yuan?"

"Enough." Luo Feng replied concisely.

"That would be fine." With a long sigh of relief, Tang put the folded change back into his pocket.

Luo Feng looks calm at the direction of the blackboard.

undefinedTang da'er misunderstood Luo Feng's meaning.

Money, Luo Feng has it.

However, it may not be.

The bell rings after class.

The snoring around Luo Feng disappeared.

"After school?" Tang da'er rubbed his eyes and looked at Luo Feng vaguely.

Luo Feng nodded and packed his textbook.

Two figures stand in front of Luofeng.


A hand fell on the table top of Luo Feng, which made a sound that made many students in the classroom startled.

They turned around.

Including Liu Mei and Zheng Wei.

"It's Wang Cheng and Liao Qiankun!" Zheng Wei almost subconsciously stood up and frowned.

These two people were members of the so-called "tianmeng" that Tang DAHER referred to Luo Feng.

"Luo Feng." The tall and thin one is Liao Qiankun. At this time, he directly picked up the textbook in front of Luo Feng and looked at Luo Feng with a smile. "Welcome to join our big group of class seven in senior three."

"It's just that boss Huang is not free today, so let's talk about the rules here." Wang Cheng is also laughing out a voice, casually picked up a Book Luo Feng, casually turned up, "in fact, it is nothing more than 2000 yuan seat fee."

"Wang Cheng!" Tang da'er couldn't help but open his mouth and said, "the seat fee ordered by boss Huang is clearly 1000 yuan."

"Shut the hell up!" Wang Cheng's eyes flashed a sullen look, angrily rebuked, staring at Tang DAHER coldly, the corners of his mouth cocked, "Tang da'er, your big ears haven't twisted for several days, are you itching again?"

Hearing the speech, Tang DAHER's face changed and he almost subconsciously stepped back. However, he was in the last row of the classroom. He immediately stuck to the wall. His figure was a little embarrassed and his look was even more embarrassing.

Seeing this, Liao Qiankun burst into laughter.

Tang DAHER's face was embarrassed to the extreme, and a strong feeling of suffocation and bending rose in his heart.

Twist your ears!

My big ears are too conspicuous. In the past three years in Bauhinia middle school, I have been bullied and humiliated by people. The most common one is the two bullies in the class, Wang Cheng and Liao Qiankun!

However, today's goal of Wang Cheng and Liao Qiankun is obviously not Tang Daer.

"Luo Feng, remember to raise money after school. If you don't see 2000 yuan in the afternoon, ha ha." Wang Cheng smashed the book in his hand to the table top and made a sound of boom again.

The threat was strong.

"Oh, what are you looking at?" At this time, Liao Qiankun, who was holding one of Luo Feng's textbooks, could not help but exclaim. Then he burst into laughter and pointed to the textbook, "look at Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University! Ha ha - Luo Feng, don't tell me that your goal is to get into Zhejiang University. "

Yes." Luo Feng nodded concisely.

Liao Qiankun and Liao Qiankun couldn't help laughing again -

the rest of the students in the class looked at Luo Feng strangely at the moment.

In their impression, the results of the students who join the class are generally poor. Because most of them were forced to transfer because they made mistakes in the original school or something.

Today, the students in my class are determined to take Zhejiang university entrance examination?

Liao Qiankun's tears of laughter are about to flow down.

"I'm still a nerd." Liao Qiankun looked at Luo Feng with a smile. He said, "if you can go to Zhejiang University, I will eat Xiang live."

"Ha ha --" Wang Cheng laughed recklessly.

Luo Feng raised his eyes and calmly looked at Liao Qiankun.

"What are you looking at? Don't you accept what Laozi said Liao Qiankun glared at Luo Feng with a ferocious look. According to his past experience, as long as he intimidates a few more times, this kind of nerd is bound to look like a docile sheep.

"Eat yours or mine?" Luo Feng suddenly asked lightly.

"What!" Liao Qiankun couldn't react to it.

All of a sudden, everyone was in a daze.

That's a sudden answer.

Half meeting, many students in the class can't help but open their eyes a little bit, many are forced to smile.

It's hard to say who is eating!

Liu Mei, who had come to the back of the classroom, couldn't help laughing.

Other people don't know the ability of the new shift student. She knows it very well.With Wang Cheng and Liao Qiankun, these two bullies, also want to blackmail Luo Feng? It's really a night to light lanterns on the toilet - looking for shit!

Liu Mei came up to watch the excitement.

Of course, there is still a lot of expectation in my heart. Is Liao Qiankun really going to have a chance to live eat Xiang.

At this time, Liao Qiankun's reaction was slow, and his brain turned around.

It took time to get angry.

"I depend on your mother!" Liao Qiankun tore Luo Feng's textbook with both hands and smashed it to the ground. He pointed at Luo Feng coldly and angrily, "don't think that in front of so many students, I dare not clean you up!"

"Liao Qiankun, don't bully people too much!" Tang da'er suddenly stood up again and exclaimed, "boss Huang only charges a thousand yuan for the seat, but you have to double it! I - "

" fuck you! " Wang Cheng suddenly started. He stretched out his hand and pulled Tang da'er. Then he punched him hard and pushed him to the side.


Tang da'er knocked over a table and fell out --

there was a scream in the classroom.

Many afraid of the students have run out to avoid causing trouble.

At the same time, some people volunteered to rush to the school teachers' office.

Luo Feng's sight is light and cold.

"Luo Feng, I'll give you another chance." At this time, Liao Qiankun pointed to Luo Feng fiercely and said, "do you give or don't give 2000 yuan seat fee?"

Liao Qiankun and Wang Cheng stare at Luo Feng from left to right.

His face was fierce.

Threatening, as if already familiar with the road.

Once Luo Feng didn't agree, he rushed up to beat him violently --

Luo Feng stood up slowly, took a look at Tang Daer, who was standing up in agony at the moment. Then he turned his head to Wang Cheng and whispered, "you hit my friend."