
Legendary Military Man and Her School Beautys

There are so many school girls, pick one up and take her home as your wife. The strongest warrior returns to the city and becomes the best interloper at Redbud High School

Vishwajeet_raj · Fantasy
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26 Chs

chapter 18

He is a man full of contradictions.

He has never seen a drunkard keep his house so tidy. Luo Feng believes what Tang da'er said, because there are four words on the picture hanging in the hall: sharp knife detachment!

"Your father - always like this?" Luo Feng couldn't help asking.

Tang da'er bit his lips tightly, unable to cover up the waves in his heart.

"In my third year of junior high school, my father came back as a soldier, and that year, my family suffered great changes." Tang da'er tightly clenched his fist and said in a trembling voice, "I've always been proud of my father. He's a soldier! And I have always been proud of soldiers! In the school, many students know, even gave me a nickname, called Tang special soldier

undefined"Once I was proud of this title, now, it's my shame!" Tang Daer stood and looked out of the window, "brother Feng, look at the construction site in the distance. There used to be a village where generations lived. But because of the development of Yangcheng in recent years, a lot of land has been expropriated to build high-rise buildings! The same is true of that village. "

"My home is in that village." Tang DAHER was red eyed. "In the third year of junior high school, the land in the village was expropriated. However, the price given by the real estate developers is far lower than the average market price, and even has no difference with forced robbery! The villagers are not willing to unite! But overnight, the real estate agent colluded with the underground forces to demolish the village! "

"The villagers fought to death, and even - someone lay in front of the excavator!" Tang's voice was a little shrill, "however, those inhuman evil thieves ran people to death! That's my mother Tang Da began to cry with earache and trembled violently.

"It's lawless!" Luo Feng's eyes flashed a burst of intense anger, "this matter, nobody tube?"

For a long time, Tang's mood was a little calmer, his eyes were cold, and he said word by word, "on the night of my mother's tragic death, the villagers were scared and their houses were demolished. Finally, after the real estate agent subsidized some money, the matter ended. There are people in both black and white on the other side. The power is so great that ordinary villagers can't be provoked at all! "

"Is it Zhang Jia?" Luo Feng's eyes grew colder and his fist was slightly clenched.

He suddenly felt that it was too cheap for him to just throw Zhang Qiang into the dungeon today.

"It's Zhangjia! The evil real estate agent is Zhang Tiehong, Zhang Qiang's father! " When mentioning this name, Tang da'er gnaws his teeth, and wishes to swallow it alive!

"It didn't take long for my dad to come back. He almost went crazy when he learned about the accident." Tang's voice choked. "From then on, he kept complaining, accusing and petitioning. However, Zhang Tiehong had already dredged up the relationship, and all his father's efforts were in vain! The man who killed my mother didn't get the punishment he deserved. On the contrary, he swaggered through the market and went unpunished. "

"Later, my father was so angry that he went to find Zhang Tiehong to settle accounts! However, Zhang Tiehong had been prepared for that -- "Tang Da Er said in a trembling voice." he arranged for a lot of people to ambush my father. He not only broke one of his legs, but also threatened that if he was given another chance, he would order to crush my mother! In the end, he called the police to arrest my father and said that he would be charged with intentional wounding! "

"Lawlessness! It's lawlessness Luo Feng was very angry, "Zhang Tiehong, such a villain, can't kill him a hundred times!"

Luo Feng's heart has been calm for a year, this year, never had such a storm!

Total anger!

If Zhang Tiehong is in front of him at the moment, there is no doubt that Luo Feng will trample him into a pile of excrement!

"Later things, I think brother Feng can also guess." Tang said in a low voice, "up to now, my father is addicted to alcohol all day and still can't get out of the shadow of his mother's death. He hated himself and couldn't get justice for his mother! He often said, "mother is dead, and she will die with her eyes closed!"

Tang Daer couldn't help crying again.

Luo Feng's heart seems to be blocked by a stone. He doesn't know how to comfort Tang da'er. He only pats his shoulder and is silent.

Night fell quietly.

A villa, bright lights, smell.


The sound of retching came from the bathroom.

For a moment, a figure stooped and came out supporting the wall powerlessly.

It was Zhang Qiang.

Although the police came in time to salvage him from the cesspool, Zhang Qiang, who was unconscious when he went down, drank a lot of beige water and ate some other people's waste.

It's not that you have to say "shite" so elegantly, but now Zhang Qiang, hearing the word "shite", can't help but feel sick! When

came home, he had washed many times and sprayed all over with perfume. But at one mouth, Zhang Qiang still felt a sense of shit, and the fragrance was hard to get rid of.

Finally, after a break, elder brother Zhang Chen heard of his own affairs and came to visit him.

What a coincidence, Zhang Chen also took a bunch of bananas and walked in.Before he opened his mouth, Zhang Qiang saw the banana in his big brother's mouth, and his chest turned over again. Ten thousand grass mud horses flew by in his heart. He even vomited yellow gall in the bathroom.

"Brother, you want to avenge me Zhang Qiang came out with the help of the wall, with a sad face, and told his own experience like a little complaining woman.

Compared with Zhang Qiang's thin and pale body, even Tang da'er can't be dry. His elder brother Zhang Chen is very strong and frightening! The muscles on both arms show a sense of strength expansion!

He also has a black fox tattoo on his left arm.

One of the most rampant underground forces in this area, the black fox Gang!

Zhang Chen is one of the key figures!

"The poor soldier's son?" Obviously, Zhang Chen still remembered the incident with a sneer, "it seems that he has forgotten the pain I broke his father's leg!"

"Big brother, Tang DAHER is in the same school as me!" Zhang forced himself to open his mouth, "but the man around him is very good at fighting!"

"No matter how much I can fight, I will be a student after all." Zhang Chen's mouth raised a trace of cold and Yin Li, "dare to move my people in Zhangjia, it's like eating leopard gall!"

"Brother, they were taken away by the police today! Hum, investigate, maybe they don't want to be expelled! So, it's time -- "Zhang Qiang looked at Zhang Chen eagerly.

"Put it down at noon tomorrow. I'll ask Ma Zhen to wait for you at the school gate." Zhang Chen waved his hand.

"Really?" Zhang Qiang's eyes brightened.

He knows that Ma Zhen is one of the people who can fight with his elder brother.

"Tang da'er, Luo Feng! You wait to die Zhang Qiang gnawed his teeth and twisted his face ferociously. "You like dung pits, don't you? I'll feed you shit! Eat shit! Eat - vomit

Zhang Qiang touched the scene, covered his mouth and went straight to the bathroom