
Legendary Military Man and Her School Beautys

There are so many school girls, pick one up and take her home as your wife. The strongest warrior returns to the city and becomes the best interloper at Redbud High School

Vishwajeet_raj · Fantasy
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26 Chs

chapter 10

All of a sudden, even the driver sitting in front of him had no time to react. Zheng Haitian's body had been knocked open and the door fell down. With a whoosh, Luo Feng's figure came out at the same time.

In the flash of the tourmaline, Luo Feng took Zheng Haitian's arm with one hand and darted away, leaping out.

Everyone has no time to react to it --


A vibration, shock soul.

undefinedThe heat soared to the sky. Luo Feng felt as if he was about to burn behind him. He leaped hard and rolled on the ground several times.

In the moment of life and death, there is no care for the rest.

In particular, Luo Feng had to take Zheng Haitian with him.

Zheng Haitian's body stopped and suddenly turned back. He was shocked and staring at his car. At the moment, he was surrounded by a raging flame. Sitting in front of the driver and bodyguard man, also had no time to escape.

At this moment, Zheng Haitian's heart can not help but rise a sense of shock.

Almost by the side of death.

If it was not for Luo Feng's decisive foot, I am afraid he would have been buried in the sea of fire.

Back clip can not help but a cold sweat came out, Zheng Haitian's eyes fell on Luo Feng's body, want to talk again.

A moment ago, he was still doubting Luo Feng's intention, but the next second, he turned out to be his Savior.

"This time - it's also a coincidence." Luo Feng looked calmly at the burning car in front of him. In his heart, there is a strong sense of uneasiness in the back of the car.

Luo Feng's contact with the bomb is not a few. When he realized that someone had tampered with the car and installed the time bomb, Luo Feng resolutely kicked Zheng Haitian.

It's not that he and Zheng Haitian have much friendship, but in this case, Zheng Haitian will become the first suspect of the police immediately after his death.

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Zheng Haitian's eyes flashed a moment of guilt.

What happened before, I can doubt Luo Feng, but today, Luo Feng didn't know he would come to him. Besides, to find Luo Feng was his own temporary decision.

Not a trace of happiness from the sky.

If you don't come to Luofeng, but go to other places, can you know in advance that the car will explode? At that time, I'm afraid it's not just the drivers who sit in front of them.

Who is going to kill himself?

Thinking of the case of his daughter being kidnapped, Zheng Haitian's eyes become colder and colder.

People hiding in the dark may have endless hatred with themselves.

"Are they Zheng Haitian's eyes narrowed coldly.

When the sound of footsteps came, many bodyguards rushed forward one after another. Seeing that Zheng Haitian had nothing to do, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Luo Feng, thank you for saving my life." Zheng Haitian turned his face to Luo Feng, looking guilty, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't suspect you."

"I think, boss Zheng should think more carefully about who has offended recently." Luo Feng shrugged, "look at this situation, I'm afraid it is to let boss Zheng's family perish!"

Zheng Haitian's face flickered low.

This is his private matter, Luo Feng is not interested in knowing.

"If it's OK, I'll go first." Luo Feng walked quickly towards the school. The explosion here has attracted a lot of attention. Luo Feng doesn't want to be the focus again.

This time, no one stopped Luo Feng from leaving.

Many bodyguards are more concerned about Zheng Haitian's safety.

Escorted by a group of bodyguards, Zheng Haitian left a responsible person to wait for the police, and then left quickly.

Today, between life and death, Zheng Haitian felt that he had a lot of things to do.

"No more trouble for Luo Feng." This is the first order issued by Zheng Haitian after he left, "and, send more people to protect the eldest lady!" ——

Luo Feng returned to the classroom and immediately felt an unusual breath.

Two extremely vicious eyes almost instantly locked themselves.

Wang Cheng and Liao Qiankun.

"Brother Feng, things are not good." As soon as Luo Feng returned to his seat, Tang Daer came over and lowered his voice, "boss Huang just brought some people to the classroom to look for you. When you were not there, he left again. It is very likely that they will come again. "

Luo Feng nodded and frowned slightly.

This trouble is really annoying.

"Here they are."

Speak of Cao Cao, and he will come.

Tang's face changed.

At the back of the classroom, several figures appeared. The first guy with a nostril in the air must be the boss Huang, Huang Tianye, as Tang Da Er said!

Shua! Shua!

Wang Cheng and Liao Qiankun stood up almost at the same time.

A tense atmosphere filled the classroom.

"How can they make trouble?" Zheng Wei frowned and stood up."Wait and see." Liu Mei pulled her up, but she watched with interest, "just these people, not enough Luofeng to clean up!" Liu Mei was always curious about how Luo Feng managed to put down nearly 20 armed bandits in a very short time that night.

That skill, I'm afraid, is so strong as to be unimaginable.

"Boss Huang, this is the guy." Liao Qiankun stares at Luo Feng with venomous expression.

"Is that you?" Huang Tianye looked like a slouch, walked to Luo Feng. Suddenly, his eyes became cold and sharp, and pointed at Luo Feng fiercely, "you are not timid!"

"You are not timid." Luo Feng stood up.

He had no reason to avoid.

The arrogance of the heart does not allow Luo Feng to bow his head to this little punk character.

Huang Tianye's eyes flashed with anger.

"What are you doing?"

Before he could make the next move, a voice was heard behind them.

As clear as a warbler.

For Huang Tianye, this voice is no stranger.

Huang Tianye turned back, the evil spirit of his face disappeared in an instant. He laughed, "it's Mr. Jun."

Luo Feng followed the people's line of sight.

Standing at the door of the classroom was a woman in high heels, wearing a goose yellow seven point dress, revealing a section of tender white legs. Her figure was incomparably graceful. Even though the skirt was slightly conservative, the more compact it could be wrapped, the more it outlined the concave convex figure of the woman.

Black long hair and shoulders, Phoenix eyes show anger, angry appearance gives a sense of a unique flavor!

"Our English teacher, you have a dream. I just came to our school last semester. I heard it was a graduate of Zhejiang University? Brother Feng, isn't it the school you want to test for? " Tang da'er lowered his voice, "although Mr. Jun has only come for a semester, she is recognized as the first goddess in our school! A lot of male teachers are beating her up

Apart from Luo Feng, no one heard Tang's whispers.

Luo Feng can't help but aim at this beautiful teacher, and his whole body really reveals an intoxicating atmosphere.

Compared with Zheng Wei, Liu Mei and other young school flowers, Junlian dream has a burst of mature charm.

"Class is coming soon. What are you doing here?" Jun Lianmeng walked into the classroom with an English textbook in her hand.

"Nothing." Huang Tianye laughed. "I just heard that a new classmate came to class seven. I want to know him." Huang Tianye waved his hand and looked at Luo Feng. After a few movements of his lips, the corners of his mouth were light. He immediately turned around and left the classroom.

Luo Feng saw Huang Tianye's lips before he left.

Lucky for you!

Luo Feng glanced at Huang Tianye's back and moved his lips.

I don't know - who's lucky?

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or telegram. There's also a chapter about the ranks and power scaling.]