
Legendary martial artist in one piece (completed)

The Strory is about a Legendary martial artist that Reincarnated into the world of One Piece.Will he beat everyone? Will he live in peace? Will he destroy everything?Read the story and you will know. The picture in the cover isn't mine. Ps.Charakter will be op so if you don't like that then this fan-fic isn't for you. -no harem -Wish fulfilment -mature and calm mc -no 18+ Content

Syrus_ · Anime & Comics
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Hi guys, I write this because I want to say that I don't know why, I can't see the comments. I don't know why. I notice it when I looked a the account of a few people and say that you guys commented but I couldn't see it anywhere.

I'm trying to fix this somehow. And someone asked if Whitebeard || is Weevil. And yes it'd him and I just used Whitebeard || because you could say he is like the young whiteneard only much more stupid.

And some said that the mc was op. Yes, I'm trying to make him fast strong, but I will try to make stronger character. Like some op Index guys. Hope you enjoy this series