
Prince's Retaliation

The large oak double doors slammed open, stunning the guards momentarily. "Father!" Cried Edward Ferkald. Which echoed throughout the large audience room.

"What is it son." worried the ripe man sitting upon the throne. A blonde girl with bee drills in a frilly blue dress turned as the king answered. That girl being the only princess in the kingdom her name, Jennifer Ferkald.

"I was cheated, there's no way that I would have failed such an easy final. Father, could you contact the sage of the Academy, to pass me and fail my opponent?..." "Father?" Edward stopped pleaing as the king, Trius Ferkald used his hand as a base for his chin. His purple mantle moved as he did so. This was the king's favorite thinking pose.

"Son, as much as I love you, I can not do such a thing to the college. The sage's power is beyond imagination.... But it is strange that you would fail. You are this country's most, promising talent." Edwards head sunk at this answer. "But, I'm certain if the student that beat you, met a cruel fate that no one would dare raise an eyebrow." Edward's face now lit up with glee.

"Then father may I have some mages and knights?" asked Edward meekly.

"Of course, but make sure that they are disguised. Also that you do this in a place not noteworthy."

"Thank you father." Edward smiled greatly while bowing.

Edward started towards the door. As he was leaving the girl next to the king looked at Edward's back 'He's so petty, maybe I should go see the man that can make my brother act this way. It could be fun, no I'll make it fun.' Jennifer smiled to herself.

Edward left the room and the guards in turn closed the doors.


Author note: Im going to try first person for this chapter. Comment down below if you like it.


I just got out of the Principal's office. 'That kid has aged alot since I last saw him. Maybe I should have stayed around longer to see him grow up... Nah, he did fine on his own. And if I have any regrets I can just use [Time Magic] to change things.'

'So what to do now? Oh, doesn't the capital have a nice lake? I think I'll go there for celebration.'

I looked left then right and saw no one in the hallway. My senses picked up zero magical presences. Then I'm safe, I just thought about the lake and was teleported right onto the shore. 'This magic is so great.' I thought while smiling. I could smell, the fresh clean air enter my nose. The pines complimented this with their minty smell.

The lake I teleported to is the Yuem lake, which is around five miles long and wide. It gets its water source from a great river called the Piscataway River. This river connects the capital to many other countries and to the ocean.

I looked to my left and saw a bear. A mutant grizzly bear and its cubs. They were maybe ten feet away from me. The only difference between these and a regular grizzly, is that a mutant grizzly is bigger, has white spots dotting its fur. Also it's claws look jagged.

The mother looked absolutely terrified as I looked it in the eyes. I guess my magical aura is causing it's survival instincts to explode. I toned down my aura and walked up to the bears. The mother stood like a stone statue, motionless. While it's cubs couldn't care less. That was because their magical awareness hadn't developed yet.

I crouched in front of the bear cub. It looked up to me in a cute manner. Then I used my spell, [sooth area] which calms everything in the area and gives a cozy feeling to the victims. The spell affected the bears nicely, since they all looked calm and happy, even the mother. I then gave a cub a bear hug.

'OOOOHHHHHHH! Its so fluffy, I want to take you home!' After having enough I let go of the cub and said "bye! bye!" while waving towards the bears.

The bears walked away into the forest surrounding the lake feeling better than when they came. 'I hope they don't get hunted soon.'

After the bears completley dissapeared into the greens, greys, and browns of the forest.

I was still on the shore, I walked into the lake's water. But instead of getting wet, the water acted as if it was solid ground. This was my [water walk] spell. Walking on water has a different feeling than that of walking in the forest. By that I mean that its super cool. Even after a long time of living, its still one of my favorite spells. Half way through my walk my body had the shivers. I can't get cold because of my [Temperature Immunity] so this can only mean one thing. That my [Sense Danger] spell was picked up on someone plotting to do something bad to me. Who could be plotting against me? I don't think I've done anything recently. I took another second rewinding the day. Maybe it's that guy I beat in the final exam. Was he someone important? Oh well its probably something I can deal with easily. So I decided to cross that bridge when it came.

I kept my refreshing slow walk going until night started to appear in the sky, through its oranges, pinks, and fading blues.


Currently in a high-class Inn Edward was sitting on a red cushioned chair while sipping tea. A knock came from the door Edward was staring at. "My I come in Prince Edward, I have a report."

'Finally, took you long enough.'

A soldier wearing ragged slum clothing came into the room. It was the disguise made for him to look like a Ruffian. He closed the doors and stood upright "My men have went into every Inn and checked the guest lists. But there was no guest listed named Azan." The soldier reported while looking down and to the right.

"What do you mean you can't find the man in any inn!?" shouted Edward. His tea rumbled as his voice was carried though the room.

"hhhaaaa" Edward sighed in annoyance "Then he must be outside the city, come lets wait outside of the gates."

"You are too wise prince Edward!" complimented the soldier.

Edward stared at him with distaste.

While all of this was happening, princess Jennifer was listening in the next room along with her most trusted guard and attendant Elise. While stroking her hair she thought 'Seems like brother is ready to make his move.' she grinned.

"Lets go Elise."


I finished my walk ending up right in the middle of the lake. I turned [Invisibility] on and teleported a mile away from the capital's huge walls, ending up in a forest close by. The city's red brick walls were fifty feet tall. The walls were thick enough to house soldier's barracks and armories within. Above the walls, the castle on Ferkald hill, was the most prominent thing in the city. Still showing all of it's greatness. Followed by the Magical Academy's Sage tower and the Church's Great Martin Cathedral.

After admiring the city, I took a look towards the main gate and walls. There were more armed people around but they weren't guards. I used [Dection] and focused on the road before me. Putting my suspicions up a notch, are forty armed men hiding in the bushes. Along with a teenage boy.

'Seems like I should deal with this.'