
Fierce Iwa army

Kan watches the numerous Iwa shinobis coming at them from all directions as he cursed and cursed.

"Rin", Mikoto muttered

"I am ready"

"Do it. Now"

He roars and Rin detonates the Exploding bomb tag placed on the field near them.


All three of them blurred and ran as fast as they could.

The exploding bomb created a chain reaction, exploding all the bombs placed and hid among the field simultaneously, the blast being intensified by the condensed fire of the explosions.





The blasts were powerful enough to destroy everything within a mile radius. The flames released by the explosions produced enough heat to turn nearly anything caught within the blasts to ash instantly, producing a near-guaranteed kill.

Kan carrying Kakashi, and Mikoto carrying Rin run like crazy to avoid getting caught in the range of these blasts.

Rin was in a perfect status to run on her own, But her speed is another issue, The blasts were fast catching up to them

"Run Run Run. Don't look back Just run", Kan yelled as they ran like crazy

But this much noise attracted way too much attention, and more and more Iwa shinobis came towards them.

Soon they were surrounded once again, "More of them are coming", Rin declared as more than 50 Iwa shinobis almost catch up to them

"It's time, all of them should be here", Mikoto declared as she stopped and turn around

"Dangit, Rin, try to heal Kakashi as much as you can on the move...", He passed Kakashi to Rin as he stopped and turn around as well, "Destroy that bridge... Here, you will need it", Kan threw Minato's Kunai towards Rin.


Mikoto smiled and interrupted Rin, "The plan should be a success, No one should be stopping you anymore, Go, Bypass this entire place, and destroy the bridge. We will stop these guys for you"


Rin bit her lips and her eyes moist, "Please stay alive", She said and ran away

Mikoto chuckled, "Never really thought that a coward like you will be making such a plan"

"This is the safest plan I could have come up with; If we let them follow us, they would have just butcher us from behind. We might very well face them in front"

"Indeed. With your skills, it would be a piece of cake", She looked at the incoming army of those Iwa monsters.

Kan looked at her with side glances and smirked a little, 'She is still trying to make me go all out... Two can play this game though'

She smirked, and made hand signs, "Fire Release: Massive Fireball Barrage"


"How are you doing Kakashi?", Minato asked the beaten-up Kakashi in a low voice who could barely stand

After getting separated from Kan and Mikoto, Rin not only protected Kakashi from the Iwa shinobis in the heartiest area of Iwa's rear but also healed him the entire time; back to the condition of fighting. All the while trying to summon their sensei for help.

Right now, Minato and his party hid in a cave.

This time the situation is very bad, they are in danger of being caught every minute.

"Good enough to complete this mission", Kakashi said

Minato look at Kakashi's life-threatening injuries with a critical look, "In my opinion, I think you should head back"

"No", Kakashi hurriedly said, "Kan san and Mikoto san are holding up a horde of Iwa shinobis just so we could complete this mission. Obito gave his life for this... I am not going anywhere before completing this mission"

Minato sighed and look at Rin, "Then..."

"I am not anywhere either sensei", Rin resolutely said

Minato sighed again and patted Rin on the shoulder as he walked out.

"Take the rest you two, I am going for the scouting"


Far away from Kakashi, Rin, and Minato, there was an intense battle going on that tested the very limits of two wonderful shinobis that were holding the horde of Iwa shinobis.

"Fire Style: Scorching Demon Lotus", Mikoto cried out lout

Flames surrounded her body and instantly grew several meters in height before scattering from her body and forming a Demonically Beautiful Lotus.

The Lotus instantly engulfed a twenty-meter radius with Mikoto Uchiha at its center, mercilessly burning all the Iwa shinobis trapped within with the fatal Flame.

Many horrible shrieks could be heard from within the gigantic Flame Lotus. The shrieks sounded ghastly, as though they were cries that came from the depths of hell. However, the Star Scorching Demon Lotus did not weaken; instead, it continued burning mercilessly at full force.

Each and every person who was trapped tossed and turn around in despair, before eventually turning into ashes...


She coughed blood and stumbled a little when suddenly an Iwa shinobi jumped onto her back, ready to kill her off.

She couldn't even turn back in time before the Iwa shinobi behind her was kicked by the bloody Kan who came flying out of nowhere.

Kan jumped high in the air towards the horde, passing Mikoto under him.

"Wind Release: Chakra armament", Kan muttered quietly

Chi Chi

Chakra traveled from Kan's hand to the sword, covering the sword with Wind coils. Cracking the sword a little because of the pressure.

"Earth Release: Mud Dragon Jutsu"

"Earth Release: Stone Spike"

"Earth Release: Stone Pillar"

"Earth Release: Earth Dome"


Many attacks came at Kan who showed some complex maneuvering and slammed right onto the earth dome covering the Iwa shinobis.


The explosion and dust cloud followed but that was only the starting.


Every time Kan swing that sword, an explosion followed, creating a very devastating weapon that was on the verge of getting destroyed.

After a series of explosions and a dozen Iwa shinobis were sent flying with a swoop of Kan's sword. The defensive stone armors on their bodies were destroyed to pieces.

Huff Huff

Kan had just withdrawn his sword when yet another dozen or so Iwa shinobis appeared from the surroundings. With frightening spike armor etched on their bodies, they charged in on him.

The strength of each of these shinobis was not to be underestimated as one of them sweeps his fist at Kan, who in return swings his wind-covered cracked sword to match the fist.


The explosion followed, and the sword completely cracked down, with Kan flying back with his sunken chest, throwing blood from his mouth.

He stood up weakly like a dying man with his broken sword as he looked at himself being swarmed by Iwa shinobis again.

Flames shot out like arrows and instantly knocking over the Iwa shinobis away from Kan.

"You alright?", Mikoto came over with her mouth leaking blood.

"Yes", Kan asked as he looks at the woman who saved his life just now.


Both Mikoto and Kan notice the surprise attack coming at Mikoto from very close range.

Using his great and honed reflexes. He moved and hugged her tight.

He grits his teeth as the attack pierced his back, causing him to bleed greatly.

Mikoto did not falter as she used her Kunai to stab the Iwa shinobi from his embrace, but the Kunai broke against the stone armor.

"Let me go", She urgently said

He immediately let her go as she kicked the Iwa shinobi away, causing the Kunai on Kan's back to get pulled out.

Kan throws some blood as he kneels on the ground.

"Go all out or are you trying to get us both killed", Mikoto yelled as she used her Kunai to defend against the stone fist coming at her.

Kan swings back using a kunai as soon as the Iwa shinobi appeared behind him.

"I don't understand what you are talking about", He said

The Iwa shinobi quickly counters with his own kunai which he had in his hand. Both kunais strike each other just as the Iwa shinobi swings a punch towards Kan's throat.

Kan grabs the Iwa shinobi's wrist to stop the punch then aims a kick at his mid-section to knock him away.

The Iwa shinobi breaks Kan's grip on his arm and then grabs his kick before it takes effect. At the same time moves his kunai towards Kan's face with great speed, moving it only inches away from his face within a millisecond.

Kan could feel as the kunai came toward his face but before it made contact his body was replaced with a log showing he had used a substitution jutsu.

He then appeared a few feet away weaving a few signs.

"Wind Style...

The Iwa shinobi had wrapped wire strings around Kan's arm when he broke out of his grip and pulls it moving his hand away before he could finish his hand signs preventing the Jutsu from happening.

Just then he kicks the log with full power at Kan with the kunai still penetrated into it.

Kan uses his chakra stream to focus his wind-based chakra into his hands cutting the wire and freeing himself doing the log and blurring right at Mikoto who was just a millimeter away from getting sliced.

Mikoto using her Sharingan could see the Kunai coming closer and closer into her face, but her falling body could not dodge this quickly.

She tightly closed her eyes, as her body falls. The attack never came.

She confusedly opened her eyes to see Kan standing in front of her with Kunai stabbed right onto his chest, Kan's hand was instinctively holding the hand of Iwa shinobi as he kicks the Iwa shinobi away.

Pulling the Kunai out from his chest, Kan coughed blood and almost falls.

Mikoto moved and save him from the attack aiming at his back.

Soon they were standing back to back.

"How long will you hold back, I am seriously dying here", Kan muttered as he huffed and looks at the swarming Iwa shinobis.

Mikoto smirked, "Shouldn't I say that?"

"I guess this really was the worst plan ever. I should have made Kakashi and Rin stop these guys and we shave gone for the destruction of the bridge", Kan replied

Mikoto laughed, "Or we could have just called Minato over here"

"He wouldn't have come, He could not... He is needed at the frontline at this moment, coming here means running from the frontline and ignoring his duties. One time is already his limit, second time, I don't think he will come back"

"So you left Kakashi and Rin to die?"

"No, From what I heard about Flash. I think he will come if it's Kakashi and Rin but I don't know for sure. I gave them the chance to gamble, it's all their luck whether Minato will come or not"

"Great Earth Disturbance", Mikoto and Kan looked up to see an Iwa shinobi descending on them from up above


They rolled to the side immediately.

The Iwa shinobi slammed the fist against the ground with great force.


The surrounding area got destroyed just like that.

Kan stood back up, his gaze concentrated as he took out the Kunai and covered it with the wind coiling around it. Causing the Kunai to slightly crack from the pressure.

Then, he rushed into the midst of the Iwa shinobis like lightning; with every swing of his Kunai, he causes a devastating attack... creating an explosion every time.

Mikoto too joined in with her body that was literally on fire.

Flames shot out in all directions, gradually lighting a large area aflame and quickly melting the defensive armor of each and every Armored Iwa shinobis...

Huff Huff

Kan knelt with his knees on the ground and exhaled a long breath. But they didn't even put the chip on their army as the Iwa army just kept on rushing on them.

"We need to go all out, or we will seriously die here", Mikoto asked as she throws some blood

"I agree, you go first", Kan muttered as he stood back again ready to face the next wave of offense.

Mikoto chuckled as she gets into Taijutsu form too, "I am very patient"

"So am I", Kan grit his teeth, They really will die here if they don't go all out.