
Legendary Dragon enter the Naruto Shippuden

Bruce Lee refuse to be called Rock Lee. His originally name Bruce Lee aka Dragon.

master1983 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Hidden Sevaar Crest

Bruce Lee Hidden Sevaar Crest contained powerful technique called SHADOW SKILL TECHNIQUES is the long lost art of martial arts, which been passed down to generations.

"Show your opponents the greatest respect and honor in battle, defeat them. That life or death eat or be eaten is a Savalle's very first rule first rule."

Warriors in Kurda fight using the Kurda-style Kōsappō lit. "combining kill methods", ADV "Annihilation techniques") which has two general divisions: Hyōgi ( "open skills" or "bright skills"), which emphasize punches and throws, and Eigi ( "shadow skills"), which focus on kicks and the user's footwork.

Which this method acquires languages of martial arts, so the body and soul will be invinsible. Even the body's muscles will be strong as any fighter would be...A practitioner who mastered the Arts of Kuruda-style, will earned the mark of Sevaar with honor, and its title as well. A Master will prove the student worthy to earn it, which of course that if a master will step down and pass it over or challenge to be defeated by a student.

A Crest of Sevaar will be stored on the left forearm, back of the hand, and bicep; which of course that will covered with clothing or bandages.

Decades passed, since the title of Sevaar will be considered to keep its title's memory and learned from the descendants of the past will be encounter the Savaar and its millennia will be met once again.

In the future if Bruce Lee discovered this crest he will enchanted this word.

"I am Invincible...!" Bruce Lee begun his chanted. "My Shadow Skills is unmatched...!"

Bruce Lee raised his fist. "The power of my blow has no equal!" Then he raised his fist in the air that his fist engulf with silver light energy.

Now Bruce Lee is on the air by jumping in high, preforms a forward somersault. "Kuruda-ryū Kossapo...! (Kuruda-style Annihilation techniques)"

Ware wa muteki nari!! - I am invincible!!,

Waga kage wazani konaou mononashi! - My shadow skills are unmatched.

Waga ichideki wa muteki nari! - The power of my blow has no equal!!! 😠😠😠😠

(Martial Arts Language Commences)

A counter Martial Arts Language

(Divine Power Meditation Commences)

==KURUDA RYUU KOSSAPO (Kurusa-style Annihilation techniques)==