
Legendary Beast Kingdom

Many years ago, humans awakened powers called 'Animal's Soul' which gave them the ability to have immense strength and summon the beast that their souls represent. With these new powers was formed a new country called Zaun. And among them formed the Upper Class and Lower Class society. Spade, a boy born in the Lower Class society, was often ill treated and hated by the Upper Class due to his mischiefs in their area. He had a dream - to become the Apex Predator, who also rules the kingdom. And so he trained day and night and became stronger and stronger. However, he was instantly rejected by the kingdom due to him being unworthy as he was a Lower Class. Adamant on his goal and unknowing of the legendary beast that resides in his soul, Spade decides to challenge the whole kingdom and prove his worthiness. But is this the only problem in his way? There are things that even the Apex Predator fears himself. What is it? Read to find out!

ViZard4 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The buffaloes started walking back to the forest, as everyone just stared with a shocked face.

When they entered the jungle, Spade neared them.

"They heard and understood me back then... So... If I do something right now...."

He decided to jump on one of the buffaloes, expecting it to shake violently in order to get him off its back. However, when he jumped, the Buffalo saw him and lowered itself as if allowing him to sit on his back.

Spade landed on its back. He then walked up to the Buffalo's head and said -

"Hey, can you understand me."

The Buffalo made some noise. But it was a calm one.

Spade them understood something. If he can control the buffaloes, he can take their help to raid the exams!

So he asked them if they could help him catch more of the animals, to which they whole heartedly agreed.

Carrying Spade, the buffaloes walked deep into the forest. While walking, they found many animals. From giant eagles, to elephants. And one by one, Spade caught them and invited them in his team.

Meanwhile somewhere in the country...

Rebecca was walking in an alleyway. She made sure no one was looking, and then opened one of the doors which was in the way.

Upon opening the door, she found herself in a pub like place. Although it was completely empty. The whole place was dark, only with some light that entered through the windows.

From the darkness appeared a man on the bartender's counter. He was a tall man with a mask on his face.

"Rebecca..." He said. "You found him? That boy, Spade?"

"Yes. I did. And I convinced him to let he help. All done." Rebecca answered.

"Well, good. He is not an ordinary boy, you already know. He would be a great help for the kingdom, hahaha." The man laughed.

Rebecca smiled.


Throughout the country, newspapers were being sold. The news was about the exam that was gonna take place in the next three days. The names of the participants were written on the papers.

Ranging from the soul of a Rat to the soul of a Lion, the exams were attempted by many people who have aspired to become Predators.

And among the midst of all this, the boy who dreamt of being on the top was rejected for the exams. He was told that he was not worthy of giving the exams and he should give up. Did he?

Evening arrived. The sun was slowly setting. Martha was still thinking about Spade, worried what the woman from earlier (Rebecca) wanted with him. She was sitting on a chair in her tent, forgetting that she had a cup of coffee in her hand.

From the outside, she hears some noises. The people were chattering loudly about something. Curious, she got out of her tent and started walking towards the noise.

"What is that?"

"I can't believe my eyes!"

"He did all that alone?!"

Everyone was in shock. And so was Martha when she saw it.

Spade. He finally came back from the forest after like 13 hours. And he was not alone.

Sitting on one of the many giant buffaloes, he also brought with him huge eagles, elephants, tigers, gorillas and pandas. All following him as he freely ordered them around.

"Hey! Aunt Matha!" He shouted from the top.

Martha waved to him.

Spade jumps down from the top of the buffalo. Everyone freaks out seeing him jump from such a height. He lands down safely and everyone freaks out even more.


"Oh he landed perfectly."

"WAIT HE LANDED PERFECTLY?!" Was the reaction of the crowd.

"Spade!" Martha said while running towards him. "How did you do this?"

"Hehe! I don't know! Seems like they can understand me."

"But why have you gathered them?" She asks as the people try to touch the animals and the children run around them playfully.

One of the buffaloes lowers its head and Spade carcasses it. "I said I had a plan right? I am gonna infiltrate the exams"

"What?! You don't need to! You saw what happened when you went there three days ago!"

"Yes! And that's why I am gonna do it again. Again and again until I prove that it doesn't matter who I am, I can still be the Apex Predat-"

Martha slaps him.

Everything goes silent. The children, people and animals. Spade puts his hand on his cheek and looks at Martha. She was upset.

"You are not gonna do it." She said.