
Legendary Beast Kingdom

Many years ago, humans awakened powers called 'Animal's Soul' which gave them the ability to have immense strength and summon the beast that their souls represent. With these new powers was formed a new country called Zaun. And among them formed the Upper Class and Lower Class society. Spade, a boy born in the Lower Class society, was often ill treated and hated by the Upper Class due to his mischiefs in their area. He had a dream - to become the Apex Predator, who also rules the kingdom. And so he trained day and night and became stronger and stronger. However, he was instantly rejected by the kingdom due to him being unworthy as he was a Lower Class. Adamant on his goal and unknowing of the legendary beast that resides in his soul, Spade decides to challenge the whole kingdom and prove his worthiness. But is this the only problem in his way? There are things that even the Apex Predator fears himself. What is it? Read to find out!

ViZard4 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The king Soufu was drinking tea with the Rank 1 of Highest Order Predator, Hijin. While sipping, they were discussing about the boy that they saw three days ago. That boy was - Spade.

"The aura around that boy when he threatened us. It's not an aura everyone could see, and that's why they were laughing." Hijin said. "Only the people with greatest ambitions are worthy enough to see it."

"That aura.... I felt something from inside that boy. I guess my dear wife was not able to see it too, remembering the fact that she was still mad about him being in the assembly." King Soufu said.

"He is no ordinary boy, My Majesty. The thing I don't understand is... Why would a beast like 'it' decide to incarnate in a Low Class soul like him."

"From the nature of it, he is not gonna stay silent. And the way he confidently threatened us, the rulers of the kingdom, I bet he will try to do something during the exams. And therefore, I have decided to assign guards around the island of the first exams."

Hijin nodded.

Meanwhile in the forest, where Spade was busy hunting.

He was looking for animals to hunt or to be more precise, to capture. So that he can raid the Beast Exams. However, even after searching in a literal forest for 15 full minutes, he couldn't find anything.

"Damn it. I've been walking this long. There should have been at least one animal in sight. I am now getting bored." He said to himself.

There is a certain hierarchy in the world that categorizes both humans and animals in four different types.

First are the Grasseaters. As the name suggests, these creatures depend on vegetarian intake. Among the four types, Grasseaters are considered the weakest and the most peaceful community. Both Upper Class and Lower Class have this type.

The second type are the Meat Eaters. They are the third most powerful creatures, and are also present in both classes.

The third type are the Predators. They are only specific to the Upper Class. Predators are the ones who are responsible for guarding the kingdom and its people from any danger. They are further classified as New Order, Mid Order, Higher Order and Highest Order.

And the last type is the Apex Predator. Which is a special title given to the most powerful Predator every 25 years.

And among all this, none was found by Spade. Until another minute, that he caught a glimpse of a big, Buffalo like creature.

He jumped on a branch and leaped towards the Buffalo. And when he reached near it, he saw that the buffalo was HUGE. It was a 50 feet tall creature.

"Alright! The first one! And it looks pretty strong too!"

The Buffalo was a Grasseater. And so Spade jumped towards it and punched it hard, thinking that it would be enough. Although the Buffalo lost it's balance and nearly fell, it stood it's ground and tackled Spade.

Spade crashed into one of the trees.

"Ack! Shit. That power."

The Buffalo started breathing noisily. It then lifted it's head above and screeched loudly.

Spade looked around. The birds were flying here and there. And after ten seconds, voices of such Buffalo were heard from all corners.

Due to Spade punching it, the Buffalo had now called it's whole herd.

The screech was heard all the way to the mountains. Where the people were worried what was going on

"What are you even doing.... Spade?" Martha thought.

A bit of info dumping here. You gotta bear it though >:)

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