
Legendary: Awakening of the Behemoth

Waking in a pitch black space after having sunk with the ship he was on, a young man who has lost his name hears a voice in his mind that welcomes him as "Young Behemoth" It only takes a few minutes for it to explain the world he is about to be sent to and guide him through some basic topics, such as the magic the land is filled with and in no time the young man finds himself in a strange world. With an unusual ability to see an energy that acts as his guide, the young man sets forward to become an adventurer, the most powerful individuals alive. But in following the guidance of the strange energy when the time comes to decide on his abilities, he is actually given what is to be considered the weakest of all combinations! The road to becoming the strongest will be difficult, but necessary to save this new world because of the promise he made, and because of the name he must live up to. * I do not own the cover art. If this is an issue simply inform me and it will be replaced. * The average releases will be one per week with large attempts to release more often than that.

Tyrrg · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Difference in Status ( 3 )

It was merely a confirmation of what he already knew, yet Raen still marveled now over the many chapters he had read which depicted demi humans as grotesque and abominations on the world. Vyral was more likely to be seen as a goddess than a monster, though perhaps his opinion was only due to coming from a different world. Either way, it took him a moment to shake his head free of distracting thoughts and speak. " Ah sorry, much as I would like to stop to chat I need to gather a few things. Another time? "

Vyral's visible ear could be seen twitching out of annoyance, her immediate thought being that the man before her was now fully aware of what she was and just needed an excuse to run away. She was all too used to such treatment, after all she wore the hooded robe for a reason. However even if she was bordering on irritation, the male was either a fantastic liar or actually telling the truth. Curious now over him, Vyral nodded quietly and covered herself back up with the hood before anyone else could take notice. Thankfully they were on the outskirts of the crowd or else it would have been impossible to hide.

Before she could say a word however, Raen was already rushing back to the cart his group had come from. Vyral bristled a little at this, huffing under her hood as she glanced up at the other crowds. She knew all too well the kind of cruel games people liked to play on those the world deemed of less importance.

Raen did feel bad at seeming rude in his rush to get away but he knew there would be time later to apologize or make up for the fact. It took only a few moments to duck into the back of the cart, fishing out Aldrich's sword and shield along with his own lance as a good measure. He certainly wasn't about to trust Bhromir to keep the fight fair, on top of that he was a beastman. Aldrich was good but he likely wasn't that good when comparing the difference in strength between a human and a beastman.

Of course his actions hadn't gone without notice. A few from the village had seen what both Aldrich and Raen had done. None of them had dared to approach the group of elites, knowing that the difference between their worlds was as night and day. Even if they were all about to join the adventurers guild, for the time being these elites were simply untouchable. On that note, they knew how cruel the world could be, which was why more than one pair of eyes held concern at seeing Raen rush off with their training weapons in tow.

Mia was perhaps the most concerned after noticing that her sister had been keeping to the regal looking minotaur. She knew that Hala wasn't the type to latch on so quickly, meaning that perhaps Aldrich had told her something to cause her to seem as nothing more than arm candy for the minotaur. Thankfully Raen was involved, and though she only knew so much about him, Mia felt confident that he would watch out for those from the village. Granted, Mia thought to herself that maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell Ceres about this...


" Bhromir is it necessary for you to test us so? You and I have spoken quite a bit, I am certain by now you can see hints of value. " Hala, who had not said a word up to this point, finally found herself unable to suppress her own worry once Raen could be seen carrying Aldrich's sword and shield back to the camp of elites. Bhromir had actually come down a ways and gotten some of the guard to set up torches to light a circular area. It would be easy for anyone from the three crowds to see what was going on.

Bhromir glanced back at the woman, snorting slightly at the trivial comment. " For you perhaps, but your friend's words need weight behind them. You may be able to speak to me of locations yet to explore or maps few have laid eyes upon, but it is far from enough. " He also thought quietly to himself as his eyes looked over Hala. ' If you were not my type then you wouldn't have even been able to speak in my tent. So many who don't understand the world. ' The minotaur turned his eyes towards Aldrich who had just greeted Raen and was gearing up.

" Ah so sword and shield, a good combination over the years. Sad to say I have little in the way of training weapons, but if you will excuse me for just a moment... " Bhromir smiled warmly as he turned and walked to where a tree stood near the camp. It was a large oak and had heavy branches, clearly a solid chunk of wood which caused a few onlookers from all three crowds to become curious. It wasn't until Bhromir reached up and gripped a thick branch that eyes widened, suddenly realizing what the minotaur planned to do.

Although Bhromir was much larger than Raen or even Aldrich, there should have been a limit to the strength the minotaur had. However as the muscles bulged within his arms and teeth clenched together, Bhromir used an astounding strength to rip the branch straight off. Raen couldn't believe what he was seeing and became instantly aware of the difference between his strength and Bhromir, on that note Aldrich too realized that he likely would stand no chance. Even so, Aldrich accepted his sword and shield from Raen, standing ready in the circular clearing. 

Bhromir whipped around and swung the massive branch as if it was the simplest thing in the world. His eyes easily noticed the looks both Raen and Aldrich were giving him after such a demonstration. It was actually quite humorous really, as the fine clothing he wore was actually what had made such a thing possible. Stitched into the clothing were numerous runes, adding to his strength, speed, and the clothing's own ability to withstand damage. It was to him just an article of everyday clothing, but to Raen or Aldrich it could be considered a treasure. This was truly a display of the difference between their standings in the world.

Bhromir stepped closer to Aldrich and finally lowered the branch, calling out loudly to ensure anyone watching would have the chance to hear what was about to happen. " Now then Aldrich, as this is a friendly event, how about we make it at least interesting for one another, no? " The beastman still played at being friendly even as he simultaneously prepared to crush Aldrich ruthlessly. Aldrich had no choice but to wait and listen as Bhromir continued on. " I purpose that should you win, we shall indeed create that team and I will do all I can to ensure those from your village are well set up to advance in the Guild. However, if I was to win well...hmm how about for starters, Hala who has been such a delight will stay with me from now on and you will work directly for me for...lets say a year? Sound alright? "

Though the minotaur smiled at this simple question Raen was shocked speechless. Of course the terms were ludicrous, who would ever agree to such a thing? On top of subjecting himself to a year of likely degrading tasks suited to a lackey, Aldrich would also be risking Hala's freedom here as well. Raen had no idea what the minotaur's true background was, but no matter what it was this was Bhromir blatantly trying to take advantage of the situation. Raen started to grip his lance a little tighter and was about to speak on his outrage but paused when Aldrich was the first to respond.

" Though your terms are a bit steep, I really can't give up on such a grand opportunity. " Aldrich shifted his weight around as he brought up his shield, planting himself firmly before the minotaur while holding loosely to the sword in his other hand. Raen was obviously taken aback, who wouldn't be? But Aldrich had always strived for more, to reach higher, and now with the chance to potentially join in with the elite he wasn't following rational judgement.

Bhromir now grinned in earnest at the fool before him. There wasn't a chance in hell that the human could withstand his strength, not even if he had been trained by such a famous adventurer. The most satisfying thing about it was that Aldrich's choice in weapon was why he had no hope. The shield couldn't have too much in the way of runic protection so a few heavy blows from the massive tree branch would likely shatter it, not to mention what it would do to Aldrich through the shield. As for the sword, it just wouldn't have the reach to stay in a safer area and draw out the fight.

"Well then my friend, let's start this show shall we? I am rather interested in seeing how you fare. Please don't disappoint. " Bhromir spoke soft and kind even if there was condescendance hidden behind his words. Aldrich was too much a fool to read into it, as he had been the entire night. The minotaur was already thinking on how to humiliate what would be his new servant, and how to let the rest of the common folk know that they would never share the same world. Even if they were all going to awaken, it would barely change a thing.

The minotaur stalked forward while dragging the massive branch behind him, wearing the grin still while his entire being became menacing. More than a few watchers swallowed at the sight, glad they were not facing off against him. By now those from the village had caught onto the scene as well, but it was far too late to stop it. Ceres quietly asked Mia to get his weapon from the cart as well, preparing to intervene should things go south. Raen as well was already considering how to step in if and when Aldrich was overwhelmed. A constant noise could now be heard throughout the different crowds as someone from the elites rang a bell and the match began.

So this is as far as I managed to get for the past few weeks. Sorry there was such a gap in releases, it shouldn't have to happen again thanks to a change in my current job. A number of details have been plugged into the world of Synecca which has made forward progress in the story slower than I like but the next chapter will be the first official fight. Please enjoy, and thanks to all who read this!

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