

Coach Luiz Vicente rubbed his bald head as he looked at the virtual projection depicting the results of the first-round battles.

{Team Tim Lakers vs Team Endearers!}

{Winner: Team Tim Lakers!}

{Team Sandwiched Sardine vs Team Demolishers!}

{Winner: Team Sandwiched Sardine!}

{Team Brazil Best vs Team Oracle!}

{Winner: Team Oracle!}



{Winner Bracket: Team Tim Lakers; Team Sandwiched Sardine; Team Oracle; Team Terminator; Team War Strikers; Team…}

{Loser Bracket: Team Endearers; Team Demolishers; Team Brazil Best; Team…}

The players of the 8 teams who automatically qualified to the next round of the trials had mostly smug looks on their faces as they looked at the losers.

Unlike them though, the mood among the losers was a stark contrast. Disappointed, unbelieving, demoralized looks, these were just a few.

Endrick was among those disappointed and demoralized players.

'Is this really football?'

Despite the game coming to an end already, the process of the football game still played in his head as he still found everything impossible to believe.

Apparently, The Bogeyman gave no damn about their feelings though as he finally addressed all of them after the conclusion of the first-round games.

"Congratulations to the 8 teams that qualified already".

"As for the others…" He paused. "You were all awful".

"All of you were awful!" His voice rose up a crescendo.

"If that is your level, if that is your limit, none of you has any business becoming professional players, you are all the bottom of the litter".

His sharp words demoralized the losers even more.

His eyes remained sharp. "During the next round games, I expect all of you to perform better and give your absolute best to winning".

"If I am disappointed, I have no qualms with disqualifying all of you".

"…!" Shock rippled through the players.

"What?" A player complained.

"SILENCE!" The Bogeyman's voice boomed, silencing them all.

"Remember, in the elite team trails, I am the boss".

His lips curled up. "In here, I am God, I decide everything".

"That is your cue, if you like, return with the same skills, you won't have the chance to progress further to regret your nonchalance".

"You have 3 days of rest after the first elite team trials".

"After 3 days, the second-round games will start".

Endrick left his teammates and played alone for the remaining of his time spent in the game. Despite trying different ways to vent his emotions and recover from the frustrating sense of defeat, he still could not help it.

'I miss Jim man'. He suddenly thought.

From the old Endrick's memories, he knew that in moments like this, his best friend was the only one who could cheer him up again.

Thinking of Jim, he finally called an end to his first day in Unity.

{Opening VR Game Cabin!}

{Please wait…}


With a slight swooshing sound, the game cabin opened as Endrick finally came out. Despite spending hours in the game, he didn't feel sore at all, instead he felt like he just had a nap.

Turning to his side, Endrick discovered that Jim's game cabin was also empty.

About 2 minutes later, he found Jim outside the Unity Internet Café.

Jim's long black hair was what first drew his attention, but he paused as he could feel his best friend's mood from afar. 'Eh? Jim is also depressed?'

Jim shook his head as he sipped from a bottle of galactic rum.

'How can Unity be so f*cking hard?'

'I can't believe it, man I feel so… so useless'.

"Hey bro, you good?" Endrick asked as he walked closer.

Jim looked up at his best friend, he didn't hide it. "I don't feel good bro, I feel awful. Can you believe I was not able to finish the beginner tests?"

"I'm still stuck at the f*cking beginner tests!"

"Football is so hard man".

"…!" Endrick froze in shock.

Jim noticed it. "Ah…, bro, is something wrong?"

"Nothing". Endrick lied.

"Hmmm, now that I look closer, you also feel depressed". Jim laughed. "Did you also get stuck at the beginner tests?"

"Ah…" Endrick was stomped for a few seconds on how to answer, then he also laughed. "Lol, I wasn't stuck there, it seems I actually have talent for football Afterall".

"I was able to finish the beginner tests".

"Wow! Really? Tell me about how the real Unity game looks like?" Jim was sincerely amazed by the achievement as he bugged his best friend.

While they walked home, Endrick took his time to give his best friend gists about Unity as Jim kept on yelping and exclaiming in awe.

"I envy you man; I believe I can do it though".

"All I need to do is complete the beginner tests, I believe I still have what it takes to become an elite player who'll troll the newbies so hard".

"I'll become a legend bro; believe it!"

Now, Jim's optimism affected him.

'Despite not even completing the beginner tests, Jim remains so optimistic about his chances. Perhaps, I should feel more grateful'.

"Thanks". He suddenly said.

"Huh? For what?"

"Just thanks". Endrick laughed and poked his shoulder.

After a few more talks about Unity, Endrick and Jim finally separated a few minutes later as he finally returned home.

Despite already assimilating all the memories of his new body already, Endrick still felt a little dread at the prospect of meeting his family here.

"Mom! Endrick is back!"

"Maria, you snitch!" Endrick hissed as soon as he heard his little sister's voice ratting him out, Maria was fond of it.

"Hihihi!" She giggled as she escaped into the kitchen.

A few seconds later after the call, Endrick sighed in exasperation as a blonde-haired woman with an apron on stood before him with her hands on her hips.

This was Endrick's mom, Ana Gustavo.

Without her speaking, Endrick was already feeling guilty.

"Tell me the time". She pointed at the virtual clock.

"Ugh…, mom I'm sorry, I know I'm late".

"Overly late". She stressed.

"You're lucky your dad is not around". She hissed in slight annoyance. "You spent so many hours in this new game when I believe you've not done your combat assignments and your other lesson assessments".

"If you continue like this, I will ban you from playing Unity".

"I won't continue like this mom". Endrick raised his hand and swore.

"Good". His mom finally smiled.

"Food is ready, come eat".

With a wide grin on his face, Endrick had dinner with his family. By the time he was done eating, basking in the atmosphere of familial love, he already forgot about the depression of the crazy game of football that he played and failed.

'Family feels good man'. He felt relieved of all his troubles.

"Thanks for the food mom, I'll go do my assignments now".

"Goodnight, I love you".

"I love you too".

"What of me? I want too!" Maria complained.

Endrick snickered but feeling his mom's gaze, he coughed. "I love you too".

Maria smiled in a satisfied smug manner.

Inside his room, a system notification flashed before Endrick.


~Strongest System~


[Daily System Reminder!]

[Penalty for Mission Failure: You lose the Strongest System!]


Instantly, sleep evaporated from Endrick's eyes.



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