
Legendary Arcane mage

Not a work I'm proud of. Read at your own peril... Being the most talented in the kingdom, Aaron stood untouched amongst his pairs and the entire world. Who would have thought this power of his would be the fall of him? Betrayed by his own king, Aaron was left to die in a forest, but luckily, against everything, he survives. After he was lucky enough to survive and even gain a mysterious power from an otherworldly soul, Aaron out of certain circumstances entered the underworld. During his time there, the gods had found a way to exercise their influence directly unto the earth in search of certain beings. Follow Aaron on this adventure as he engages gods and defeats demons.

Killix_Kreed · Fantasy
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74 Chs

The Strongest Captain

Just why are some people born lucky? People ask. Why are some only able to attain strength up to a certain level, while others surpass them by bounds? Is it just luck? Or is it just hard-work that is needed?

We all ask ourselves why? Maybe a little effort is all it takes to make the difference.

Maybe no matter the effort, there'll be no difference.

People wonder how one human could be so gifted and favoured by fate. Or maybe he is not.

Aaron is a man who many refer to as a saint or the son of the sun, but that is for the people of his nation.

His enemies call him the harbinger of death, as is the case when you wipe out a whole nation single-handedly.

There was a time when he killed an army of 10,000 warriors and senior magicians, all by himself. These many shows of strength and ruthlessness gained Aaron an imaginable reputation before other nations, even more than the king himself.

Given the strength Aaron portrayed, one would think he was at the pinnacle of magic, although he was close, he was only at peak stage of a Supreme mage. If it were by magic power alone, then there are a few that were above him.

What frightened people about Aaron was his versatility of magic as he could use all, and the fact that his foresight in battle was next to none. Nobody could claim to even be third when it came to utilization of the battlefield and strategy. He alone is first and second.

Although he no longer show any signs of overwhelming growth in the future, he would remain relevant even after his death.

Because of a cap placed on mortals, they are unable to rise above a certain limit. They can only go up to the realm of Supreme Mage, as no one in the history of humanity has been known to rise above that.. The ranking system progresses in this manner, each with three stages;

Trainee magician

Junior magician

Intermediate magician

Senior magician

Great mage

Grand mage

Grandmaster Mage

Ark Mage

Supreme mage

Ruler of Magic

Although there are a few humans who are in the realm of ruler of magic, the bottle cap for human beings is the realm of supreme mage for humans who the heavens favour or are extremely lucky.

There are only three people in the realm of ruler of magic in the history of humanity, each of them being the ruler of their respective kingdoms, but none will ever achieve Godhood. The only reason they could cheat the system is because of a mysterious incident that happened 200 years ago.

Over half of the earth was affected by a mysterious disease, which wiped out half of humanity's population. The disease left as fast as it came, in the end blessing humanity with 4 survivors who unlocked tremendous potential. One of the survivors was the woman who gave birth to Aaron, but she took her own life shortly after giving birth to the child. The reason? Nobody knows.

Aaron was blessed and also cursed from the moment he was born.

The other survivors of that incident envied his mother as none of them were able to bear a child of their own blood. To achieve power, a great sacrifice must be offered, and in their cases, they could not bear an offspring. The mana in their bodies was so concentrated that it would kill the seeds planted into a female. They would literarily destroy the body of any female they mated with.

No one knew how Aaron was made since it seemed impossible. Maybe it was due to the fact that his mother was the only female out of the three, maybe not.

Malbek, the nation Aaron grew up in and represents had one of these said survivors. He may be a good man for the most part, but even good people have their own negative aspects. Although mages at the realm of Ruler of Magic possess a frightening amount of power, they are not immortal. All they have are a few hundred years of living before inevitable death.

As the immerse mana inside them was both a tool of mass destruction and a ticking time bomb, no matter how powerful a one might be, a mortal would die after some hundred years because they still possess mortal flesh. There is only so much the mortal body can take before it's too much.

Unlike the other two specials, the ruler of Esnoch, King Gerald, did not chase for a means to achieve immortality without ascension. Instead, he had secretly bred babies using part of himself and his wife, and after many trials, he got a positive result... a child of his own lineage.

Because of this development, he feared his son would not be able to inherit the throne from him after he dies. If someone such as Aaron decided to take the throne for himself, it would be like taking candy from a child. So there was only one option for his child to succeed him.

That is to either kill Aaron, or make him a dog of the Royal Family.

"Marie, call in Aaron." Immediately the king called out the name, a girl appeared seemingly out of now where, kneeling before the king. She wore violet dress that did no work, exposing her curves and feminine figure.

With a slight nod she faded away just as mysteriously as she appeared.



"Come on people eat, eat to your heart's content," A mid aged man stood amidst what seemed to be an eating party of sorts, holding one big chunk of meat in one hand and wine in the other hand. He had lustrous black hair that reached his back in length, styled in a princely way that brought out his handsome face.

"Captain, share with us the events that happened at the sea again!"

"No way! You would have to ask the others. I don't like telling stories twice."

"Captain come on..." someone grumbled from behind the captain.

"You punk. Looks like someone needs a baptism by fire." He stretched out his hands and a ball of fire appeared with it.

"eh, I think I'm good captain, thanks for the offer."

"I thought so." The captain said while squinting his eyes like he was trying to mimic an old master, which made it look funny. This made everyone laugh as they enjoyed their meal.

Just as the party proceeded in harmony, a sharp voice cut through the laughter, which dragged the attention of everyone towards the girl standing by the door of the hall. "Aaron, captain of the 8th pillar. The king summons you to the castle, immediately."

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