
Legend of Zevion Asgorath

About a guy who lost his will to live in his own world. Now lives in another world in any anime he wants pursuing power and fun. Current Anime( All are alternative worlds so don't expect it to be the same) 1. I Was Reincarnated as 7th Prince. 2. Overlord.[Completed][Only possible spin-off] 3. Tsukimichi-Moonlit Fantasy.

ZEVION_ASGORATH · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ch. 6 Kidnapping princess

Suddenly someone teleported to my left side pulled me.


I felt an extremely soft, pleasant and comfortable warm embrace.


I then felt my head been gently patted by her.


I close my eyes as I felt at peace by her actions.


I already know who it is without even my extreme senses telling me.


It was like her presence was engraved at me.


She is Ziana, my sweet wife.


With her was my sweet daughter Malvis.


I place Malvis in my lap as she giggles excitedly.


"How are you doing?"


I ask them in soft voice.


"We are doing great darling but we would like it more to be with you."


"Yep I want to be with daddy as much as possible."


Malvis said to me with a bright smile.


Just so you know I am not praising her just because I am her dad.

I'm not really biasing towards them because of it but they are seriously the most wonderful family I can get no matter what.


Also I am not really blood related to them.


In fact I am not blood related to anyone for that matter so stop running your mind out of gutter already.


Malvis is extremely cute and angelic as well but she is really demonic to everyone else.


Sometimes she is even cruel to people of Zeldania.


Ziana is also like this, only thing that matter to the two of them is our family and nothing more.

That also why they enjoy it the most when we are together and create a happy space full of pleasant warmth.

"Malvis you have became much cuter since I last saw you."

"Hehe daddy also became much cooler!!"

"Oh? Leaving Mamma alone?"

"What are you saying? You know we will never forget about you."

 I pull them closer and give them a soft kiss to both of them.

"Well now enough of it okay? I need to talk some important matters now okay?"

"Yes! Hehe, daddy kissed me..."

"Of course darling~ Hehe, he kissed me..."

Both of them giggles happily after as them line forward me with Albedo, Tomoe and Shalltear.

Albedo looks happy and satisfied to see me happy but isn't completely hiding her desires towards me.

Shalltear looks the same, she looks happy and satisfied but isn't hiding her desires towards me.

Tomoe looks completely enthralled by the pure beauty of Ziana and Malvis individually which is even more amplified with us three together.

She also feels that she can't even put a scratch on anyone in this room.

"Looks like we are now at completely different dimension than Yggdrasil. My theory is that when I destroyed the Yggdrasil, the space the space engulfing it also collapsed making it erasure of all existence but Zeldania is different, it's exist completely separately from Yggdrasil."

Ziana and others silently listen to me.

After gathering their thoughts Ziana ask me as if she doesn't get one thing.

"Darling, then why are we teleported? I mean shouldn't we be roaming in void?"

"That's because Zeldania occupied the space created by Yggdrasil. With Yggdrasil gone everything created by it was destroyed by it and that includes the void as well. As we suddenly don't have even the space to exist we were fallen down to this dimension."

Shalltear looks confused as she asks me.

"Master I don't understand what you meant by last part."

In place of me Malvis told her.

"Shalltear think that you are standing in the table made of glass. Now what do you think will happen if you destroy that glass by stomping it?"

"Hmm... I will land down in ground?"

"Yep. You will land down on ground. Now think yourself as Zeldania, glass been Yggdrasil and ground been this world. As Zeldania was living in Yggdrasil separately and isn't the part of it like you aren't the part of the glass but standing over it, with glass been broken or Yggdrasil getting destroyed we fall down to this dimension or at ground."

"Oh! I see! I get it now! Thank you Princess Malvis for teaching me!"

Yep, Malvis is princess here.

Also, she is top three in talents and potential that includes her intelligence.

She can make it able to understand an idiot like Shalltear.

Well I also made sure to delete everything before we get transmigrated except Zeldania so their will be no one like in canon of Overlord other players also get transmigrated.

I made sure to erase that possibility after all.

"Well so our goal is to adapt to this new world, master dimensional travelling and also eradicate everyone who will dare to threaten us and if need conquer worlds but know that it's only when needed."

"Of course master! Our lives are for you and Zeldania completely!"

Albedo kneels down as as everyone also do the same as she proclaim that.

Then I point at Tomoe.

" Good. Also met Tomoe, she is the resident of this world and she had joined us so get along well. Now Tomoe tell us about this world as much as you can."

After introducing her I ask her with authority.

"Yes Master!"

Then we spend like three days listening to her.

Why three day you ask?

Simple because the information needed for world is always just too much.

She is a Greater Dragon a very long lived one at that.

So, of course it will take a long time to get a long time.

In fact we still skipped a lot of information but we found ourselves stop due to a big block.

You see because she lives at the wasteland she don't have any idea about current trends in human lands and what's going on there.

We need to solve it.

I can't allow lack of information.

I also forget many part about the canon as well.

I can't be lenient on this part no matter what.

We need information as this world can be different from the canon also what can be different I need to know that differences.

After all world is too big to rely on just anime.

As I keep thinking what to do about it I suddenly got an idea.

"Let's kidnap princesses."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ZEVION_ASGORATHcreators' thoughts