
legend of white eye douluo

this is the strory of shaolin master and also naruto fans who died because of accident and reincarnated to soul land world. PS: this story is belong to original author of DD and cover also belong to original creator in google.

Miliyant · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs


soon the two guys finally awake, but they were confuse where are they. "urghh, where is this, hmm?why did i soak in the barrel?" "urghh, yeah why did us soak in the barrel?" its to recover your injury and fatigue, that not ordinary water where you guys soak in but a water who have been comnine spirit powder" ""ahh! teacher"" "no need to stand up, just stay there to recover your injury. because tomorrow you two will your first class" ""okay teacher"".


the next day, mubai and shinzi line up at training field. they meet flander and other teachers, they also meet hongjun and greet each other. oh yeah, after flander back he also brough back another kid his name is oscar. the teachers when they see flander bring back another kid couldnt help but ask "are you really not kidnapping them right? dean" of couse the dean was furious and answer "of course not!".

after the first class session, all 4 new student come to the second class, this class is sun jian special class. "okay its seem like has been here, since everyone has been here then i will start the class, first i will introduce my self. my name is sun jian i am spirit king level 53 wuhun white eye i am war type and control type spirit master, and i am still 15 years old".

"15 years old!!" the exclamation of the could be heard after he said his age. "okay, back to the point. i have know everything about you guys here and what wuhun do you have also what level you currently now. so i just want to say, my class is a bit special because i can teach you guys only a week each month, so basically my class will be very strick than the other teacher. my class name is knowledge and cultivation, so my class is mainly cultivate your level spirit power and to teach you guys about knowledge of spirit master and anything relate about spirit master. do you guys hear it?"

""yes teacher"" "good, for the next 3 years i have a target that you 4 people should reach. mubai and shinzi, you two must reach level 40 for the next 3 years, and you two oscar and fatty" "hey teacher jian i have my own name, my name is ma hongjun" "okay fatty, you and oscar should reach level 30 in 3 years. this requitment is must so i hope you guys didnt slack since i am not here, do you hear it?" ""yes teacher"".

then these 4 guys took seriously the class that sun jian give to them. soon a week have passed...


in front of the gate of shrek academy, sun jian ready to travel, while dean also standing there. "so where is your first stop" asked flander "first i want to go back to my hometown, and then go to notting city to meet my teacher and dean of notting city." "ohh so you want meet them first finally start your journey?" "yes after that i will go to capital of heavenly empire first, my travel this time mainly in territory of heavenly empire. and i want to go to notting city beside meet the old acquaintance, i also want to see my junior brother"

"ohh, did your teacher accept the new disciple?" "yes he said in the letter, he accept him not long after i graduate from notting academy" "so your junior brother age must be the same with hongjun. okay then i wish your smooth travel xiao jian" "thank you dean, okay i will go bye".

(to be continued)