
Would you like to spar?

By the time Qian had set up his target stand and prepared it for use, the remaining nine stands were already in place.

Forty archers, positioned a hundred steps away, were inspecting their spare bowstrings and muttering complaints about the dampness in the air. Wuyi had insisted that his initiates become proficient with two types of weapons: one for ranged attacks and another for melee combat, aiming to mold them into his elite forces.

With practiced ease, Qinujian fitted his bowstring and loosened the tie securing the arrows in his quiver. "Shall we start?" he proposed, fitting an arrow to the bowstring and letting it fly.

A short distance to his right, Yuei, who prided himself on his unmatched archery skills, also loosed his arrow shortly after, his torso twisting to accommodate the draw of his powerful bow.

Wanxie raised his horn to his lips and blew. "Hold!" he bellowed, turning to Qinujian. "Qian is still in the firing zone!" he yelled.