
Some Advice

When Li Xian fought, he dismissed all worldly concerns and was only the point of his spear. The master's words rang through him like the meeting of blades between two strong men, like the clarion call of a stallion trumpeting.

"Thank you, master."

"Be of good cheer. A great test is coming. You must be ready."

"I am always ready."

The master placed a shining hand on his forehead, and just for a moment, Li Xian looked up into the master's shining face, his outstretched, perfect hand, his golden Qi so much brighter.

"Bless and keep you, my disciple. When the standard falls, you will know what must be done. Do not hesitate."

Li Xian frowned. But the master was gone.

He could smell the incense, and he felt at peace – his mind comforted, languorous, as he was after he had a woman, but without the sense of shame or dirt.

He smiled. Took a deep breath.

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