
Legend of the Voidwalker

A former delinquent, Cloud Alistair found himself in a chain of unfortunate events.   First, he got kicked out of college due to a false accusation and then chased down by a group of thugs.   Just when he thought he was safe, he suddenly got sucked through a portal and stuck inside the void where there is nothing to see but land stretching as far as the eye can see and the endless ocean of stars up above.   Will he be able to escape and find his way back home? Or will he perish in this godforsaken land?      *Inspired by reading savage divinity so no OP MC. Also please forgive me if my English is not good. Not my native language. This is my first story and I welcome constructive criticism. The story will also be posted in Royal road.

CloudyDay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Chapter 3: Grab the future

"I finally found you! The anomaly!" the man shouted with a crazy look in his eyes. The stranger continues to walk towards me. He was imposing, at least 2-meter-tall and at the clothes he wears are what those cosplaying as warlocks wear when you go to d and d conventions. Except in this case, he is an overly muscular warlock and his robes have glowing runes on them. He started looking at me with curious eyes, mumbling to himself.

"Oh, a human." He said disappointingly when he recognizes my features. "I was expecting elves were behind this, with their ancient mystical arts they are capable of almost anything. I was kind of hoping finally grow some balls to come interfere with our little civil war, at least it will give us the justification in invading their lands. The giant tree of mana or well of magic is just too good of a prize to start a war for. But even if we fail seizing those, just the great Arcanum Librarium is the next best thing. Just imagine, all of the knowledge of the elves in my fingertips!" he started pacing to and fro as he continued to talk aloud as if speaking to himself. "I even speculated that the dwarves must have advanced their studies in runes that they were able to access this dimensional plane with their various inventions and what-not. But no… The anomaly is just an ordinary human. Not even a famous mage for all that mattered." He then eyed me again and with a curious tone he continued. "And a human with no ounce of mana at that. Now I am curious."

Elves? Dwarves? Magic and a civil war? My jaw dropped as I was so overwhelmed by all of the information I was hearing. I know those races from reading fantasy novels but reading them from books and actually hearing and experiencing it first hand is worlds apart.

I try to focus all of my attention to the monolouging stranger to pry all of the information I can. I don't even need to question him as he continues to tell all of the things that comes into his mind. Talking to yourself and speaking your thoughts out loud is a symptom of being isolated from other people that I am familiar with for I also did that while travelling this endless plain.

He then stared at me "Well? Why are you not answering? Don't tell me the first person I have met after who knows how many years here in the void is a mute. Or are you just too stupid to comprehend what I am saying."

"Sorry, I was just overwhelmed by the magnitude of the revelation I just witnessed. Could you repeat your question sir?" I answered

He raised an eyebrow. "Sir? You don't call me sir. You may call me your majesty, peasant." His eyes flared and I tensed up from the pressure. Luckily it only lasted for a moment as he sighed. "It is my fault from expecting too much from a simpleton who can't even realize who is speaking too. But I will humor you since I am feeling magnanimous today as this was the first conversation I had for ages." He then crossed his arms, his poise was oozing with regal aura. "Answer me truthfully if you want to extend your worthless life, maggot, and before you try, don't attempt to lie. Believe me. I'll know." He said with a smirk, as if daring me to lie for the satisfaction of putting me in my place. "Who are you and who sent you to disrupt my interdimensional travel magic? This is worlds apart more complex than normal teleportation and should have been fool proof mode of instantaneous travel. Was it the elves? The dwarves? Or is it Eleazar and his sorry bunch of rebels? Well, not possibly from Eleazar, they're a bunch of incompetent buffoons." He continued with an annoyed face like a child who can't complete the last piece of the puzzle.

"I am sorry your Majesty, but even I don't have any idea on how I got here. One moment I was running for my life escaping my pursuers. After jumping a waterfall the next thing I knew, I was here." I stated. I tried to look and sound convincing for I don't know what he will do if he thinks that I lied. For all I know, he is more likely to obliterate me with a fireball if he believes that I was hiding something from him.

He looked skeptical but after a short moment he looked more and more troubled.

He stared at me with an incredulous look in his face "I don't know how you did it but you were able to fool my magic." He bit his lip as he forced the words out of his mouth. Face red, while clearly reigning his anger. "I will give you one more chance. Tell me the truth or I will force it out of you. I don't want to dirty my hands but if you try my patience any longer I won't hesitate to break your finger one by one if that is what it takes to make you talk." He stated. His tone hinting of violence.

"But I am not lying your Majesty. I really don't know. I-"I wasn't able to complete my sentence when he interrupted me.

"I don't want to use more of my mana on you, but you leave me no choice. If you don't want to tell me the truth willingly, I will extract it directly from that puny brain of yours." He raised his hand toward my direction and shouted "Read Thoughts! Memory Recall!" I feel something invisible force surge inside my body and in an instant. I felt my brain was about to crack as an unknown force enter my thoughts that made my life flash before my eyes. It only lasted for a moment but felt like an eternity.

"No! How can this be?!" With an unbelieving look in his face he muttered. "If not you, then who? How? This doesn't make any sense!" He lashed out stomped on the ground like a kid on a tantrum.

"You must have a way of shielding your thoughts from me. No, it should be impossible with your lack of mana but that is the only explanation." I was regaining my bearing while he continued to speak out his thoughts.

"Yes, that must be it. You have some kind of device to shield yourself from my magic. Either way I will find out for myself even if I have to pry it from your lifeless body! This disrespect has gone far enough!" He started at me with a crazy look on his face.

"Your Majesty, I really don't know. Believe me." I replied. What he used earlier must be mind magic to read my memory. I try to buy more time to ready myself from an incoming attack

His face full of wrath, he screamed in the top of his lungs. "Lies! No more!" he said as he stomps towards me. the ground breaks with the force of his steps tells me that I won't survive being hit by him even just once. "No more wandering this wretched void plains! No more years of isolation! I will come back to the material plains and I will find who you're working for and I will wipe you from the face of the earth for all the things you made me experienced here in this god forsaken place! I will not be denied!"

He raised his open palm towards me and in a split second decision, I quickly dived to the side just in time when he spoke again. "Incinerate!" as a pillar of flames rose from the place I was earlier.

Holy shit! The heat is so strong that I can feel it in my bones even when I am a couple of meters away from the point of impact of the spell. I imagine myself being a charred corpse if I haven't dodged in time. I have to find a way to defeat this crazy asshole. But how? If I keep my distance, I will get caught by his spells. On the other hand, if I get too close he will pummel me to death with his arms as thick as my legs. No! I need to keep myself calm. There is always a way. I just need to find it.

I ready myself to react to whatever he can throw at me when the crazy bastard stood there with unbelieving eyes. "So you do have some experience in fighting a mage. I am right! You do know something! But it is too late now. You pissed me off too much already. Only your death will satisfy my wrath." I quickly dodge, jumping from one place to another as multiple pillars of fire exploded from where I dodged from.

"Quit dodging you little monkey! You're making me waste my precious mana on you! Die now! Explosion!" I jumped again but this time the shockwave of a larger explosion caught me and I was flung few meters on the air. Air was knocked out of my lungs as my body shook when I landed on my back with a thud.

"Finally caught you, you little monkey!" He dashed towards me and would've stomped me to death if I didn't roll away from his attack.

"Stay put! I don't have any more mana to spare on you so just die!" He continued to stomp at me but I also continued to roll away. When he raised his foot again to stomp at my head, I quickly sweep his feet from under him and he fell down and hit the back of his head on the ground.

"You little son of a bitch! I will slaugh---" I didn't let him finish his sentence as I grabbed the opportunity and soccer kick him in the face as he was trying to get up. I followed up with a few punches but quickly drew back when he tried to grab me in the neck.

That was close… I must be careful for if he could grab me even one, I will surely get killed.

He stood up groggily. He wiped his mouth and when he saw his blood soaked hands he freaked out. I don't like this one bit. He is already crazy and shit's about to get crazier.

"Is this my blood?!" he stared at his blood soaked hands. His unfocused gaze then turned towards me. The crazy look in his eyes. I don't like it one bit. He is already crazy and I bet shit's about to get crazier. I ready myself to dodge another spell but I was surprised when he suddenly lunged at me with great speed that I was almost caught by his hands.

"You worthless piece of shit! You dare make me, King Kaizer, the ruler of the Krisha?! A thousand death is not enough for this sin! I will torture you, then heal you and then torture you again and again till you beg for death that will never come!" he continued to throw punches after punch. I was able to dodge them despite their speed for his attacks are too wide and easy to read. But even if I can read his attacks I was still unable to counter for as wide his attacks are, they are too fast and strong. Even a single mistake here will mean death, so I keep on dodging, hoping that he will tire first before I myself get sapped of my stamina from dodging.

The tempest of punches continued I was able to land couple of counter punches but still unable to deal much damage to his muscular body because I can't put too much weight to my attacks. I am afraid to get hit by his monstrous attacks if my full weight counter fails. I feel my concentration is about to slip and exhaustion starts creeping on me. I know I won't be able to continue dodging much longer and I need to do something.

After dodging another wild swing, I stepped on a stray pebble and slipped. I felt the wind rush just a few centimeters above my head as a stray punch barely missed decapitating me. This is now my chance as I was able to get to his chest. I gathered all my strength on my legs and threw an shoryuken upper cut with all my weight in it.

Critical hit! His head flew back as he tumbled down on the ground. I took advantage of the situation and tried to finish him off with a stomp on the face. But then a sudden chill climbs up my spine and I was rooted in place.

I can't stop shaking as I feel a sinister energy coming off of Kaizer's body.

"I should've done this earlier. If I did, I wouldn't have to endure this much humiliation." Cackling like a madman, he stood up and brushed the dust off his clothes. "I applaud you stranger. No one has made me bleed ever since I was born. And a powerless human as well. But alas, no one will ever know about your feat. For you will die here right now."

He started casually walking towards me, with no worry in the world. As he comes nearer by the second, I can feel the dread. "Yaaaahhhhh!" I shouted at the top of my lungs to fight off the fear as I rushed towards him for the first time. I threw caution to the wind as punch and kicks land one after another while Kaizer stood there doing nothing. I continued my assault and put everything I have to every ineffective strike to ineffective strike. It felt like I am hitting a large boulder every time I hit but even as my fists starts bleeding I continued my attack, fearing that if I stop, my heart will also stop beating from the sheer dread of just being in his presence.

"I almost pity you, you bastard. Nothing you do will no longer work on me. Even if you break all your bones to attack me there is no way you will break through my Shell." I couldn't care less about what he says as desperation continues to grip my heart like an eagle carrying his prey. I continue to pound him with all that I got if it means I could wipe that annoying smirk off his fucking face.

"You monster!" In desperation I throw a full body straight punch. Alas, it was still unable to pierce the invisible layer covering his body.

"I told you it won't work. No matter. This is getting annoying." He swatted me like a fly and I felt the bone on my right arm crack as I block his casual attack.

"It is unfortunate that I don't have enough mana to heal you. I planned to torture you for a very long time to repay you for this humiliation." He said as he kicked me in the stomach. "Now, let me hear you scream! Plead for your worthless life! Then maybe I will show you mercy and kill you quickly." The pain is excruciating and I tried to open my mouth but he quickly kicked me again. "You really believe me you imbecile?! I was just kidding." He laughed manically. "I won't give you any mercy, you son of a bitch! I will continue to beat you up until you die!" He continued to kick and throw me around like garbage as my body tries to endure the damage that piles up with every attacks. His final throw almost knocked me off the edge of the plains.

Oh god! I feel my bones break and my insides bleeding as the intense pain makes me unable to lose my consciousness. This can't be how it end! If only I can do something about that barrier. If only I have the courage to finish him off earlier before he could use that barrier like skill. If only I didn't help that ungrateful girl from being harassed by Clyde and co. I won't be in this predicament. If only I listened to my father and just focused on my studies rather than becoming a delinquent. If only…

"Son, don't dwell on what you could have done in the past. Instead, focus on what you can do today. Whatever you do you can't change what has already done. What you need to focus is the now, so that you can change your future. What do you want son? Then grab it. Use your own strength to make your dreams come true." The words of my father ringed inside my head. I gathered all the strength I could muster and tried to get on my feet.

"Oho! Come to make your final stand? It doesn't matter if you die while lying on the ground or standing. Dead is dead. Now say your pra—" I threw a rock at his face to stop his annoying monologue.

"You shut your fucking mouth you psycho! You think yourself so high and mighty when a nobody like me managed to whoop your ass so badly that you bleed?" I goad him as I try to steady myself as my body protests with my every move. "Are you not ashamed you majesty? You can't even defeat a magicless man half your size without resorting to use your magic? Pathetic!" my taunting works as I can see his veins buldging and his face redden like a tomato. I hope this works.

"You dare mock me, you worthless maggot?! I don't need magic to crush you like an ant that you are!" his oppressive aura got even stronger as I can feel it even from far away. I hold my ground and try not to lose it. I only got one chance! This must work. No… this will work! Just a little more goading.

"You afraid little prince? Afraid of a man in the brink of death that you can't fight me man to man?" I said mockingly. Provoke him more. Grab your future! One more push! "You are pathetic, and to think you boast that you are the strongest earlier when you are too afraid to face me on equal ground. Your father should have pulled out when he laid with your mother rather than siring a coward like you."

It did the trick as Kaizer dashed towards me in wordless rage. Don't be afraid. You only have one shot. Don't let the oppressive aura affect you. Accept the fear. Let it further your concentration. This is like the first time you sparred with the champ, only on a life and death situation. This is nothing!

I psyched myself up as Kaizer winds up for a punch that will surely end my life if it hits. His fist is only a few centimeters away from my face. My concentration shot up the roof as I urged my body to move. I ducked at the last moment as his fist slices the air just above my head. I then stepped forward and grabbed his arms, put it on my shoulder. And with all of the fiber on my body, executed a shoulder throw. I feel his center of gravity shifts as I use the force of his attack for my own and I threw him into the abyss. It was a success!

"No!!!!!" I can hear Kaizer's voice fade as he continued to fall. I walked a few meters away from the edge then I collapsed into the ground like a puppet with its strings cut and let out a sigh of relief. I won---

"Did you think you would win that easily!" my celebration was cut short when I heard that familiar voice. I looked up to the direction where the voice came from and there he was. Floating in the air tens of meters above me.

"Nice trick! You would've won if I don't know how to fly." Kaizer stated as he continued to hover above.

Despair grips my heart as I don't even have any strength left to stand much less fight.

"You know… I am saving my mana in order to use gate and escape here once you, the anomaly, is gone. But I changed my mind." His face was calm but he can't fool me. Just underneath his calm façade is an anger that threatens to explode at any second. And just as I expected, he exploded. "I am going to eradicate you that nothing will remain but dust! You worthless peasant! Emperor Sun!" That crazy look on his face and mouth frothing in anger he produced a giant fireball at least 10 meters radius in his hands just like Freeza's death ball in dragon ball z.

I can't possibly dodge this! But I must not lose hope. I felt a stone in the ground. I quickly picked it up and threw it with all the strength I could muster. As it travelled towards Kaizer, I closed my eyes. I did everything I could.

"Die---" Kaizer was about to throw the giant fireball, his sentence was cut short as the stone struck him square in the head and he fell. The fireball was still launched but missed me by at least a hundred meter.

Kaizer landed head first with a loud thud and I quickly rushed towards him to finish him off if he is still alive. I checked his vitals but there was no pulse. After I examined him it seems he broke his neck from the fall. Unsurprising since he fell from such heights. I stomped on his head just to make sure he is dead and when there is no response I finally collapsed from my injuries and sheer exhaustion.

"I won! I did everything I could Dad! I grasped my future with my own strength!" I shouted in the heavens as my consciousness faded away…

I opened my eyes and the endless starry sky greeted me. I don't know how long I was unconscious but when I woke up, my body was good as new with no sign of injuries. It made me wonder if all of the ordeal I went through is just a dream but when I stood up I realized that I was not a dream.

The lifeless skeleton of the man who used to be Kaizer is in front of me. Only his runic robes, rings and amulet was left intact. I don't understand how his body decomposed since time doesn't seem to affect me in this plains. It also doesn't explain how my body feels like it is in tip top shape regardless of the beating he took. Even though I don't know much about medicine, I should've succumbed from my serious injuries. Not that I mind surviving.

As I ponder on the mysteries of the void, I grabbed Kaizer's belongings, he won't need it no more. Even though I hate the idea of wearing a dead man's clothes, I hate it more to walk around while wearing my ragged clothes. After wearing Kaizer's clothes and pocketed his accessories, I went on my way to find an exit once more. I don't actually feel different while wearing Kaizers' clothes. Also the runes are not lighting up. Is it because I don't have any mana like he said earlier? Oh well. More mysteries to uncover.

I continued to walk through the plains when I started to feel some force trying to pull me. At first I was reluctant to follow it but I don't really have any clue how to get off this floating piece of land in the middle of nowhere so I relented.

The force became stronger as I feel I get closer to the source of the invisible force. I don't know how long I walked until I arrived at the source.

An ominous crackling rift in space greeted me surrounded by all kinds of litter from rusted sword and wooden shields and furniture so rotten that it disintegrated at the slightest touch. I can feel the strong force pulling me towards it but I was afraid as streaks of electricity flashes from the rift and I started to back off.

No! Don't be afraid Cloud. This might be your way out. If you don't take this chance it might fade away and you will be stuck in this lifeless floating rock forever and end up crazy just like Kaizer. I will grab my future with my own hands with no regret!

With that I raised my hand towards the rift and begin walking towards it. When my hand touched it, a bright light flashed before my eyes as I felt the invisible force pull me to the great beyond.