
Legend Of The Valmorian Dynasty

A Young Man named Exavier Willer was brought up in planet earth by a Man call pharaoh. Exavier is an inhabitant of planet Valmore but was sent to earth to protect him from a destroyer. He later found out about his true identity and joined forces with three more Valmorian inhabitants and a Mage to defeat this evil threat

Itz_Az_Abiola · Action
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30 Chs


Kylie stared at Vicashi angrily, clenching her fist in the process. Vicashi also stood there without moving a muscle.

        It seems he is waiting for her to make the first move. They both had a similar Ability which is telekinesis, it's just a matter of who attacks first.

      Kylie leaped backwards unexpectedly, immediately creating a forcefield crescent blast that could split Vicashi in two.


      He smirked swiftly moving to the other direction evading the attack. He raised his hand immediately grabbing her neck telekinetically, pinning her  by the tree.

     The jaugernide was surprisingly getting the best of void. Void's energy was getting weaker by the second, he couldn't continue this battle any longer.

     "Looks like you are getting tired little man", jaugernide uttered sarcastically

      "Shut the fuck up", Void replied creating a large dark fire ball, directing it at the beast.

        The beast was severely hit but the attack didn't do much damage, he leaped up over 60 meter high and was about to crush void.

       Before he could land he was hited immediately, the impact made him smash is entire body by the trees.

     Void was shocked, he slowly looked behind him and saw Exavier holding his sword on his left hand. Exavier immediately charged towards Jaugernide, leaping up and landing on his body, he generated a massive amount if soul energy, continuously smashing his fist on Jaugernide's chest. He's soul was mutilated, Exavier had defeated him.

     His eyes shun in exitement as he realized Exavier he had mastered the Valmorian Soul Touch.

     "Stop staring and let's go", Exavier uttered as he ran passed void and the mutilated Jaugernide.

Void brought himself back to reality and followed immediately.


     Kylie had freed herself from Vicashi's grip and was attacking him with everything she could offer. Creating a massive shock wave that repelled and severely injured Vicashi, she slowly walked forward, generating a powerful amount of Soul energy on her right hand she decided to finish the job.

     Vicashi slowly stood up as Kylie launched herself towards him. Before she could get close enough he created an aversion field that repelled her backwards Instantly.

    He levitated her upwards crushing her body slowly, she may be have the same Ability as him buh she doesn't knw how to utilize it's full power.

     She screamed in pain ad he slowly crushed her bones.He laughed maniacally as he created demons which emerged from the ground. The all looked as idiotic as the last.

     They were about fifty of this ugly looking beasts. Void and Exavier were getting closer buh was blocked by demons standing in their way.

    Void decided to deal with them while Exavier ran to save Kylie and Zonic. Void immediately directed multiple dark energy towards the demons, creating a path eat for Exavier to pass.

     Kylie yelled out Void's name multiple times calling for help but there was no reply. She yelled out once more creating a massive field that repelled both her and Vicashi.

    Exavier was already close enough for the field ti repel him also. He fell down beside Kylie, they both faced each other as she knock him in his head and yelled, "What took you so long kid".

     "I was busy", He replied


      "Oh really", she uttered annoyingly

    They both stood up slowly, but before they could realize what happened, Vicashi had gone. This annoyed Exavier buh he was relieved also.

     Zonic was taken back to the tree house immediately, void had destroyed the demons and Aviarrus had prepared tea.

    The following day Zonic was feeling better, they explained what happened to him immediately, as soon as he understood, he stood up and yelled out Vicashi's name in anger.

    "Stop yelling his name and calm down", Void said as he pointed his finger indicating a sign to calm him down.

    "Well, I have figured out Vandine's home world while you all were busy", Aviarrus said as he stood up

     "Really", Exavier said shockingly

     "What planet", Kylie uttered

      "Planet Hergilion", Aviarrus replied

     Immediately Aviarrus mentioned  the name Hergilion, Exavier's eyes shun brightly as a red aura flowed around his body.

    Zonic and the rest were shocked except fir Aviarrus, he slowly walked towards Exavier, closed his eyes trying to figure out what happened.


     He opened his eyes and said, "Wow!!, Exavier, two of your soul beasts have been awakened", they were all in shock to here this

      "The Vyzor of Hergilion and the Sonic Griffin" Aviarrus said as he pointed his staff at Exavier's forehead, he seems to be reducing the red aura flowing round him.

      Exavier stood up happily, he could sense the presence if these beasts, he was one stop closer to victory.

     They all decided to leave immediately.

Destination: Planet Hergilion