
Legend of the Supreme Soldier

**Legend of the Supreme Soldier ( Legend of the Mastermind) is the first novel that was created by Fang Xiang** Ye Chong was a denizen of Trash Planet-12. On one fateful day, he discovered a treasure that would forever alter his destiny from a pile of junk - Mu Shang, an unknown machine with artificial intelligence and a lost memory. Together, they venture into the vast galaxy as the isolated "caveman" that was Ye Chong began absorbing all sorts of knowledge and meeting people from all walks of life. He gradually discovers more and more about his own mysterious past as well as his partner’s. Read to find out more!

Fang Xiang · War
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607 Chs

An odd twist! Dodged the beams, the clown mech easily span out of the way.

Eerie it was, as the 5 men rubbed their eyes in skepticism. How could that be possible?

How in the world did the mech curve away from the beams? They were all firing at once, trapping the clown in the area. It was not even the case of aiming once at a time. The clown mech should have failed to make an escape, yet the clown just twisted out of the area - a stark truth scorching their eyes, shattering their sense of reality.

This is against the law!

Tai Zuo was in dismay. He thought he had great eyes to help him comprehend the situation but his eyes merely captured the deceitful moment when the clown mech made a misleading gesture before the twist, it happened so fast he could not see clearly. He just understood the fact that the clown mech turned out to be a success, and such level of skill was giving the teacher of pilots cold sweat.

And the next movement of the clown mech was spine-freezing!