
chapter 2 hidden dungeon

after reaching the hallway of dungeon Neil saw huge broken statues of five legendary heroes . but he didn't ask about the statues to Galadreil

reaching the ten step Neil saw there is marking in the grounds which represent the the story of the old world but he didn't understand. when he step in one of these markings he heard a sound this is the sound of activation of trap Neil stopped in that momont and began to think what should he do then he think that if he can form a Mana barrier around himself he can avoid the trap then he form the Mana barrier and start running to the main hall.

in that moment when he starts running there is a large number of arrows coming for him but Mana barrier stoped them and he crossed the haal way

when he enters the main hall there was five rooms around the hall and all five rooms have the symbols of five great heroes imprinted on it .

and there is also a wall which has a dragon imprinted on it then Neil summon the bow spirit and ask which room to go but bow spirit replied neither of them they all are emty there is no treasure in those room open the sixth room of dragon master and disappear Neil was just thinking suddenly his eye catches the picture of the dragon which is missing one eye then Neil search for the eye piece of dragon to restore it there really is the eye piece which was glowing in green he then fixed that peice in dragon picture through the light of dragon a person appear in front of him and ask how did you know about the sixth hero

Neil replied from the bow spirit Garaleid

then the person in front of Neil said

so you are the person chosen by Garaleid to become my successor then I will tell you the truth about the old world and give you the knowledge to obtain the powers to defeat the five devilish heroes

Neil -asked what do you mean by devilish heroes

sixth hero said - there was a time when we sixth heroes was chosen to fight the demon Lord and we trained together fight together like family until one day when I was about to defeat the demon king demon Kings offers to grant us great powers and all five heroes accepted that offer and betrayed me that time I sealed the demon king by destroying my soul to pieces and all those so called great heroes erased my existence from this world and no one knows in this world that those heroes are trying to revive the demon king to take control of this world .

sixth hero Kain said I will grant you my will as dragon master and you will go to forbidden world of old world to meat the azure dragon.

after this Kain disappear sixth room opens from the dragon picture

in this room there was a storage ring of sixth hero and some magic skills and archery gloves that Neil got .

after Neil get back from the dungeon already 4 months have passed and only 2 months left for the entrance exam he comes home and after a weak he said good bye to his mom and start moving for the royal city.