
Legend of the Kannais

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Daoist1GdsHP · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Punishment for Naughtiness!

Azrael's heart was beating fast as he walked briskly towards the receptionist handling drugs and other forms of medicine in a particular wing of the hospital.

Azrael placed the Doctor's prescription before the receptionist who was chewing a piece of chewing gum loudly. The receptionist looks up and her eyes meet with the focused eyes of Azrael.

"Is this prescription for you..." She asks as she takes another glance at Azrael.

What made her stare at Azrael so intently and confusedly was that the ointment that was written in the doctor's prescription was the one usually prescribed for females, there are those for males which aren't as perfumed or skin smoothing as those for females.

The receptionist wanted to be sure that Azrael wasn't impersonating or lying to steal. Azrael didn't know why the receptionist was staring at him, but he pointed toward Alex who was still standing at the same spot, ruminating over what Azrael had said to her.

The receptionist followed the direction of Azrael's finger and found a beautiful-looking woman with an exquisite figure, standing in the middle of the hospital walkway.

The receptionist looks back at Azrael and then at her. She got up and went to get the corresponding drugs and ointment as written in the doctor's prescription. She returns with a nylon bag filled with them.

"Do you have any insurance covering your treatment?" The Receptionist asked as she blew a gum and let it explode before continuing to chew again.

Azrael got sick of her irritating chewing and spoke, "Would you stop chewing so loudly?" his voice was a bit raised and laced with irritation.

The receptionist felt offended by that and wanted nothing more than to smack him across the face. She looked at the bag of drugs and ointment in her hands and wanted to pour the content on the floor, but she had to behave since there was indeed a camera watching her every move.

"That would be $400.95," she said flatly.

Azrael could tell that she had escalated the prices, but he didn't care about that, he turned to the invisible Bianca Zul by his side who could only be seen by him, and spoke, "deal with her..." then he stretched forth the money.

The receptionist was confused when he saw Azrael suddenly turn to his left and spoke to the air, "Deal with her". She almost was about to believe he was crazy.

She collected the money and threw out the nylon bag of drugs and ointment at Azrael and the content poured out on the floor.

" Oops, my bad..." She said with a sinister smile as she threw out the nylon containing the drug and ointment.

Azrael could feel six levels of anger boiling inside of him. He wanted to talk and lash out at the provocative receptionist but he restrained himself and bent down to start picking the drugs and ointment from the floor.

"Don't worry Nephew, she will beg you soon" Bianca Zul said from the side.

"Just don't kill her..." Azrael added after picking up the last item from the floor.

Just in time, Alex Bayly walked up to him as he saw him picking the content from the floor. "You can't even hold the drugs without spilling the content on the floor, ..." She grunted when she got closer.

She didn't know exactly what happened she only saw him suddenly bending down to pick the drugs and ointment from the floor.

"Let's go," Alex Bayly said after she noticed that everything had been properly collected.

Azrael glanced back at the receptionist who continued to give a sinister smirk. Azrael turned and walked with Alex out of the hospital.

While they were leaving, the receptionist suddenly heard a voice inside of her head, "You did a good job treating my nephew like a nobody, now I will show you the might of the ghost of Bianca Zul"

As this voice sounded, the receptionist who was initially chewing gum and enjoying it immediately stopped her chewing and listened, wondering if she was going crazy or if something else was happening.

She continued to chew even louder, pretending like she didn't hear anything. "Unless you go back to beg my Nephew, I will be your worst nightmare..." The voice came again, and this time the receptionist couldn't sit still anymore.

"What the fuck..?" She said as she got up and started to look around the medicine store to ensure she was truly alone.

Although Bianca Zul's ghost couldn't touch her physically, her magic can, also she could drive the receptionist crazy with her creepy talking.

The receptionist started to sing just to ensure she wasn't going crazy.

~I am definitely not crazy...~

~This is all a hoax created by my mind...~

Just as she was about to continue watching a movie she had previously paused when attending to Azrael, she felt a cold breeze to her left.

Her phone moved from her hand and smashed on the ground. Her table was scattered.

The receptionist was startled at this point, she knew this was not a trick or a joke...

The files on her table started to move on their own. They were important files that documented patients' history for the recent patients and some very important records that could ruin a person's career if misplaced.

The receptionist at this point spoke up, "Please, stop, I will apologize to him, I promise...."

"Oh no, too late, you've been a bad girl..." Bianca Zul responded.

The receptionist got on her knees, "Please, spare me, I promise to apologize..." She started begging wholeheartedly.

"Go now before I change my mind..." Bianca Zul instructed and the receptionist dashed out immediately.

She ran towards the lift and practically jumped inside. There was a man who was about to use the elevator, she pushed him out and closed the door of the elevator.

She pressed the button for the elevator to return to the ground floor and waited for the instructions to kick in.

The elevator took her to the ground floor and opened and she burst out of the open elevator doors and straight to the parking lot.

She found Azrael and Alex walking silently to the red Honda and she chased after them. She ran like an Olympic sprinter, speeding like her life depended on it.

She jumped in front of Azrael and knelt before him. "Please forgive me, tell her to stop bothering me, I swear, I won't behave that way again, I will respect you, I will treat you like a king, I will even become your slave if you want me to..." The receptionist screamed as she held Azrael's leg.

Alex was confused, Azrael was also wondering what his aunt's ghost had done to make this receptionist so subservient.

Azrael didn't know what to say, anything he says right now would be ammunition for Alex to use when she gets to question him later. He simply nodded in the direction of Bianca Zul, indicating for her to handle the situation.

Bianca Zul then spoke again to her, "get up and let him go or you will wish you listened. " The receptionist got up like she was remote controlled and allowed Azrael to go.

Alex looked back at her wondering, "Is there something I'm unaware of?"