
Legend of the Kannais

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Daoist1GdsHP · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Almost Exposed!

The assembly ended and every student marched to their classes while the teachers went to the staff building to collect their respective lesson notes to use in their classes, while some other teachers would sit back till the alarm sounds to signify the time for their classes.

Azrael walked calmly to his class amid a lot of stares. He had unintentionally made himself the talk of the whole school. Azrael's last name 'Herrington,' was whispered around after the showdown that happened on the assembly ground.

"Azrael Herrington, he is the son of the multitrillionaire, Hayes Herrington, I heard he has an entire estate name after him."

"Estate....pfft, He has a whole State named after him, Herrington state in the north."

"He is the son of such a great man and you idiots decided to form enmity with him... such fools..."

The students were discussing amongst themselves when suddenly a girl walked up to Azrael and sat beside him in class.

"My name is Cassandra Dean..." The girl said with a smile, expecting Azrael to cower to her feet and worship her.

Cassandra Dean is the daughter of the Proprietor. She is someone who places herself above every other student in school. She is arrogant, corky, and full of herself.

She saw the way Herrington challenged her father, and she believes her father probably let it slide because he doesn't want to stoop low to his level. She felt she could use that opportunity to give Azrael the chance to worship her, so she could go to her father and plead on his behalf.

All these thoughts were in the head of Cassandra Dean as she decided to approach Azrael.

Surprisingly to her, Azrael just continued writing his notes without even looking in her direction. He didn't even respond to her words, as if she wasn't there.

"Hey... I am talking to you..." Cassandra Dean raised her voice as she couldn't stand being treated with disdain.

"You're Cassandra Dean, and so..." Azrael said as he glanced at her. "If you have nothing more to say besides your name you could leave..." Azrael continued what he was doing with a nonchalant dismissal of Cassandra Dean.

Cassandra Dean couldn't believe there was someone in this life who could decide not to suck up to her.

"You really don't know who you're messing with Azrael. You think just because you bear a similar last name to Hayes Herrington you can just act as you like. You're not even his son, you just bear a similar name, my dad only left you alone because he probably felt pity for you... " Cassandra Dean was venting as she spoke.

Every statement that proceeded from her mouth was laced with extreme anger.

By this time the entire class has turned their attention to these two. There are a group of four girls that usually follow Cassandra around, they had already gone to stand behind her, ready to assist her in any way possible.

"Cassandra is dumb, she thinks Azrael only bears the same last name as Hayes Herrington, she doesn't know that he is actually his son. I've done my research, I can prove that it's true..."

"Today is just filled with Drama, back on the assembly ground, it was the Proprietor facing off with Azrael and now it's the Proprietor's wayward daughter... interesting"

Some of the other students were whispering amongst themselves as they watched the show between Azrael Herrington and Cassandra Dean.

Azrael didn't respond to Cassandra Dean, he just continued to write. Cassandra Dean couldn't stand it anymore, he got up and signaled to the other girls.

"Let's go..."

They followed her out and they all marched to the Proprietor's office. The Proprietor has an office he stays in whenever he comes around. It is only opened whenever he was around.

Some students followed her to see where she was going. When they noticed she was heading over to the proprietor's office they ran back to announce.

"psst... Guys... Cassandra Dean has gone to report to her father... Azrael is in trouble..." A short Caramel skinned boy announced.

A round of murmuring broke out in the class, the students got excited, some were worried, and some were looking forward to what was to come, however, regardless of whatever mood anyone was in, Azrael continued to face his work without a care in the world for the situation of things.

At the Proprietor's office...

Cassandra stormed the Proprietor's office, and as usual, nobody stopped her. She pushed open the well Air-conditioned room of the Proprietor as she has done numerous times whenever she wanted to report a student.

As she got in, she found her 'supposed' father sitting in a meeting with two other gentlemen in suits.

The other two gentlemen looked menacing like real dangerous creatures in human skin. They had this cold disposition that gave one chill from just staring at them.

"Who is this brat... who let this kid in...?" The fake 'Urgo Dean shouted on seeing his daughter.

He was an imposter so he wasn't aware of the identities of the family members of the person he is pretending to be.

"Sir.. this is your daughter... you told us to allow her in at all times..." The man who manned the office next door to the Proprietor's office spoke with both fear and confusion.

He was afraid of the wrath of the Proprietor while also confused that the proprietor called the daughter he always doted on, a brat and used the word 'this kid' to refer to her. it seemed strange to him.

The fake Urgo Dean realized his mistake quickly in how he addressed his supposed 'daughter' and had to change his tone.

"I might be the Proprietor of this school, but even my daughter has to follow rules. Under no circumstances must you barge into my office again. For your punishment, she is to be punished by the Principal..." The Proprietor spoke righteously while standing.

His other two visitors were quiet.

"But Dad.." Cassandra Dean who was always free with her dad found this new Dad unrecognizable. He looked like her dad and was in his office but inherently was different. She couldn't tell what it was that made him feel different to her.

The man who served as a receptionist, went ahead to guide Cassandra and her friends out and lead them to the principal's office.

"That was close... you need to do more research about his family, you might not be lucky next time... One of the visitors in a suit said to Urgo Dean.

" It's alright, there isn't much to his life anyway. He was a bottom feeder who was lucky to be successful after engaging in some side businesses... We just need to find a way to handle the Kannais, he would be back in no time..." The fake Urgo Dean spoke with a mischievous smile.