
Legend of the Kannais

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Daoist1GdsHP · Fantasy
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93 Chs

"This isn't what it looks like"

Azrael stared at Cassandra Dean in shock. Every single word was like an individual ball of electric current thrown at him.

"I am not interested..." Azrael said, he then turned and wanted to leave when Cassandra voiced out again.

"I know you're dating miss Alex, I even heard her confess that she kissed you, so you would either be my boyfriend or I expose you to the entire school... do we have a deal or not..." Cassandra said as she curled her lips in a sinister smile while seated on the hospital bed.

Azrael was shocked by her blackmail. He was surprised by how low she had to go just to get what she wanted.


"To think that I saved your life..." Azrael said through gritted teeth. "Besides you can't prove anything, no one would believe you..."

"Do you want to bet...? You do know that I'm Cassandra Dean, the biggest girl in school, even if it isn't true, all I need to do is to simply spread a rumor and before you know it, your girl is standing before a panel and also getting sacked or maybe even facing jail time..." Cassandra spoke with confidence and a smirk by the side of her lips.

"You're the devil, and you wonder why you have no real friends or why your so called friends chose not to come... I'm guessing that You also probably blackmailed them into being your friends...You're such a twisted bitch, you don't even have common courtesy. It is probably also why no boy would date you, they would find you bitter and vile.." Azrael clenched his fist in anger and spat out in disgust.

He had finished speaking before he realized the weight of his words. He was too angry to care a minute ago, now, he discovered he had gone overboard.

Cassandra suddenly frowned. What Azrael said had deeply touched her. She discovered that she had also blackmailed the girls to be her lackeys. She had something on all of them and for the fear of being exposed, the girls stayed loyal.

Cassandra was about to do the same thing to Azrael, but the latter was too fierce in his response and damaged the little confidence she had.

Cassandra had tears dropping from her eyes unexpectedly.

Azrael was shocked by that, he was also caught off guard. "You're crying?" He said in confusion.

She seemed to have the upper hand one minute and she was crying the next minute, it didn't make much sense to Azrael.

"Get out..." Cassandra said with a deeper voice.

"Cassandra... I" Azrael tried to explain.

"I said, get out...!" Cassandra said again, while she raised her voice.

Azrael paused and turned, slowly he started to walk toward the door of the room without saying a word. Cassandra started to cry wholeheartedly as she considered Azrael's words.

She had been lonely for a long time and needed people around her. This drove her to look for friends but no one would be her friend because she was the proprietor's daughter who would tattle-tale every single event to her father.

This drove everyone to give her a wide berth both physically and in every form of the word 'relationship'.

Seeing that she was all on her own, she decided to go out of her way to force friendship but nothing she did worked, this continued until she found secrets about a group of girls and she used those secrets right away to threaten all of them into being her friends and it worked like a charm.

The friends that were forced to be her friends would act in fear, but when things seem good, they seem to distance themselves from Cassandra, after all, they weren't really her friends in the end.

This made them hate her guts more and spread embarrassing stories about her to spoil her name, but unaware of the evil acts of her blackmailed 'Friends' she moved around with confidence and comfort, until today when both the acts of her friends that technically avoided her and, the painfully true words of Azrael Herrington shocked her to the core.

Before Azrael walked out of the room, Cassandra spoke again. "I didn't mean the threat, it was all supposed to be a joke, but do you really have to be so harsh? I know I don't have friends, it's why I asked you to be my friend."

"I don't even know how to joke, you can see it in the way I joked and how it triggered you. You need not speak to me so harshly, you could have simply said no..." Cassandra spoke between sobs.

Azrael stopped in his tracks and turned back. He walked back into the center of the room and moved to stand in front of Cassandra.

He stretched his hands forward. "Hi, I am Azrael Herrington, could you forgive me for being a jerk and be my friend..." Azrael spoke with a solemn expression.

Cassandra looked at his hand and then his face, and she noticed that he was serious.

"You don't have to pretend to care... Just go and be with your girl, I won't tell anyone... " Cassandra said while turning her face away.

Azrael moved closer and put his arms around her pulling her in for a hug. He had been lonely too, so he knew exactly how that felt.

Being the son of such a powerful and wealthy father, he desperately sought friends, but he couldn't find any real ones because most people had a weird view of him and they all felt he would be arrogant because of his background, they judged him before they even knew him.

If only he had someone who could understand what he was going through, life won't have been so hard.

As he hugged Cassandra, the latter was shocked while her body was stiff with strangeness. She couldn't believe it. This was the first time she would be receiving a hug in her life. It felt so strange yet so warm.

It felt alien yet so good. She wanted to push him away but couldn't bring herself to do it.

Just as the hug was into the 10th second, a nurse came in and stopped in her tracks.

"Oh wow... that's fast..." The nurse said with a meaningful smile...

"This isn't what it looks like.." Azrael said as he understood her reaction perfectly.

"Shit," Azrael said again as he pulled away from Cassandra and watched the nurse hurry out of the room. He knew the rumor was going to spread soon.