
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter 53: Damien's return!

Alpha Zuck Danesworth residence...

Two guards were sitting by a CCTV display monitor and were dosing off in between certain gaps of clarity.

The Monitor was linked to Alex Bayly's residence and an alarm system had been put in place such that the presence of any trespasser would trigger the alarm.

As the guards were struggling to find comfort whilst sleeping in their sitting positions, the alarm suddenly went off.


It was loud and sharp.

Both guards were jolted awake as they sprung up to their feet and bared their claws and fangs to face the 'enemy' that came to disturb them, it was then that they discovered that there was no one around except the two of them.

They looked at each other in confusion wondering what caused the alarm, it was then that their attention was drawn to the monitor in front of them.

They saw Alex Bayly and Azrael Herrington entering the Alex Bayly residence.

They quickly rushed out of the monitor room and headed straight to inform the Alpha.

It was 7:30 in the evening and it was getting dark outside.

There was a party going on in the main building of Alpha Zuck Danesworth's residence.

The two guards rushed through the main door and headed straight for the last floor.

They rushed past everyone on the way and didn't reply to anyone.


"Good evening"



People were calling and greeting them left right and center, but they were so focused on their goal to reach the alpha that they didn't care to respond.

Eventually, they got to the last floor and found Alpha Zuck sipping a glass of wine and sitting beside a beautiful dame.

Their presence made him frown a bit.

They shivered slightly and their enthusiastic mood changed to a calm one and even slightly scared one.

"What...?" Alpha Zuck asked sounding a little upset by their presence.

"The...The...C...CCT....CCTV camera my lord..." the guard to the left spoke while trying to calm his racing heartbeat.

"What about it?" Alpha Zuck raised his head to look at the guard properly.

"The Kannais... Has returned. She is in her residence as I speak my lord..." The guard managed to speak calmly.

Alpha Zuck sprung up from his seat. "What of Alpha Lucky?" Alpha Zuck asked.

He found out late about the destruction caused in the Alex Bayly residence and he even thought she was dead.

He decided to plant cameras everywhere to be sure or make sure that if Alex Bayly ever returned, he would be able to confirm that she was still alive.

He wasn't able to capture Alpha Lucky because he had escaped before he got wind of the whole thing, but now he had to ensure that he protects Alex Bayly no matter what since she was the key to achieving his goal(s) to beat the werewolf King, control every other Alpha and become the next werewolf king.

The Guard was tongue-tied for a bit and looked at his partner briefly before turning to face the Alpha.

"My lord, are you asking for Alpha Lucky's whereabouts? We have no idea..." The guard responded.

"Get a team and assemble by the garage in the next 5 minutes, we're going to capture the kannais" Alpha Zuck commanded before he turned towards the path of his inner chambers without caring to hear feedback.

"Yes Alpha...* Both guards replied simultaneously.

Following the alpha's instruction, they ran like maniacs, barking out his instructions to everyone and anyone.

Within the next two minutes, the space around the garage was packed full of strong muscular werewolves.

The Alpha came out shortly after to join them. They got in the car and drove off.

Alex Bayly's residence...

Alex came out of the back of the house with Azrael Herrington following in tow. They rushed past the gate and were walking furtively and side by side as the night grew nearer and the day grew darker.

It was hard to see as the clouds produced very little light. There was no moon in sight and only the flashes of occasional headlights could be seen at one point or the other when a car passes by.

Azrael held Alex's hand and they walked side by side in a direction.

Azrael was smiling to himself as he held Alex. 'I can't believe such a beautiful woman would be mine. Aunt Bianca told me about this but who would have thought.. that I would be the soulmate of my teacher...?' Azrael was thoughtful as he walked ahead.

Alex noticed his occasional smile and his thoughtful gaze and raised her finger to poke his cheek. "What's with the smile? Someone is in a good mood" Alex spoke teasingly.

Azrael looked back at her and then ahead before he started speaking, "I know we've been through so much in a matter of days. It has been tasking and very much strenuous. I even lost my memory in the other world but somehow, we are still together."

"This I believe is enough proof that we are soul mates if nothing at all exists to back that claim. I can't believe I would have you as mine, I can't imagine a world without you. I.... I love you, Alex Bayly..." Azrael confessed his love for her and looked away in embarrassment and with a trace of bashfulness.

Alex was completely dumbfounded.

Everything he said echoed her inner thoughts. She could also feel almost everything he was feeling at that moment. Their connection deepened to an even greater portion.

She looked into his eyes and mirrored all his other emotions.

She suddenly pulled him closer and wrapped her hands around his neck.

She kissed him passionately without a care in the world.

Azrael also kissed back and it was a wonderful interchange between the both of them.

It was at this moment that the sound of clapping could be heard from the side.


Both Alex and Azrael separated and they turned to the side, standing there was Damien Norman, and beside him was Alpha Zuck Danesworth.

"Damien...." Alex shouted in shock and surprise.