
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter 38: Defiance!

It was getting dark and school time was over a long while ago. It was seven pm and Azrael was just leaving the hospital.

He talked for a while with Cassandra Dean and they got a bit closer. Azrael had been worried about Alex Bayly while at the hospital that he kept tapping his fingers worriedly.

Cassandra noticed this habit a few times and called his attention to it, but he laughed it off as some playful habit he has.

When Cassandra noticed he kept tapping away, she decided to release him if that would ease his tapping.

Azrael initially did as if he was reluctant to leave the hospital but immediately he got out, he started to rush, searching frantically for a cab.

He dashed into the street, running after every car he sees that looked like a taxi with energetic movements that had traces of aggression.

Eventually, after toiling for 10 minutes, he was able to get a cab that drove him to the right Estate and then to the Alex Bayly residence.

As soon as he got there, he threw a huge sum at the driver without waiting to collect his balance and dashed in through the front gate into the compound without looking back.

He ran the fastest to the front door and opened it forcefully to find Alex Bayly seated by the table reading peacefully, and unknown to Alex Bayly, the ghostly apparition of Bianca Zul was hovering behind her protectively.

The way Azrael entered forcefully got the attention of Alex Bayly and even startled her a bit. She shrieked in fear and got up before slowly sitting back down.

"You scared me Azrael..." Alex spoke with a slightly elevated tone while slowly sitting back down.

"I'm sorry..." Azrael said as he slowed down and nodded toward his aunt's ghostly apparition who also nodded back.

Alex looked thoughtfully before she put a finger to her cheek and tapped lightly, "You probably thought I would be in danger because I told the doctor my home address, but you're wrong.. as you can see, I'm perfectly fine..." Alex said with her head tilted while facing Azrael and her arms spread open momentarily.

"I prefer to be wrong and you safe than anything else..." Azrael said softly while trying to catch his breath.

"I want to go to the protector's house now because I don't know when the transformation would happen, so I don't know if you would want to follow me now or later... I surely would be missing school tomorrow..." Azrael said as an addendum.

Alex looked at him and was wondering why he wanted to go so early.

"I have a class to teach and I can't just decide not to go to school like you do... You can go, I will come over to meet you after school... Just give me your number... and... " Alex spoke after thinking, but before she could finish her sentence, Azrael went to pick her phone up, typed his number on it, and put a call through to his own line.

The call went through and rang and he quickly cut the call and returned the phone.

"I can ask him to send his driver to pick you up so he could take you directly to the place..." Azrael responded.

He turned and wanted to leave when Alex suddenly spoke out...


"Why did you kiss me back at the hospital?" Alex said as she stood up and started walking closer to Azrael.

"I....." Azrael could barely respond when Alex continued.

"I could let it slide outside, but here, I want to hear you speak. Why would you do something like that?.. You are my student, and I am your teacher, regardless of whether we are soul mates or not, I didn't consent to that and I don't..." Before Alex could complete her sentence, Azrael walked closer to her, pulled her into a hug, and kissed her again.

This time, Alex's eyes widened. she was first resisting, but later softened and allowed the kiss to flow. It was passionate and filled with desire and longing, she even deepened it at a point and let it all in.

After a while, they pulled apart to catch their breath.

"You...!" Alex was stunned at how brazen Azrael was.

"You know how deeply I love and care about you, do you really have to make it unnecessarily hard for me? I can't help it that I care that much about you or want to you every second, although I understand that I kissed unexpectedly, I'm not sorry that I did, and neither do I promise to stop..." Azrael spoke resolutely and then practically ran outside.

Alex watched his exiting figure and wasn't sure what emotion she was feeling at the moment.

She was actually pleased with his manly attitude, a bit disturbed that he didn't consider her point, she was also worried about the way her new blossoming relationship will be welcomed by the general public or if there was a way around it.

She smiled as she watched Azrael go. She felt some form of happiness from deep inside. She touched her lips for a few seconds and put away her hand.

She then sat back down and continued to work on her lesson note.

Bianca Zul who was by the side speechlessly witnessed everything. She wanted to make jest of Azrael and crack a joke initially, but as the dynamic of the exchange progressed she saw that it might be a pivotal moment in his relationship.

In order not to spoil proceedings, she decided to keep mute and watch the whole thing play out.

Azrael on the other hand ran as fast as he could away from the compound. It was getting darker and he needed to move fast.

He glanced at the house once more before he took his leave. His heart was beating non-stop as he thought of the stunt he just pulled.

He felt that she could send him packing, but his heart was just too invested to care at the moment.

"Taxi..." He called a cab that was moving closely which stopped on demand and then he entered and described the place he wanted to go.

The cab zoomed off quickly in the given direction...