
Legend of the Kannais.

Alex Bayly is a hopeless romantic who finds herself wandering through a world of heartbreaks and pain. She is a 31 years old teacher who is unable to find love. Her first love, Damien Norman left her completely broken to a point where she had found it difficult to open her heart to anyone ever again. Everyone mocks her single life, but she pretends to everyone that she enjoys it that way, and she had vowed to never again let anyone in. This loveless life continued right until one day when she met Azrael Herrington... A lone (were)wolf... Can she fight her fate or is there something more in store for her?

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter 26: Undercover Doctor 2!!!

As soon as he heard that the doctor who was supposed to attend to them has the likelihood of belonging to one of the alpha groups who might be attempting to kill his soul mate, Azrael became disturbed.

He didn't react immediately but he was on alert.

The doctor, with a look of surprise, placed a hand on the bald center of his head and robbed it while smiling.

"You must be Alex Bayly... interesting... and who is this young man beside you?" He asked glancing at Azrael.

"That's on a need-to-know basis and you don't need to know..." Azrael snapped like he has been triggered.

"Good job" Bianca Zul said from the side with a smile and receded into the background.

Alex glanced at Azrael wondering 'what has gotten into him all of a sudden?'.

"Behave" she whispered before turning to the doctor, but she didn't mention his identity either, instead she corked her head to the side and stared at the doctor intently while asking a question;

"Can we get on with my examination and treatment now..." Alex Bayly said nonchalantly, indicating that the doctor was wasting time.

The doctor was shocked by her reaction but he had to be careful not to expose anything.

He had been informed recently that the name of the Kannais was Alex Bayly through a message sent to the pack by the WUK (Werewolf Undercover Killers) organization.

The doctor by the name Reece Cont never for once thought of the possibility that the Kannais would come into the hospital where he worked, of all the hospitals in Wolvescamp.

The hospital in which he worked was not even the biggest or the best but it was huge in size and it provides above-average services, however, in the most unexpected way, the Kannais has fallen into his hands, and now he has to do the hard work of delivering her to the Alpha and claiming his reward.

He needed to know who was beside her and how to ditch him before he could come up with the plan of what to do next. Azrael was the only factor he never foresaw after he discovered her name as his patient.

He then thought of something else as a lot of thoughts rummaged through his mind. 'What if I find out about where she lives, I can lead werewolves there and claim my reward.'

As he was thinking, Azrael and Alex stood silently and watched the doctor as he looked thoughtfully and smiled to himself, they couldn't even begin to imagine what was going through his mind.

The doctor suddenly jolted from his thoughts, got up, and walked around his desk, toward a makeshift hospital bed opposite where Alex Bayly stood.

"Come and lie here, let me examine your back..." Dr. Reece Cont said with a sinister smile that got Azrael very uncomfortable.

Dr. Reece was looking at Alex as if he wanted to eat her up and coupled with the warning that he received from Bianca Zul, Azrael got very uncomfortable.

He almost wanted to reach out and restrict Alex's movement. Bianca Zul wasn't helping matters either, she was making scary faces and taking scary shapes which were scaring Azrael the more, forcing him to take action.

The others can't see Bianca Zul nor could they hear her, otherwise, they would have been startled by the odd forms she was transforming into.

Alex who wasn't aware of what was going on behind the scenes obediently moved towards the area Dr. Reece has directed her to go to.

She climbed on the makeshift hospital examination bed and the doctor came towards her,

"Which part of your back did you say needed examination?" He asked as he stared at her.

She pulled open her upper Zip and zipped it down towards her lower back, exposing the smooth skin of her back in the process.

She had some injured areas around her upper back which were reddened and swollen. Azrael was seeing her smooth back for the first time, and he couldn't help but look in wonder, she was truly a work of art.

If not for the few injuries here and there, her back would have been flawless. The Doctor pressed down on those injured spots and she in turn winced in pain.

Every touch brought about a painful reaction from her. The doctor stopped the examination and zipped it back up.

"I will prescribe an ointment for you, and some pills that will help to numb the pain, it should heal in about 2 weeks or a month at most." The Doctor said as he went back to his seat.

Azrael went to help Alex get back on her feet.

"There is something I'm curious about though..." The Doctor adjusted his seating position as he moved about on his seat as he spoke. "I want to know where you stay. If I know where you stay, maybe I could know if there are better pharmacies in the area who would have better or higher grade ointments for your back..." The doctor looked concerned.

"Not a chance, creep, she is my girlfriend.. just give us the one you have here, after all, we are paying for it anyway..."Azrael almost shouted out but managed to speak in an accusing tone while standing in front of Alex Bayly protectively.

Alex had her head exploding with different thoughts, 'He called me his girlfriend?!! Is he being serious or is it just for clout to get the Doctor in line, or is there something more? What is with him, why has he been so antagonistic to this doctor, is he truly jealous... could he truly have feelings for me.. ' Alex's thoughts were running wild, she couldn't even respond as she just watched from behind Azrael.

The doctor was speechless for a while "_" he never expected that things would escalate to this extent. 'Why is this kid ruining everything? it would be difficult to ask about where she lives again, this guy is getting in the way, should I report to the pack or wait till I've done better work so I can claim the success for myself? If I report it now, others would ruin my chance... Let me be patient for now...'

The doctor gave Azrael a look as if he wanted to smack him, but he tried to remain calm and restrain himself. The doctor took one of the doctor small notes and wrote the ointment name and dosage on it, with the names of the other pills to be taken and their prescription, he pointed the paper toward Alex

Azrael snatched it from him and read it through before turning to Alex, "Let's go...."

The doctor was starting to get suspicious. "have we met before?" The doctor asked Azrael shocked by his antagonistic behavior.

Azrael ignored him and took the right hand of Alex and walked out of his office with her by his side.

Alex couldn't even respond in time as she was dragged along with Azrael.

After they had exited the office of the doctor, Alex looked back at him. "Why are you acting so strange, what has gotten into you, what's that all about?" She shouted at Azrael.

Azrael looked at her softly, he had never seen her act so angrily toward him. He didn't know if he could tell her the whole truth at that moment, because that was the only way he could vindicate himself.

He went closer to her unsure of what he was doing, he placed a mouth close to her ear and whispered, "I love you, and I get jealous if anyone looks at you that way..."

Then he turned and walked towards the receptionist section to request for the ointments and pills.

Alex Bayly stood rooted to the spot, wondering if she had heard Azrael right...